The states of romantic trance enable us to experience unusual, intense and extraordinary states

Yogis initiated at Herculane share their experiences (2)

by Monica Dascălu

The most valuable gift granted by the secret initiation in the induction of the beneficial states of trance for the yogis is the possibility of deliberate self-induction of superior, extraordinary states of consciousness. This enables us to discover in full delight both the miraculous richness of the soul and the beneficial infinite potentialities of our being. In this wide and mysterious universe where we deepen in ecstasy we rediscover the spell of love and the overwhelming beauty of romanticism. Besides, we may explore quite easily different hues, sides and aspects of love and lovemaking. Then we may have the intuition of the fact that the romanticism is going to become very “trendy” in the future and we will relish it without restraint.

The intoxicating charm of love

When we are in the state of romantic state, all our emotions, sensations, perceptions are much more intense and touching. Love will impress us much more thanks to our refined superior receptivity which is highly enhanced in the beneficial states of trance. Our open-heartedness makes us more responsive to the divine love and this will help us surrender without limitations to its embrace. Then the undivided connection between love and romanticism, between the state of infatuation and the elevated states of consciousness turns natural and goes without saying.

“Right after the initiation in the induction of the state of romantic trance I went uphill on the plateau for the yang spiral scheduled in the camp program at Herculane. Everything around me appeared now quite enlivened, new and magic. The most fascinating thing was, however, the way I could feel myself. I felt like a new born, all conditionings, prejudices, fears, had simply vanished away. I was feeling released. I was discovering a new endless space inside where I was expanding ceaselessly. I was focused in my heart and my heart was alive. Everything was simplified, going in a natural harmonious way. I was surprised at the purity I could discover inside and the happiness that was drifting me slightly above the earth.  
That was such a full day! But the moments that stay most alive in my mind is the meditation after the spiral. The meditation topic was “The superior state of ecstatic trance that reveals the existence of the Divine Void of Blissfulness”. I was together with the one who was going to become my lover; he had been next to me in the spiral. I had a quite intense state of aspiration towards God, which I could feel was triggered by our encounter. I had the meditation in his arms. I felt embraced by the blissful void. I emerged completely in that state that revealed another dimension of existence. Then it started to rain. It rained like crazy, as if the heavens had broken. It was raining and each raindrop touching my body got me aware that I was living and I was not living in this world at the same time. In a few minutes I was soaked but this didn’t disturb not even for a second the profound state of meditation I was emerged in. That intense and great moment is something that I could hardly put into words. God was mysteriously revealing to me then and this great mystery of His presence can only be lived.”

Thanks to the beneficial state of trance we can live like gods

Naturally, the continence lovemaking with transfiguration acquires new exceptional features when both lovers are in romantic trance. We may say that sexual continence becomes three times more efficient, which means that both the states we experience and the transmutation and sublimation phenomena are three times more intense. Also, the effects that result from continence lovemaking are three times stronger. To make sure of these you must have courage and experience for yourselves. Here are the statements of people who had the courage to do it.

“The state of beneficial trance enabled the access to some extraordinary and unusual emotions which I had never imagined. It is enough for me to focus in a certain direction or on a certain aspect and I can already get access to some realms, emotions and even beings proper to those resonances. For instance, as I was making love to my lover in a pose that activates MANIPURA CHAKRA I started to see similar Tibetan representations. I saw myself surrounded by purple flames and I could literally feel that this caused some sublimation and alchemy processes, highly refined and intense, which not only implied sexual energies but also the psychic substratum. That was not only a vision in itself, but an effective, touchable emotion, where I could feel the blaze of fire by all senses, even with my ears. I was so deeply identified to some archetypal, female personifications that I was feeling like another being, exceptional, I even had another countenance and a different way to live lovemaking. I felt that I had almost completely translated in an astral paradise, proper to the Tibetan resonances. Long after, there prevailed a certain mystical resonance, particularly Tibetan, together with a state of nostalgia, of longing.”   (C. D.)

Even when only one of the two lovers is in a state of romantic trance, the differences are obvious to both of them. “I was making love to my girl-friend as she was in a state of romantic trance, I noticed she had a completely different way to manifest and her states were completely different then the way she had been making love before. She was so fascinating then, so spontaneous, loving, and mysterious that I was completely fascinated and I felt that I was falling again in love for her, with that intensity of feeling that existed in the beginning of our relationship.”(I. U.)

The state of trance helps overcoming the blocks

For people who still face issues and blocks, the secret technique of gradual induction of the beneficial states of trance will prove to be a miraculous and valuable tool in this respect. All conditionings, limitations, frustrations, stresses, are so attenuated during the beneficial states of trance that it is very easy to go beyond and experience a natural, free and uninhibited condition. Moreover, during the states of trance we can induce ourselves new beneficial habits and the positive effects can be very easily preserved when we come out of the state of trance. It all depends on our options and intentions.

“The state of beneficial romantic trance helped me to remove in a miraculous way a series of inhibitions and hindrances in affective and erotic levels. I discovered unimagined resources and resorts inside, which make me manifest in a spontaneous, consonant way, as I always wanted to be. The most important thing was that I felt the enthusiasm and disponibility to plenary manifest without limitations my love and sexual attraction.” (E. D.)

