The Fraudulent Monetary System & the Occult Meanings of Mortgage: Why a Mortgage Is a Pledge to the Dead

 Real money limits the ability of governments to tax, borrow, and spend, which also limits the size of the inevitable debt problem.
Fake money is easier for governments to get their hands on, and easier to promise; especially if you can “print” it yourself.
That’s why national governments can dig themselves into much deeper debt holes, and it is also why it can never be a model of financial integrity. Anything short of genuine major reform won’t help, the world needs an authentic transformational reform.

The average person’s problems are not taxes, not Russia, not ISIS; the problem is real money, because the regular citizen has too little of it, while The Deep State insiders have too much of it. Today’s money is a fraud, make money honest and allow the free market to set the interest rate.
Link gold to money at today’s free market price. Fire all Central Banksters. Open a gold window at the Treasury department, and exchange gold for the local paper currency at a pre-set fixed rate.
Bring the military home, stop all wars, and ban budget deficits. Every government should be expected to live within their means, without any exception. The result: No debt.

Expect that it will be like the dawn of a dead country when easy money falls away. The cronies and zombies will rise up.
To better understand the financial troubles the world is in, read on to learn who has created this mess in the first place.

Perpetual Debt Spiral

The Illuminati invented and implemented the perpetually growing debt spiral, but now something has changed. A big change of this sort is enormous as it signals the trend to get out of debt. Deleveraging by paying down debt. That is, of course, a contraction. Contraction means depression.

The world is going into a depression and it’s going to get very nasty. The end result will be: nations’ governments are going to have to revalue gold because that is the only thing they will have left.
They will have to resort to that to keep trade going. No country is completely independent economically. All nations need things that others produce. In order to keep the world trade going, there is no other solution than going back to gold.

For at least one hundred years the financial system has been manipulated to the hilt, bringing the world to its knees through the financial engineering of the elite, which should have been alarming enough for every well-educated expert.
But the majority has been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, not taking heed of the bells ringing loud and clear. In-depth analyses reveal that the whole monetary system is – unintentionally – in its final stage of self-destruction.
The excessive currency printing of debt-money has arrived in its final reflation stage of self-destruction. Because the debt in the world has grown so excessively, the credit-system has gone into reverse mode, as result of the invention of the perpetual debt spiral.

By not issuing the money for interest payment, an absurd situation occurs in that not enough liquidity is created to repay all debt. And even more ludicrous, when all debt is paid there is no currency left in circulation.
Reflation is no longer possible anymore and the deflationists are being proven to have been correct all along. They are correct in regards to a credit system working in reverse with a negative feedback loop stoking a deflationary death spiral.

Debt Reflation in Reverse is Like Shooting without Ammunition

Reflation is a fiscal or monetary policy, designed to expand a country’s output and curb the effects of deflation. This now is going in reverse, changing in the opposite direction. In fact, debt reflation is deflation of debt, making the economic situation worse, leading to contraction, propelling the economy into a collapse.

Clearly the Khazarian mafia is getting scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan, like the European Central Bank was forced to resort to negative interest rates, proves their fake fiat monies are worth less than nothing. The US Federal Reserve Board will be forced to do the same thing.
The more people put money in their banks, the more that money is vanishing.

It’s a remarkable time right now. This is all taking place before we are able to identify what the world is going through or where it is headed. People who are awake have long seen this coming, and now we’re in the middle of it.

There are really two converging worlds – the vibrational changes from beyond are attacking the Khazarian Mafia-controllers that block these positive energies, and jam the beneficial signals bestowed on the people by instilling fear and insecurity, meanwhile bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-trans humanist influences.
There is just one small problem, what will happen to the currencies of these central bank issuers including and especially those of The Fed, who also are caught up in the negative feedback loop?

These will vanish as result of their own intentional mistake of not putting enough money into circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest payments.

Currency survival

This is the main and most pressing financial question people ever have faced in their lifetimes. Will the currencies survive and thrive in the deflation period or will they be seen for what they are, IOU’s of bankrupt issuers at the very center of the credit crisis quagmire?

