Explanatory presentation of the term HOPE

yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

The word hope comes from the Latin term SPERARE, correlated with the verb „spirare”, to blow, to breathe and to aspirate. Analogically speaking, hope is the breath of the soul. Not accidentally, the Latins had the dictum: „Dum spiro, spero” (When I breathe, I hope) Generally speaking the hope is characterized by a strong feeling of trust in the good and in the success the future will provide. When our hopes focus on something positive that is clearly determinate, the hope that is manifesting as a global state which exists in the universe of the human being is a strong, vivid and general feeling. By metonymy this is the thing or thehuman being that it’s the certain object of this feeling.

Here are some examples: “Yoga is my hope”, “ My hope is the firm engagement full of aspiration on the spiritual path”. “My lover is my hope”, “The supreme state of liberation is my hope”, “ My hope is the attaining of the state of Shakti”, “My hope is the attaining of the state of Vira”. Hope is one of the three virtues which are often mentioned in the Christian theology. In Christianity hope is an important virtue by which the Christian expects, with an indestructible and without reservation trust, to receive from God His Grace in this world and the eternal Glory into the other world. Two sins that the human being should beware of are opposing to hope. These sins are: conceit (pomposity) which, among other, deviate our eyesand, in other words, our attention over ourselves in an exclusive and selfish way and despair that is characterized by a complete absence of hope. Hope implies the existence and the maintenance of an anticipative global beneficial state simultaneously with the ceaseless action to await for a certain well with an indestructible trust, all these giving birth to the specific feeling that accompany it. Objective hopes or, in other words, rightful hopes imply a global anticipative determination which encourages the fulfillment of our beneficial hopes at a certain moment. It is important to keep in mind that all the beneficial hopes that we nurture imply the manifestation of a constant state of humiliation.

Each hope that we have assumes that every time the human being hopes, being full of trust and humiliation, he/ she is also presuming that in the end God is always That one who will dispose. The manifestation of a constant and strong feeling of hope always implies patience during our expectancy. Hope is a natural state for the harmonious and balanced human being. It is a psychological necessity that is requisite to life and to inner balance. The beneficial, sublime, divine, idealistic hopes are a sign of man’s desire to become a fulfilled divine person. Not having any hope is never equal to a sort of anticipative death which arises into the human beings that let themselves loaded with despair. Through the mysterious occult resonance that the strong and constant hopes unleash into our inner universe they are consolatory and annihilate quickly all our fears, all these being independent of the reality of the object hoped for. The absence of beneficial and perfectly rightful hopes is a characteristic for the cynical, very skeptical, demoniac, satanic, atheist, materialistic human being who isolated himself/herself from God and who alienated from Him through his/her predominant inner states. Each hope that a human being manifests and also nurtures in a constant and persevering way generates into his/her inner universe occult processes of resonance which are constant and cumulative. It is not the same thing to grimly hope that money is everything or that in this world only the social position and the fortune matter and to hope with a firm, constant and indestructible faith that in God all our hopes should be or that the fundamental hope of our current existence is the persevering engagement full of aspiration on the spiritual path that we follow to attain without delay the state of bliss and spiritual liberation. After these revelations we should realize that when we lack discrimination, wisdom and the intuition of the spiritual values it is possible to feed hopes that generate evil states into our inner universe which make us deviate from the right way that leads us to the most elevated spiritual ideals that allows us to discover God , the Father.

Generally speaking hopes are of two types:
1. Divine, universal, beneficial, true hopes that never delude or disappoint us. This kind of hopes can be nurtured by us constantly and fearless because they contribute to the full to our spiritual inner transformation and get to the acceleration of our inner evolution.

