The original sin and the secret Church of the sinister New World Order


Motto: “With the purpose of achieving their global vision of world peace, without forcing the occurrence of a void, they need to have an inter-religion organization based on belief that would impose world order through the adherence to a new world church.”

The American website One News Now (ONN) posted an article about an organization – Spiritual Diplomacy World Council (SDWC) – which helps global leaders understand the spiritual dynamics of geopolitical problems.

Here’s how the Spiritual Diplomacy define their proposed targets.

“Our purpose is to reduce hatred and to eliminate wars between nations with the help of vast unused resources of love found in the Bible and other sacred traditional books.

… In the extreme global environment today, American diplomats are incapable of saving civilization. Thus, as a global way to get rid of this problem, all the countries of the world must make a spiritual decision. I see the global penance of all nations as a solution, America being the first of them. After the finalizing of this worldwide penance, the implication of the Celestial Coordinator of life is required in order to solve the problem of survival on Earth.

In this conditions, the notion of spiritual Diplomacy can play a crucial part. This new spiritually politic concept offers a solution to the worldwide conflicts, using the spiritual values of the opposite part. Men simply do not trust each other anymore, especially diplomats. But they can believe in the power of spiritual values of the people that they represent.”

One of the great accomplishments of a member of the co-founder group, Mihail Morgulis, includes the shattering of the spiritual Iron curtain in Russia. Another personality of the church movement, Phillip Yancey, is a former member of the delegation of Morgulis in Russia.

The interview conducted by the UN with the author and diplomat Michael A. Markham, co-founder of SDWC, on the reports regarding the progress of the New World Order, encourages American Christians to become more educated in this matter. Markham has elaborated a brief presentation of the movement for spiritual Diplomacy in which he describes the benefits of the New World Order and explains the role of the future unique worldwide government and the worldwide church… Here are a few ideas from this document.

“Spiritual diplomacy is a movement which allows leaders to see church as a transcendence of the history of the world through the unity of God, a vision which is rooted in a historical reality, in the traditional religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
In spiritual Diplomacy, we are especially focused on the following basic elements and generally, on the unseen spirituality in creating a unique worldwide government.

In spiritual Diplomacy, we see the richness of the world as something which deprives people of freedom and people and governments have the responsibility of the spiritual development of mankind and not that of personal material gain without a just cause.“

The instruments of applying this New World Order are the operating and control of the regulation authorities at a worldwide level.

Currently, we can see that the United Nations, the OCDE and the IMF, together with other international institutions are applying economical sanctioning orders specific for the groups and states which refuse to conform to the global agenda.
There was an incredible number of required public workers and bureaucracy experts in international and transnational regulations (paid by the tax-payers), in order to draw up and implement this global agenda.

We believe that these worldwide institutions, many of them unseen and secret, do not act under the authority of their own political governments, but in fact they are guided by unseen forces that many call the New World Order.

Because these super-international and transnational groups are confidential, often secret, working together through formal and informal alliances and through treaties, they are perceived as involved in a conspiracy against national states and the private entities of those states.

So, as we can see, the political decision-making global factors are searching for an international organism to secure the future of mankind.

What will happen if they renounce the national sovereignty of states? How willing will the large cultural traditional groups inside and outside the UN to answer positively to the threat of losing the cultural and religious identity. We will approach these aspects in the second part, when we will explore the formation of a universal Church, in order to give moral and spiritual credibility to a New World Order.

A new global government in development, which will need a spiritual ideological basis and a new vision on reality, in order to support a New World Order. The new global culture will need a new religion, based on faith, which is generally mentioned as the Universal Church, in New Age.

In the New World Order, the new global government needs to control the church and religious organizations, since they are the reason for which he will support and take part in the formation of the Universal Church.

With the purpose of accomplishing their global vision on world peace, without forcing the occurrence of a void, there must be a religious organization based on belief that would impose world order through the adherence to the new world church.
The New World Order must occupy the religious and spiritual thinking of culture, in order to exercise control. In this environment, they, together with their leader, have to be capable of presenting and proving their connection with supernatural powers, thus validating their call to order and obedience. For this they will need priests.

The New World Order tries to change modern and social behavior into an infrastructure of the New World Order within a Universal Church.

In order to modify and change culture and society, they need to modify the global DNA (genetics), the environment (global warming), the economy (International Banking) and the human mind (mass psychology).
Today’s problem of the Government is not as much the way in which they control the body, but the way in which it can control the human spirit and even the Spirit of God.

