Financial Fraud: Easy Money Corrupts the Monetary System


“Money” is virtual, a mental concept, an accounting system. Our currency is like a coupon, in other words, money is a medium of exchange. The Central Banking Cartel creates it out of thin air, as a debt to itself, something the governments could do interest and debt-free.
But our governments belong to a small group of elites, not to us. The aim of the New World Order is to expand this racket into a global political, cultural and economic monopoly.
This is the real meaning of Communism. This is why our national, racial, religious and gender identities will always be under occult assault.

The government borrows money that in fact does not exist, lends it to an even greater evil, the treasury, sells the debt to the banks, which in turn lend out said imaginary money to the people, all the while creating an ever-increasing amount of debt for a currency that never existed in the first place. More and more promissory notes are created to make the richest richer and the poor poorer.

The freezing of the accounts in Greece is only a taste of what’s to come. Right now the highest levels of government and the banking system are locked in a desperate last stand against a disturbing monetary shock, one that will make what was happening in Greece seem mild by comparison.
And it could disrupt people’s lives in ways you never thought possible. You will suddenly be locked out of your bank account, unable to withdraw cash or deposit a check. Your stocks will swing wildly out of control. Your government-controlled payments will stop.

Remember: media disinformation serves the interests of global banks and institutional speculators, which use their command over the financial and commodity markets to amass vast amounts of monetary wealth. The corporate establishment, including the speculators, controls the corridors of governments.
Meanwhile, the “bank bailouts” presented to the public as a requisite for economic recovery have facilitated and legitimized a further process of appropriation of people’s wealth.

Vast amounts of monetary wealth are acquired through market manipulation and deceit.
With inside-information and foreknowledge, major financial actors, using the instruments of speculative trade, have the ability to fiddle and rig market movements to their advantage, precipitate the collapse of a competitor, or even the system itself, and wreak havoc in the economies and societies of developing countries.

Take the Greek’s valuable lessons to heart, and let other people know that the upcoming crash will cause the world to descend into chaos, as planned by the RK Mafia, to rob people blind and bring them to their knees so that they will accept the New World Order without any revolt.
It is the long time phenomenon, their well-orchestrated Problem – Reaction – Solution.
Since it is very likely that things may get out of control even for the RK Mafia, you had better use the coming few months for the preparation of your survival.

Governments Can Seize Your Property without Having to Convict You of a Crime

Governments are trying to abolish cash. Leading economists are pushing for it to be banned, too. Limits on cash use are already in place in many countries.
Having a large amount of cash is already considered “suspicious”, subject to forfeiture without due process. Thanks to civil forfeiture laws, governments can seize your property without having to convict you of a crime.

Mandrel Stuart, a 35-year-old African American owner of a small barbecue restaurant in Staunton, Va., US, was stunned when police took $17,550 from him during a stop in 2012 for a minor traffic violation on the Interstate 66 in Fairfax. He rejected a settlement with the government for half of his money and demanded a jury trial.
He eventually got his money back but lost his business because he didn’t have the cash to pay his overheads. “I paid taxes on that money. I worked for that money”, Stuart said. “Why should I give them my money?”

As the Washington Post reported in 2017, since 9/11, in the US, police have made 61,998 cash seizures – totaling $2.5 billion – without search warrants or indictments.

Why do governments want to eliminate cash? Isn’t it obvious? They want to control you and your money. Where did you get it? They’ll want to know everything. What will you do with it?
They’ll want a say. Could you not be planning to use it for something “bad”? You might support “terrorists”, evade taxes or buy a pack of illegal cigarettes. The possibilities are too vast to ignore. And the arguments are too persuasive to stop the witch hunt.

Easy Money Corrupts the Monetary System

The system is corrupt and dangerously dysfunctional. But why does no one say anything? Central Bankers have, since the 1980s, been fighting credit corrections – being themselves the originators of the credit bubbles.
And for the last six years, the Central Bankers have been so actively and aggressively defending the past that the future doesn’t have a chance. Their easy money has corrupted the entire system. So, there can never be a true recovery of the economy.
Zero Hedge summarizes the pros: “Enhance the tax base, as most, if not all transactions in the economy can now be traced by the government. Substantially constrain the parallel economy, particularly in illicit activities. Force people to squander their savings on consumption and/or convert them into investments, thereby providing a boost to GDP and employment!”

The United Nations Agenda 21 Program

The Archon bloodlines want us to accept their Agenda 21 program. Unfortunately for the people of the world, so far everything is going according to the New World Order plan.
But what is this New World Order plan?
Agenda 21 is so-called as it is the “agenda for the 21st century” and that constitutes global fascism/communism. Agenda 21 includes “sustainable development” – don’t use more than can be replaced. Sounds sensible enough at first, until it is realized what this and “biodiversity” really means in the context of their conspiracy.

“Sustainable development” and “biodiversity” are seeking to impose the following:
– Termination of national sovereignty;
– State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forest, mountains, oceans, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring “equality” (equal enslavement);
– The State defines the role of business and financial resources;
– Abolition of private property – as it is not “sustainable”;
– “Restructuring” the family unit;
– Children raised by the State;
– Telling people what their job will be and where to live;
– Major restrictions on the movement of people;
– Creation of “human settlement zones”;
– Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their land and homes, where they currently live;
– Dumbing down education-form – achieved, in effect;
– Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above.