We offer in the following some examples of such divine and universal hopes that it is always good to nurture.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that God the Father helps us each time proportional to our aspiration when we beg for His help and inspiration, being full of love and humiliation.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that we will benefit from the help that divine grace is offering us each time we deserve that.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope in the case of a man that the awakening and the activation of the state of Vira will generate ample, profound and irreversible spiritual transformations into his inner universe.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope in the case of a woman that the awakening and the activation of the state of Shakti will generate ample, profound and irreversible spiritual transformations into her inner universe.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the awakening of the glorious androgynous state will trigger in the inner MICROCOSM of the human being in question both the awaken of certain beneficial, paranormal, dormant forces (SIDDHIS) and also an entire chain of fundamental inner transformations. The firm, constant and indestructible hope of the benefits that will be triggered into our inner universe by the awakening and activation of some fundamental virtues such as compassion, faith in God, justice, the invincible power of the energy of good, temperance, wisdom, love, altruism.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the plenary revelation of the Eternal Supreme Self (ATMAN) will enable us to discover God the Father into the essence of our inner universe.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the cognition of the Ultimate Divine Truth will always and without exception set us free and will indulge us to transcend all the illusions and limitations.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the assiduous, constant and persevering
practices of the sexual fusion which rely on reciprocal love, sexual continence and transfiguration and the previous consecration of the fruits either to God the Father or to one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers, or to SHIVA is an important proceeding to transform our being profoundly and permanently and to evolve spiritually.
* The firm, constant and indestructible faith in the occult efficiency of every tapas that it is realized as it should be on the background of a frantic state of aspiration either to God the Father or to the Great Cosmic Power for who it was consecrated, or to SHIVA, being ended as it was preset (at the beginning of the consequent achievement of that tapas).
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope in the profound spiritual transformations that are unleashed into the inner universe of the two lovers through sexual fusions that imply the correct and successful achievement of the MAITHUNA ritual.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the successful getting through certain initiating temptations and tests will shortly get to some spiritual steps that are obvious both for that person and also for the competent and amiable human beings that are capable to notice the obvious spiritual transformations that join these plunges.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the massive accumulations of beneficial
energy in the inner universe of the YOGI unleash, at the right moment, extraordinary spiritual plunges which transform both the point of view over the surrounding reality and over the inner reality in a profound and definitively way.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that the Divine Good triumphs always and without exception.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that sooner or later the truth will come out and will triumph.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that there where it is love is also God and where God is manifesting there is also present and pregnantly perceived a great love.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that there is not spirituality ever and without
exception superior to the truth.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope in the spiritual efficiency of every millennial yogi method and technique.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope in the efficiency conferred by every authentic spiritual initiation to those who constantly practice the initiating teachings they could attend during an initiation.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that a just and profound knowledge of the divine occult energies of the manifestation helps us sense the mysteries of God’s creation and also reveals us His constant and mysterious presence in the whole manifestation.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that every synchronicity that appears both in our existence and in the existence of the human beings who we care about brings mysterious divine messages whose significance we should understand adequately.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that every good deed that we do is then rewarded properly at the right time.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that we will benefit without exception from the help, the whole inspiration and sustaining that we deserve correlated to our entire inner spiritual transformation.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that every action profoundly beneficial that we realize will generate into our inner universe certain effects which appear correlated to all these durable spiritual transformation.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that a profound and solid knowledge of the law of occult resonance is an universal key to the cognition of the mysteries of the divine manifestation which altogether reveals God the Father to us.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that when we, full of love and humiliation, do a first step towards God, God does afterwards ten steps towards us.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that due to the entire and harmonious awakening of every of the seven subtle force centers that exists into our inner universe we will discover the mysteries of the seven stages of consciousness.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that certain spiritual plunges will appear, correlated to our profound and durable transformations which we generate in our inner universe.
* The firm, constant and indestructible hope that every spiritual effort that we do, no matter how mere it is, unleashes afterwards certain corresponding effects in the MICROCOSM of our being, whose lasting is correlated to that effort we previously did.

2. Stupid, deceitful, unreal, chimerical hopes that sooner or later will determine into our  inner universe states of despair, regret, suffering, regression, descent, break, chaos, anarchy, disease.
About the so-called hopes the sages say that they are deceitful hopes. These sort of deceitful hopes are hopes that the ignorant people have about everything that is ephemeral, evanescent or that is without divine value.