“Since the preparing stages of the secret initiating technique in the induction of the states of beneficial trance, I experienced a profound state which granted a conspicuous state of harmony that delighted and fascinated me. Against the background of this state of harmony I had the feeling that I discovered all the fantastic potentialities of my body in a new, amazing way. For instance, the fact that my body enabled in a certain way my access to states of ecstasy through lovemaking appeared as a wonderful, mysterious and amazing thing to me. The certitude of this possibility and the wonderful promise of such ecstasy made me remain all along the state of trance in a delicious state with a deeply erotic feature. Thanks to its conspicuous affective aspect, this state was extremely elevated and delicious. The amazing thing to me was the intuition of the fact that this extraordinary state was mainly possible through removal of some tensions and inner blocks which partially occurred through profound relaxation but also through resonance to certain energies proper to the astral realms.” (A. R.)

“It was highly significant for me that after performing this extraordinary technique, I started to admit openly to myself that I am in great need of love. This may seem ordinary to some people, but to me this was quite an important opening. Not only am I in need of love but I also want to be loved and appreciated, things that I couldn’t even think of, before.” (S. P.)

The fascination of romantic love in another dimension

In love, nobody can ever have enough. Lovers never get bored with the one they love, with love or with their love emotions. But even when we are deeply in love, it is worth to dare for new feelings, sensations and perspectives. In this respect the state of romantic trance will bring richer love relationships, even if they are already happy and satisfying. For those who meet problems or are going through a time of dullness in their love relationships, the states of romantic trance can restore the charm and the fascination of love and can help the two lovers rediscover each other in a new and magic light.  

„With the first exemplification of the state of romantic trance, at Herculane, I experienced such unusual feelings that I certainly know they are inspired by some beings that literally lived in romantic times and it cannot be all my imagination. It was quite unusual that these astral projections I had made me perceive the lifestyle of men that had lived exemplary romantic lives (who lived in those romantic times).
That was quite surprising and delicious to me, as a woman. I was strolling in the open air, contemplating nature in a detached approach and I wasn’t focused on it, but rather on my general state as I started to feel fascinated with the state of feminity and with women generally. I was literally hoping with a lover’s effervescence that somewhere in nature, among trees, in some drops, there laid the beloved woman, that I frantically aspire to contemplate and adore.
That identification to a certain male person living in romantic times was enhanced and became obvious. I was experiencing then a state of fascination and adoration for women and for the ecstatic potential of a relationship of romantic love, even platonic. Wherever I looked around, I had the feeling that there is such a sensual and loving woman who by her simple existence grants the infinite ecstasy to me. Moreover, I realized that my lover was quite romantic, indeed and those feeling must have been inspired by his way of feeling, which I couldn’t really appreciate before as I couldn’t even imagine at all.”(A. N.)

Released from the ordinary daily life

 In our daily life, the beneficial states of trance may represent a buoy-life that helps us evade common, daily trifles, the pettiness and the small concerns or even the “important issues” we face. Do not hesitate to call for the states of beneficial trance as for a door out and a way to release from the daily dullness and the manipulating duties that invade your life.  

“When I came back from Herculane I was immediately tied up with everyday issues. The idea to practice the special method of induction of the beneficial states of trance came hard to me as I thought that I was so busy and that would upset my entire schedule and I might not catch up with it after that. I put myself together to perform this technique as I became very tired and weary and I felt like evading the ordinary concerns and frames of mind. I was highly impressed at the state of liberty that this state of trance granted. The sudden modification of perspective as I lifted above the daily problems helped me realise that I have much a wider range of options than I had thought. Naturally I realised that both the couple relationship and the spiritual practice are much more important than the other activities and that ordinarily I was living some daily hallucination. The fact that I know now that I dispose of a simple method and every moment I am just two hours away (as it takes for the preliminaries) from the state of freedom and happiness that the beneficial state of trance can grant, this makes much more confident and detached.” (R. B.)

Transfiguration of the beloved one

In the magic light of the astral resonances stirred by the states of trance, the beloved ones appear completely transfigured. The magic of transfiguration will fully operate on our lives and relationships and will enrich them with new, wonderful shades.

”I was making love with my girl-friend, as we both were in a state of romantic trance, I noticed a great richness of lovemaking, but the most of it was the state of mutual transfiguration. My girl-friend is very beautiful, sensual, feminine and delicate but then she seemed thousand times more beautiful and sensual. I could feel that by her agency I could reach all heavens. Then, I could also feel a transfigurating attitude from her also, which made me feel like a god, extremely powerful, able to offer her the entire sexual ecstasy that she fully deserves, for sure. I could feel positively that this wonderful transfiguration for each other was due to the elevated resonances induced by the state of romantic trance. The contribution of the state of trance is unutterable, but all I can say is that all extraordinary tantric achievements (the glorious androgynous state, the experience of the multiple orgasm states, etc.) seemed easily possible then, thanks to the frantic love and to perfect sexual continence.”(D. T.)
“I was contemplating the face of my lover that I know so well as since always and that is so dear to me… then I felt an urge to touch his soul, to move him by a simple glance, which seemed to become all of a sudden the most stirring and erotic way of manifestation. Beyond the familiar features, I could perceive an amazing richness of new, unknown things. There was an extraordinary force, but also a lot of inner warmth. I felt that I learn again to look at him, as I considered him from that state of romantic trance I also learned again how to appreciate him and love him. Each detail on his face appeared full of meaning as an expression of a wonderful feature of his personality or of certain events that marked him and transformed him into the wonderful man he is now. I realized that this way of considering him in beauty and romanticism transformed my soul as much as it means some vital nourishment for his soul.” (M. M.)
(to be continued)

september 2008

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