The key question is: Against what assets will the currencies “deflate”? The answer of course is, as it has always has been, “gold”.
While the pundits will have you believe “gold was devalued against the dollar in 1934”, this for sure was quite the opposite. And while certain experts now will have you believe the “dollar” was the best investment in the 1930’s, for sure they are wrong!

The Importance of Gold

Dollars then were “derivatives” – derived from – of gold. At that time, dollars were freely interchangeable at banks until 1933, then the dollar was devalued from $20.67 to $35 dollars that was necessary to purchase one ounce of gold.
In other words, it took nearly 75% more dollars to purchase an ounce of gold – end of story, gold was King during the last and only deflation since then, dollars and all other currencies now will be devalued versus gold again.

The two most important aspects of gold are; it cannot go bankrupt nor can it be freely printed. Those who say the U.S. can never go bankrupt because the debt is in dollars and they will just print more, are 100% correct about the printing – but horribly wrong about the bankruptcy!

The U.S. can print any amount of dollars necessary to pay off debt. This still doesn’t mean they do not “default”. In other words:
If your pizza delivery fails to give you a promised pizza next Tuesday, but instead promises you a pizza every Tuesday for the rest of your life, where’s your food? It never ever comes, just as there will be zero value to any dollar bill should the U.S. or any other central banker decide to print the Zillions needed to avoid default.
This falls under the category supply versus demand! In case you don’t understand what is said, “old” dollars will become worthless as they become over-printed to avoid “default” – but devaluation is default in its own right.


In the meantime, wait for the currency event termed “hyperinflation” that is bound to happen; as debtors must navigate a deflationary environment where credit is drying up everywhere they look.
It should amaze everyone that the world is facing a liquidity crisis after all the trillions of digital currency units added to the system since 2008 – it seems almost impossible to have a lack of liquidity.

As explained above, under debt reflation in reverse; this is the fact debtors face globally and that threatens to shut the system down, because of no liquidity!
Taking this two steps further than the deflationists, what exactly will happen once credit does collapse and the spigot gets shut off? In the case of the U.S., they most likely will “print” to the point of full – rather than the current partial monetization of all the debt.

This printing will be done by a bankrupt entity with more IOU’s around the globe than humanity can count. How will the massive supply of dollars issued by a bankrupt and fraudulent issuer possibly be a “good thing” for the value of dollars? There is none!

This process, no matter how simple it seems to be, is two-steps too far for the deflationists! The real result of credit freezing up will amount to a national and probably a global famine. It is incredible that the aspect of credit is almost never connected to “distribution”. Forget about actual farming or production needing credit to function, how will products make it to store shelves without credit even if it does “grow”?

Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance

Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will wither and die.
There need be no violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global noncompliance.

Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.
It is time for the people of the world to stop and realize that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There is no division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this.

It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.
It’s time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems, which lies in the fraudulent monetary system.
Stop complying with it, and you will shut down the monetary system.

The Occult Meanings of Mortgage: Why a Mortgage Is a Pledge to the Dead

Owning a nice home is a dream that most people have. Nearly everyone wants to live in a nice home. One of the main obstacles that prevents most people from owning a home of their dream is the high cost.
Depending where people live today, a regular house can cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Because houses are so expensive, most people need to get a specific type of loan from a bank to pay for the house they want to live in. This type of loan is called a mortgage.

What most people do not know about a mortgage is that it is designed to enslave them with fictitious debt, allowing the banksters to collect money from them and give it to their masters (the so-called Illuminati). The main purpose of this deception is to trick people to give some of their life force energy to the so-called Illuminati through the medium called paper currency.

To learn how they and their minions are able to trick you to give some of your life force energy to them, you need to find the occult (hidden) meaning of the words mortgage and currency and study them until you understand what they mean on a deeper level.
Once you really understand the hidden meaning of the words mortgage and currency, you should know that a mortgage is a pledge to the DEAD.