We offer in the following some examples of deceptive hopes:
* The stupid and deceitful hope that money brings happiness;
* The cretin and grim hope that God does not exists;
* The stupid hope that the evil will defeat eventually;
* The cretin hope that you are allowed everything without exception due to the delusive belief that God does not exist;
* The deceitful hope that you can do any kind of action that implies black magic without ever suffering the consequences of your ineluctable evil deeds;
* The instinctive and stupid hope that you are free to do everything you want due to the fact that God does not exists;
* The insane and foolish hope that you can be in the same time and alternatively in communion both with satana or lucifer and with God, the Father, making use of one or the other as you please;
* The stupid and foolish hope of some black magicians that they can command either to demons or to devils, obliging them to do what you want them to do without malefic poisonous consequence of this actions into your inner universe;
* The cretin hope that there is no life after death, everything finding its end in the moment of the so called death of the physical body;
* The deceitful hope that the ephemeral power that is conferred by success in social life is everything.
* The stupid and deceptive hope that gossip and defamation which many people indulge in will not have any poisonous occult consequence in their inner universe.
* The cretin and crazy hope of those spiritually blind that you can break freely the vows and the oaths that you made before God, the Father, without suffering consequences or divine punishment afterwards;
* The stupid hope that God forgives everything and that’s why you can do as many mistakes as you please without any consequence in your inner universe;
* The crazy hope of those who begin to go down that a huge spiritual ego will not have any influence upon their subsequent spiritual evolution.
* The insane hope of the human beings that live a larval life that their own existence has
no meaning and that life on this planet is the fruit of chance.
* The stupid hope that you can reach the most sublime levels of the spiritual evolution without having to transcend your ego.
* The crazy hope of those blind and lost spiritually who consider that you are permanently free to do whatever you want because this would be “the supreme spiritual liberation”.
* The stupid hope that the growth of the spiritual ego will have no effect upon the ulterior spiritual evolution of that human being. The dull hope that there is no difference between the yoga of demoniac states and the yoga of divine states.
* The cretin hope that the major spiritual tests that we failed will not determine a certain
spiritual regression that is the implacable consequence of the spiritual tests that we failed.
* The stupid hope that you can use easily the paranormal powers (SIDDHIS) that you have to obtain money or material benefits excessively without this paranormal powers (SIDDHIS) ever disappear.
* The stupid hope that you can practice yoga “successfully” without being necessary to obey the fundamental YOGI teachings of this system which are YAMA and NIYAMA.
* The foolish and deceitful hope that there is a very high level of spiritual realization which allows you to do either a lot of good or a lot of evil as you wish because you are no more conditioned by the law of KARMA. The deceitful hope that you can be and remain vain, illiberal, selfish, being all the same an advanced YOGI who reached high spiritual levels.
* The stupid hope that you can do many compromises on the spiritual path without any consequence over your ulterior spiritual evolution.
* The foolish hope that the absence of humiliation is of no importance in the case of the so-called YOGIS who consider themselves to be advanced.
* The crazy hope that the obvious absence of any progress in sexual continence (especially in the case of men) is not an impediment for the profound and accelerated transformation of that human being.
* The cretin hope that it is possible to practice the most efficient forms of YOGI meditation (DHYANA) without being necessary to train yourself mentally to reach a certain level of mental concentration (DHARANA).
* The deceitful hope that you can practice YOGA successfully and reach high spiritual levels without doing any progress in the control of the focus of attention.
* The stupid hope that none of the compromises we will do when we are on the spiritual
path will not affect the inner transformation and the spiritual growth subsequently.
* The foolish hope that we do not commit any sin when we remain in a relationship predominantly sexual, practising sexual continence with a human being of the opposite sex who already stopped loving us.
* The stupid hope that we do not sin and we do not practice prostitution when we engage
in a predominantly sexual relationship based on sexual continence with a human being of the opposite sex whom we do not love but who loves us.
* The foolish hope that we do not sin when we engage in a so-called relationship with a person of the opposite sex whose gestures, deeds and states prove indubitably that he/she does not love us.
* The cretin hope that our engagement into an amorous relationship with a human being of the opposite sex who loves us and whom we love but who does not want to start practicing amorous fusions with continence is perfectly equivalent to an amorous relationship based on reciprocal love with consecration and transfiguration in which the two lovers practice constantly and perseveringly the sexual continence.
