A Clear-sighted Australian is sharing his perceptions about…M.I.S.A. and the events we are facing

An article by George Preda

A wise saying goes that whenever we face a problem it’s good to imagine it as if from a distance. Particularly when we deal with an existential problem that is quite serious the results can be incredible. The Yoga School M.I.S.A. is currently facing a very difficult situation, which verges on the absurd. As for the yogis’ concern, this political-juridical conspiracy media promoted is engendering a drift of destructive hatred against the yogis, which is hard to understand. Let’s have this approach at a distance in considering our issue. But not any distance: let’s have it through the eyes of a clear-sighted person living to the end of the world, in Australia.

We have previously issued an article about Paul Long, a clear-sighted Australian. He has quite clear subtle perceptions, which have often been confirmed. What is his way? First he’s having a meditation to state a question. He “asks” the question, and then he waits for God’s answer. Sometimes the answer comes right away, or it can come later, at unexpected moments. When he’s dealing with a complicated question it may even take a few days to get a complete answer. He doesn’t want to play the clear-sighted clown; he won’t give answers at order either, but only if “allowed”.

Paul “met” Gregorian Bivolaru by telepathic contact after seeing a poster announcing the yoga classes beginning in Australia with some Romanian teacher. Then he was able to give thorough description of the events Grieg had been through, without having any sources. There were some very specific details about Grieg and our Yoga School, about the situation in Romania, which made us confident in his clear-sightedness abilities.

Paul says that in his subtle contact with Grieg he often has telepathic conversations for hours. That’s how he found out that Grieg had known what was going to happen before March 2004.

We asked Paul to share his vision about the situations that we are facing now and about the spiritual evolution. Here is his answer:

“Grieg has taught you lots of things, he showed you the way and now it’s the period of ripening for you; therefore you must be quite self-confident. He hasn’t left you; he is permanently watching upon you with a lot of love and compassion. All the events that have occurred are tests for you and you have to know how to make decisions and behave properly. Now it’s time for you to evince aspiration and use everything you have learnt at these yoga classes.

The subtle demoniac forces aim to destroy your Yoga School and would jump with joy if they succeed to disunite your spiritual group. Such forces do not exclusively act from outside, through the outer events, but also in each of you through the states you are experiencing. The only way not to let this happen is to be absolutely united, instead of pulling out in different directions. This unity and fraternity must not stand on a herd spirit, but on a conscious support to the group actions.

These events are sort of necessary for you to shatter your base and realize that you have to act according to your divine genuine nature and consciously take the huge responsibility lying on your shoulders. This is to consciously and forcefully contribute to the high planetary purification, which is not at all far-off. You should realize that many of you came in this world having a high level of consciousness acquired in previous lives or in other solar systems that are extremely evolved. And you are here having a special “mission”. You should wake up your consciousness and help the others wake up as well.

I recommend you to pay attention to your feelings towards those who want to destroy you. If you hate them you nourish their evil energies. If you act like Jesus, saying “Let Thy will be done, Father” and if you have patience and compassion instead of indignation you will manage all these difficulties.

You are here to bring out the light and not to carry wars; this is why the spiritual practice and aspiration of each of you are essential. Give yourself to God and grant God the first place in your life!

The subtle attacks against you are very strong and only the pure ones will get through without suffering. What is this purity about in my eyes? Be sincere to yourself so that you can assign the real level of your consciousness and not an imaginary one. This can only occur if each of you estimates his wants and longings and admits his real grounds. The great risk is that people might take their own will for God’s will and that’s how they polish their selfish needs. How can we make the difference here? Well, according to the consequences of their needs. There are lots of people hiding behind beautiful, spiritual words to justify their flaws. You must become aware of these or this will trigger a lot of pain for many of you.

For instance, there are but few people able to sense the state of detached love and that’s why many of them are facing real emotional dramas. Many of those who claim detached love get involved in relationships that actually lack love and they fall a prey to their lower lusts. Due to the high energy clogged at the lower levels of the being, their imagination is very much stimulated and they think they are in love whereas they are but pleasing their own lust. The real love has nothing to do with suffering, but few of you have learnt this.

Be attentive and permanently aware of your actions and their results. And if there is any suffering, try to examine it at once in order to realize when you got trapped by your own ego, which is rather lousy and wraps the evil in gold. The next step here is for each of you to admit that he/she has some problems and that error is human… Then, take notice when and why you make these errors. Love yourself even if you fail, for God loves you, too. But remember: once you realize you have made a mistake you must correct it, otherwise it becomes a vice.

After all these you’ll be ready to fully understand that we have a human, confined nature and an infinite, divine one. We cannot pretend that our confined nature is infinite or the other way round. That’s why we have to know what we are confined in and what we are infinite in, not to cause any confusion: for it’s only the Supreme Self (Atman) that can afford no limits.

And the zenith in any spiritual path is the revealing of the divine nature of the human being, the revealing of the Supreme divine Self.  The real humbleness in front of God is not being helpless and insignificant, but rather knowing that we are unlimited and then accepting and expressing this. But this requires a huge sense of responsibility.” 

Read here Monica C’s letter about how she met Paul Long and about the amazing accuracy of his perceptions concerning Gregorian Bivolaru…

Also available in: Română

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