This asana is particularly useful for improving the subtle fire and global vitality. It is a posture rarely encountered, even in the schools of yoga in the Orient. In general, yogis keep it a secret due to a special subtle activation that appears by practicing it. 
The technique of execution

Execution on the left side

The starting position is standing with your back straight and arms relaxed alongside the body.
Bend gradually the right leg and with the help of your hands, place the exterior part of the ankle, heel and foot of the right leg on your left thigh,    on its upper side. Push the bent knee as much downwards and towards the back so that the exterior side of the right foot to be placed as high on the left thigh. As far as possible, the sole of the right foot must be on the same line to the right hip.
Keep the right foot in this position. With the right arm and hand, reach around behind your back and grasp the big toe of the right foot. You can help yourself by pushing the sole of the right leg with your left hand, upwards, until you manage to grasp the big toe with the right hand.
Inhale and at the same time straighten the spine, raising the left arm  until it is stretched next to the left ear. Then exhale while bending forward. Place the left palm on the ground, next to the sole of the left leg. Bend yourself as much as possible in order to touch the knee of the stretched leg with the forehead. Stay in this position and breathe quietly, freely. During the breathing in, lift the diaphragm as high and relax the spine as muchas possible, still holding the big toe of the right leg with your right hand. With each exhalation bring your forehead closer and closer to the knee.
Finally lift your trunk while you inhale. Leave the left hand free near the body and release the right hand off the right foot. Return to starting position.

Concentration at the execution on the left side
Focus to perceive the activation of the subtle energy centre MULADHARA CHAKRA  in its aspect of reception, sensibility and secondary, the subtle energy centre MANIPURA CHAKRA. Notice the profundly abdominal massage of the abdominal organs, the energizing of the solar plexus. At the same time, perceive the energizing of the left leg, of the lumbar area. Notice the effect of capturing the teluric energies through the left leg and their accumulation at the level of MULADHARA CHAKRA.

Execution on the right side
The starting position is standing with your back straight and arms relaxed alongside the body.
Bend gradually the left leg and with the help of hands, place the exterior part of the ankle, heel and sole of the left leg on the right thigh. Push the bent knee as much downwards and towards the back so that the exterior side of the left foot is placed far up on the right thigh. As far as possible, the sole of the left foot must be on the same line with the left hip.
Keep your left leg in this position. With your left hand reach around behind your back and grab the big toe of the left foot. You can help yourself by pushing the sole of the left foot with the right hand, upwards, until you manage to grasp the big toe with your left hand.
Inhale and simultaneously straighten your spine raising your right arm, until it is stretched near the right ear. Then exhale while bending forward. Place the palm of the right hand on the ground, next to the sole of the right foot. Bend yourself forward as much as possible in order to touch the knee of your stretched leg with your forehead. Remain in this position and breathe quietly, freely. During inhaling, lift the diaphragm as high as possible and relax your spine as much as possible, further holding the big toe of the left foot with your left hand. With each exhalation bring your forehead closer and closer to the knee.
Finally slowly lift your body while inhaling. Leave your right hand free alongside your body and releease the left hand off the left leg. Return to starting position.

Concentration at the execution on the right side
Focus to perceive the activation of the subtle energy centre MULADHARA CHAKRA in its aspect emission, control and secondary of the subtle energy centre MANIPURA CHAKRA. Notice the profund massage of the abdominal organs, the energizing of the solar plexus. At the same time perceive the energizing of the right leg, of the lumbar area. Notice the effect of capturing the teluric energies through the right leg and their accumulation in MULADHARA CHAKRA.

Final awareness

In the end, become aware of the harmonization of the two plans in your being (MULADHARA CHAKRA and MANIPURA CHAKRA), balancing of the plus-minus energies at these levels. Perceive increased vitality, regeneration, willpower, self-confidence.
This posture gives a particular tonus to the digestive system and contributes to the healing of diseases in the abdominal area, carries out a profound massage of the abdominal organs and significantly improves the functioning of the thick intestine.
Through the practice of ARDHA BADDHA PADMOTTANASANA a very strong type of will develops in the human being, which gives the energy needed to finalize actions already started. Such dynamism is necessary to impregnate all our activities that will thus be full of force, strength, determination and ultimately successful.

Article taken from YOGA MAGAZINE no. 52

24 May 2012

Also available in: Română

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