* The stupid hope that we can engage in a sexual relationship based on sexual continence even when we see that the other one does not love us or we let ourselves foolish by the deceitful promises of that human being that it is good to start a relationship which is only sexual for the moment and wait till love will awaken into the other.
* The stupid hope that the other one loves us letting ourselves foolish by the deceitful declarations of the other which are flagrantly contradicted by the deeds or the gestures that he/she does constantly in the so-called love relationship.
* The stupid hope that where it is a big and strong ego or a huge vanity there is also a great love.
* The foolish hope that running away from the love we feel growing and amplifying inside of us or we stubbornly repress, we will get rid of the divine experience of a state of love which is mend to awaken in our being.
* The stupid hope that we do not mistake or sin when we engage with a human being out
of curiosity without feeling love but who loves us.
* The foolish hope that we can engage in simple sexual relationships based on sexual continence with a human being that loves us, hoping that the state of love, that for the moment does not exist, will awaken inside of us too.
* The stupid hope that we can benefit from the intense, profound and measureless love of the other one, even when our love is mere, hoping that such an engagement will allow us to take advantage of the endless love or the adoration that the other one is constantly
* The stupid hope that our great ego will not influence negatively the intensity, profundity and quality of a relationship in which the other one loves endlessly.
* The foolish hope that we can engage easily in a relationship either with a human being that does not merit us or with a human being who does not deserve us because of his/her obvious regress. In this direction we should notice the hidden meaning of Jesus’ words: ”LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF”. The word “NEIGHBOUR” hides here a significance which has to be discovered. The word “NEIGHBOUR” reveals a mysterious significance which tries to make us understand that in real the two lovers has to deserve each other. In other words a human being that has certain qualities will feel love and amorous attraction spontaneously for another human being of the opposite sex who also has some extraordinary qualities and abilities. In case of such a relationship the two lovers will deserve each other and they will recognize anticipatively each other sensing that each has something to offer to the other one. Such an amorous relationship based on reciprocal love, on transfiguration and on the discovery of the awaken or latent qualities which exists in each of them will contribute to an extraordinary amorous relationship full of sublime, profound and enriching experiences. Such an amorous relationship in which each of the two lovers is the other’s neighbour from many points of view will make their amorous experience prolific and extraordinary for each of them. In the light of these revelations it is important to be very selective in every relationship we engage or which we accept even if we feel love. Thus, if we are a human being who has the value of 1000 we have to be very selective and when we engage in an amorous relationship we have to be attentive as the value or the merits that exists in the other person to be as close as possible to ours, or equivalent to the merits that exists into our inner universe. Knowing this, it is important for us to engage without exception in amorous relationships with human beings of the opposite sex who deserve us from all points of view. This implies that we should engage in amorous relationships with human beings of the opposite sex who are as close as possible of our level of inner transformation. For example, in case we have the occult value of 1000 and engage in an amorous relationship with human beings of the opposite sex who has the value 100, the occult process of multiplication which is implicit between the two lovers would be: 1000 x 100 = 100 000. Accordingly, 100 000 will be the value of the global occult resultant of this couple. In other words this will be their occult value which will manifest with little variations every time they make love. Let’s see now what happens if the same human being will engage in an amorous relationship with a human being of the opposite sex who has the value 970. In this case, the occult process of multiplication which will appear among them will be : 1000 x 970 = 970 000. Accordingly, 970 000 will be the the value of the global occult resultant of this couple. Now I ask you to think about the great difference which will appear in the first case when the final resultant will be 100 000 and in the second case in which the final resultant will be 970 000. This huge difference allows us to understand intuitively why the two lovers have to deserve one another. Knowing these aspects and comparing what is going on with the first couple and with the second one we can understand that the occult value 970 000 exemplifies what Jesus said with the words: “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS YOU LOVE THYSELF”. In the case of the second example it is obvious that the two lovers are valuably much more close to one another and that’s why the occult process of multiplication which will appear between the two when they will make love with continence and transfiguration will be very high due to the fact that they are very close or very near as occult value of one another. Therewith this aspect allows us to understand from the occult point of view why the two lovers have to deserve one another.