Governments are on the lookout for a way of manipulating human emotions and feelings. With the purpose of controlling the lives of people, a repressive government must be capable of manipulating and controlling the soul and spirit of culture.

We believe the leader of the New World Order will do all he can in order to genetically change the appearance of the human being. In order to change the initial sinful nature of man, we need a new Alive biological and social organism, but constructed (fabricated) from a physical and psychological perspective, using genetics and pharmaceutical products in order to alter behavior.

We have a paper of prophetic speculation from the past which refers to this problem: “The Psychogenetic Revolution”.
We, the people of Spiritual Diplomacy, see the final objective of this new order of “world peace” as the elimination human sin through the reconditioning and recreation of human nature.

What national government can lift against such a powerful ideological social agenda? Who can resist a global politics, who can resist the correction of personal imperfection and sin?
From farmers and up to the nuclear scientist, everyone will be subjected to the New World Order, there will be no resistance. The choice will be between biological re-design and physical termination. This was George Orwell’s message in his books, Animal Farm and 1984.

Human rights will no longer be human (personal), inalienable, but granted by the government, because it will eliminate what is beneficial for his self-interests and for the society’s interest.
Within the new system, what was once considered as human nature will now be considered as flawed and will require reconditioning. It doesn’t matter if this nature was personal, tribal or cultural. The old order will be thus eliminated and replaced with the new order.

Population and wealth distribution as well as its tribal cultures will allow for the recreation of a new social order which will replace the old culture.
In order to secure the successful introduction of a new religion and Universal Church, there will be a leader that can change the perceived reality or the religious convictions of society.

The Universal Church (without the traditional confirmation of God), in accordance with the New World Order, will come with its place for secular and atheist activists who will no longer activate in accordance with the Sharia legislation and the daily schedule of the Muslim agenda, especially in the fields they consider to be human rights.

We foresee that the groups behind the church at a world level will initiate a request of registration at a world level for all the religious confessions to be itemized, with their details regarding names, addresses, the registration of religious leaders and information on sects, such as: the Shiites, the Sunnites, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Buddhists, the Hindus and even the pagans.

The traditional religious perspectives regarding the creation of Earth and who is responsible for its maintenance will be redefined within the global church. The traditional perspective that considers that God gave man the right to master the Earth created by Him will be rejected or changed in order to be interpreted in a more collective manner, rather than individual.”

The new religion will use technology in order to consolidate its influence on the technological informational global sectors regarding entertainment and propaganda. These will integrate and use the succession of generation from a new social dynamics, in order to operate with the traditional national state and political models.

They will use the new global media and environmental movements in order to systematically destroy the structures of culture and social values as well as the western cultural influence, including political and governmental institutions.

“The new church will impose its perspective in the advance of world culture through the integration of what we call pop culture, popular culture and entertainment. The film industry is and will continue to be more than just entertainment, but it will especially constitute an attempt to create a new art form, in order to explore a possible world culture of the future, a culture of a social order of machine, computers and man. A struggle to define and redefine the nature of man and his soul; who created man and what does his Creator want.

But we see the Universal Church as an integrated part of the global government of the New World Order. We see the New Church as an organization which will be used in order to control man, not to release man, a church which will act as a central authority and a central agenda which will be enforced by its members.

We see the current Universal Church in the USA as a part of the universality in which it is considered that there is a universal truth and that this truth extends beyond any theological, social or geographical limit.

We do not see the new Universal Church as a gathering of individuals which meet with the purpose of praying to a personal traditional God. We see the new developing church coming from the same intellectual spirits which create and promote the New World Order.
We do not believe that the new Universal Church and its leader will constitute the spiritual force behind the New World Order, the façade organization of the new daily spiritual life, which has the goal of changing the nature of humanity.”

In contrast with this aberrant, demented ideas which obviously have nothing in common with authentic spirituality, are the intuitions of genius thinkers which prefigure the religion of the future.

“An old or new religion that would underline the greatness of the Universe as revealed by modern science could further attract reserves of reverence and worshipping which are severely faulted by the conventional beliefs. Sooner or later, such a religion will occur.” (Carl Sagan)

“The religion of the future will be a macro-cosmic religion. This will have to transcend what we call personal God and to avoid dogma and ossified, sterile theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should base upon a complete religious feeling which results from the divine experience of all natural and spiritual things which need to be considered as a divine significant unity…” (Albert Einstein)

The article was taken from Lumea magazine.

March 2015

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