Agenda 21, the term coined already over two hundred years ago, implies the goal for the completion phase lies in this century.
The secret plan of the New World Order is to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control.
A mass culling of the people is accomplished via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, the release of weaponized, man-made viruses – like AIDS, EBOLA, etc. – man-made pandemics, mass vaccination programs and the planned Third World War.

Then, Agenda 21 will impose upon the drastically reduced world population, a global feudal-fascist state with one World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population for optimal control.
In short, they plan to kill 90% of the world’s population in order to control all aspects of human life and thus rule over everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.

Wake up! Research everything while we can still join forces to overthrow these Criminal Mafioso that control every government in the world, as all are governed by corrupt politicians, most, if not all them being RKM bought puppets. They have literally sold their souls to the devil and they know they won’t survive if they don’t obey RKM orders.

Not only the monetary system, but also the whole geopolitical system is corrupted. We will very soon have no freedom anymore, unless we wake up and join forces. We are currently enslaved through the tax system through our birth certificates. People have become assets to exploit and earn money off of.

Our tax money is deposited in the RKM controlled Vatican bank. Things are getting worse by the day. The point of no return is rapidly approaching and soon it will be too late. We have only very little time left to come to our own defense by waking up and joining forces.
If you do nothing you deserve what you’re going to get.

The Truth about Our Civilization and You

This video clearly explains in a nutshell how deeply we, the people are caught up in the network that has been continuously functioning since the year1860. In this system you are not whom you think you are, because a legal person owns his DNA, but at birth your DNA was stolen.

The Crown in the City of London backs all these corporations, and in reality represents the Vatican. Meanwhile countless lawyers worldwide are working on the reclamation of DNA, as soon as more progress is made it will be published, as it is in everyone’s interest to break-up the diabolical system in which we live.
By owning your DNA, they own you, your money, your property; they can create a bank holiday to steal your money, as it is not yours as a person, but theirs as the owner of the company that bears your name in CAPITAL letters! You are living under Admiralty Law, you neither have natural rights, nor Civil Rights. You are a slave!

After controlling the monetary system, and stealing your civil rights, other Archon bloodline (RKM) Agenda 21 implementations are nearing completion, such as the total control of the food supply, weather, water, pharmaceuticals, energy, in order to render people in dire economic straits with no way out.
And so it has come to pass that the unelected EU government in 2013 proposed, rubberstamped and implemented new laws, making it illegal to grow your own food, reproduce or trade any “untested” vegetables, awaiting approval by the Orwellian EU Plant Variety Agency, which charges a fee for each registration – ever-increasing payments for our food and for our own prison.

The Plant Reproduction Material Law will make home gardening with non-regulated seeds a criminal act. This law will stop the professional development of vegetable varieties for home gardening, organic growers, and small-market farmers. All these new laws do is create a whole new raft of EU civil servants who will be paid to move mountains of paper around all day long, while killing off the seed supply to home gardeners and interfering with the right of farmers to grow what they want.

It is also very disturbing that they have given themselves the power to regulate and license any plant species of all sorts in the future – not just agricultural plants, but grasses, mosses, flowers, absolutely everything – without having to bring it back to the Council to vote.

The Global Fascist / Communist Structure

This is all connected to the plan to ban the population from growing their own food, destroy seed-diversity and allow the Archon food and biotech corporations to monopolize the global food supply. Growing food can hereby be banned by simply stating that it isn’t safe, and then big RKM corporations would control all the food production of the entire planet.

The global fascist/communist structure would subsequently decide what you should eat and if you are permitted to eat; and what you eat would invariably be full of chemical cocktails beyond anything consumed today to control the masses mentally, emotionally and physically.
The water supply would also be drugged so that people would end up “loving their servitude” as Aldous Huxley wrote in his book the Brave New World.

If you ate, would depend on whether you were a good little mindless slave or not. No acquiescence, no food, and no water – the supply and distribution of food would be monitored so that no-one could give food to a fugitive of the system, as Dr. Day put it in his lecture in 1969.
A terrible future prospect for all of us, but – for not too long – the power is still with the people if only we would come together in mutual support and if only international publicity and response to this would steadily lead to opposing and rejecting these horrible laws relating to growing our own food.

The bloodline families are terrified that the people will unite, that’s why dividing and conquering us is their top priority.
It’s important to understand the reasoning of our Archon bloodline tyrants. They have no empathy, no compassion – they are narcissistic, psychopathic, sociopaths. They have falsely invented the global warming scam– with the climate change narrative as their argument to depopulate, to cull the world’s populace from seven billion at present to 500 million by 2050.

Dr. Richard Day, the Rockefeller insider and weather manipulator during WW2, said in 1969: “The weather will be modified and used as a weapon of war to create drought or famine”.
Producing record-breaking snow in the mountains and constant heavy rains to flood the Missouri and the Mississippi is easy with the technology at the Archon bloodlines’ disposal – especially HAARP, in Alaska and various other locations worldwide, that transmits high-powered radio waves to the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere, heating it up and eventually bouncing back to earth.


September 21, 2018

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