In the Old Testimony, the basis of people’s hope in GOD was the oath of our Heavenly Father and His promises: “ASK FULL OF HUMBLENESS AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN, KNOCK FULL OF HUMBLENESS AND THE DOOR WILL B OPENED FOR YOU, SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND.” The divine, universal hope refers especially to the spiritual, invisible and future treasures (let’s not forget that all that can be seen cannot be hoped for anymore).

The hopes of the believers are never based only on their purity, but especially on their strong belief in GOD. Unlike the cynical or skeptical people or those “WHO DO NOT HAVE ANY HOPE”, the believers are characterized by a vivid hope, through which  many of them can be born again. Those who have a strong belief and who are full of hope wait in an active way the fulfilment of the entire plan of GOD the FATHER. When HE will be totally in all of them, when they will attain the state of deification.

The believers hope that they become the participants of the divine powers of the future world.
That is why they do not aspire only to some perishable joys.

Their divine hopes, which are universal, stimulate them to attain the state of godlikeness, to become holy and that is why they seek to purify their life and to pass all the temptations and spiritual tests that occur to them. The discovery of GOD in ourselves is the hope of the divine glory at which we aspire. Divine, universal hopes are an important psychological necessity for the attempts of the human beings to predict the future. Even when there are no rational reasons to hope, man has to continue to hope firmly and strongly, nourishing divine, universal hopes. Such divine, universal hopes are very natural even when they do not seem to be justified. Especially the skeptical and the materialists consider that hopes are ephemeral and illusory. It is amazing how often is hope qualified by poets and by some writers by certain epithets like “VAGUE”, “TREMBLING”, “DESPERATE”, “PHANTOMATIC”, “WEAK”. Sometimes, the term hope is used in a conventional way. In the Bible it says that the ploughman must plough with hope, as hope in a rich crop is what makes the work more pleasant. Most of the divine, universal hopes the Bible refers to are something very different as compared to the deceiving, ephemeral hopes of the majority of human beings.

When compared to the divine, universal hopes, the deceiving, ephemeral hopes cannot be
considered hopes. Certain skeptical thinkers from antiquity did not consider divine and universal hopes as the expression of some virtues, regarding them as some temporary illusions. The apostle Pavel made a precise description of the pagans when he said that they do not have any hopes.

The main reason for this belief was that, in his opinion, the pagans were “WITHOUT GOD”. Where there is a strong and firm belief in a GOD who acts and intervenes sometimes miraculously in the humans’ life (such an example being the synchronicities and miracles that appear in our existence) and in whom one can trust that He will fulfil his promises, the universal, divine hope becomes possible and even necessary. Such a divine, universal hope is never a temperamental issue, and it never depends on what a man possesses, on what he would be able to do for himself, nor on what any other human being would be able to do for him.

For example, in the situation of Avram, there was nothing that would justify his Divine hope that Sara will give birth to a son, but, despite all these, as he believed very strongly and firmly in GOD, this miracle became possible because he hoped and because he was able to believe “HOPING WERY STRONGLY, BEYOND ANY HOPE”. Divine, universal hope is thus inseparable from a strong and firm belief in GOD. As a consequence of all that GOD did for people in the past and of all that GOD continues to do, those who strongly believe in Him hope and dare to expect a lot of future blessings which are invisible in the present.

For all those who believe very firmly in GOD and who love Him, all that is good and can be given by GOD the FATHER will come true.
Their Divine, strong and constant hope exists while they meditate at GOD’s activities. Our own final salvation, with the help of GOD, permanently relies on such a divine hope. The strong divine hope is never a kite raised towards the sky and which is at the discretion of the fickle winds, as it is and remains “ A FIRM AND STRONG ANCHOR OF THE BELIEVER’S SOUL”, which goes deep into the eternal and invisible world.
Due to its strong and firm belief, man attains an assurance and a great sureness that the beneficent things he hopes for will finally come true.

In the divine, full of wisdom teachings of Jesus there are no clean-cut and explicit references to the divine hope. Still, He teaches his apprentices to never have fears about the future, as when people love GOD and ask for His help, the respective future moulds in close connection with their hopes, as they are in the hands of a good and loving father. Jesus also advices his apprentices to hope very strongly and to wait to receive a renewed spiritual power form GOD, that will give them the possibility to perform a lot of miracles, even greater than those He performed.

Many miracles GOD performed revealed His power in the history, in an unprecedented way.

When we ask and when we fully feel in ourselves GOD’s inspiration and support for each and everyone of us, all panic and despondency disappears. Christian belief is, essentially, the firm and strong belief in GOD. This almighty GOD directs His belief, love and hope towards many people is sometimes called the “GOD OF HOPE”, who can fill all those who believe in Him and who love Him, with joy and profound peace. For the human being who strongly believes in Him, GOD is his Hope, for now as well as for eternity.
The existence of this strong, divine hope makes impossible the satisfaction of the human beings only with perishable joys. This divine hope also acts as a stimulant in what concerns the purification of life. It is worth noticing how often is the strong divine hope in the New Testimony associated with “PATIENCE” or with “CONSTANCE”. This virtue (of hope) is very much different from the endurance of the stoics, as it is surely related to a divine hope that was unknown to the stoics. In the light of these revelations, it is not surprising at all the fact that strong divine hope was mentioned so often as an important phenomenon attached to the strong belief in GOD. The heroes of the belief in GOD are also some sui-generis guiding beacons for the strong and divine hope. The fact that there is a frequent association of strong hope with love and with the strong and firm belief is also remarkable. This tripled combination between belief, strong divine hope and love is not accidental at all. Through its mysterious connection with endless love strong divine hope is thus liberated of any egotism. The human being does not hope to receive blessings only for itself because at the same time it aspires to share these blessing with the others. When he loves endlessly his fellows, man hopes very strongly that they will also be the beneficiaries of all wonderful gifts he knows GOD is always willing to offer. Strong and firm belief, constant hope and endless love are thus inseparable. These three are the treasures that last and when they act together, they sum up in a totally different way the lifestyle of human beings.

In the biblical vision, strong hope is one of the three main and inseparable virtues of the human being. As we have already shown, strong hope is one of the three treasures that last. Some of us might ask themselves: Is hope going to last even in our eternal life? The answer to this question is: Yes, undoubtedly. We can be sure that hope will last forever, on condition we regard eternity wisely, not as something static, transfixed and unchangeable, but as an eternal blissful becoming and as a continuous adaptation to the gifts GOD prepared for those who love Him.

Consequently, we may say that divine hope is the conspicuous, beneficent state we manifest when we intend and wish for something beneficent and which is possible or which is about to come true. Any divine hope implies that we wait in an active way, ceaselessly nourishing a certain intention or aspiration and we have to trust that exactly what we hope for will come true. In other words, a strong hope corresponds to a clear and firm intention we manifest even secretly.

Any strong divine hope is based on the fact of strongly believing that a certain thing, which is beneficent and profitable for us, will become true. Believing, strongly and constantly believing in the advantages of a strong divine hope, is something very important in a world which, for the time being, is still unconscious and in which we are not prepared to manifest a total trust in all that the Macrocosm behind whom there is GOD the FATHER can offer us. Divine hope attracts in our inner universe a mysterious divine light. Hoping very strongly and divinely can help very much certain human beings to accept and continue to live, to perform certain actions and support them until these people become conscious of their own divine nature, of their immense power to create by the help of their energy.

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may 2008


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