The Occult Meaning of Mortgage

One of the overt definitions of the word mortgage is “a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.” defines the word mortgage using these exact words: “A legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor’s property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.”
Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th edition, defines the word mortgage as follows: “A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt.”

The three definitions of the word mortgage in the previous paragraph only define what a mortgage is at the surface level. To find the occult (hidden) meaning of the word mortgage, you need to use an etymology dictionary to help you find the origins of the word mortgage. You also need to split the word mortgage into two words, transforming it into the term “mort-gage”.

The word mortgage/mort-gage originated from two Old French words, which are mort and gage. In Old French, mort means dead and gage means pledge. The word pledge comes from Old French plegier, meaning “to promise” or “to solemnly promise or guarantee”. defines pledge as “a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something”.
Webster’s Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886) defines the word pledge using these exact words: “Anything given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; as, a man gives his word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment; the mutual affection of husband and wife is a pledge for the faithful performance of the marriage covenant; mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties.”
For example: “Their liveliest pledge of hope”. The dictionary also defines the word pledge as: “a surety; a hostage”. defines the word hostage as “a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement” or “a person taken by force to secure the taker’s demands”.

To connect the dots, when you take out a mortgage, you unknowingly make a pledge (promise) to the dead, and therefore you agree to be a hostage of the dead. This is one of the occult definitions of the word mortgage. So, what is the dead?

The dead represents the so-called Illuminati and their corporations (corpses or dead bodies).
As described in the book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words: “A corporation is a ‘corp-o-ration’ or ‘corpse-o-ration’. The plural form of the word corporation can be written as corps. Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as ‘a dead body, usually of a human being’.”

The legal system sees you as a corpse to be used as a ration to feed the Matrix. Hence, the word corporation/corp-o-ration/corpse-o-ration.

The word mortgage also has a strong connection to the words morgue and mortuary. This is why the place where dead bodies are stored is called a morgue. Mortgages are created in a way that makes them hard to pay off, so that when people get a mortgage (a pledge to the dead), they have to work most of their lives to pay it off.
This allows the debt-based monetary system to drain their energy; the currency that people make from many hours of working at a corporation.

The word currency and the medium currency are two of the most effective things that the so-called Illuminati like to use to drain your life force energy.
Below is another excerpt from the book Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words:

“As for the word currency, its hidden definition is the ‘flow of energy’. This is why the stored energy in a battery is called electric current or the currency of electricity. The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means ‘to run’.
Now, why would they base the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it is about harnessing the energy of humanity!

To understand why currency has a strong relation to energy, you need to find the occult meaning of the word currency. To do this, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to the term ‘current-sea’.
What does a current do in a river? It flows or runs to the sea! Keep in mind that the Latin word currens means ‘to run’.

The word current can also mean ‘a flowing; flow, as of a river’ or ‘something that flows, as a stream’. The flowing movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, its current is now part of the ‘current-sea’ or the ‘current of the sea’. Hence, the word currency/current-sea.

The word currency also sounds similar to the term ‘current chi’. In Chinese, the word chi (also known as qi) means natural energy, ‘life force’, or ‘energy flow’. Be aware that the Chinese word chi is pronounced somewhat similar to the English word sea. Based on these occult definitions, currency means the ‘flow of life force energy’.
When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging or transferring life force energy, which is why the so-called Illuminati are obsessed with using currency to drain your life force energy.”

At the deeper level, when people get a mortgage, they basically agree to sign their life away to the dead. They also agree to make a promise to the dead to charge it with their energy, so that the dead can stay alive. In other words, they agree to make a solemn pledge to the dead to ensure that the dead will be paid and charged with life force energy.

Phonetically, the word dead sounds similar to the word debt. A word that has a strong connection to the words dead and debt is mortgage.

By now you should know how the words mortgage, debt, dead, currency, corporation and battery are all related to the process of harnessing the energy of humanity.
This drama is all about tricking humanity to consent to be a “battery“, so that the so-called Illuminati and their minions can use our life force energy to charge their dead matrix system.

September 30, 2017

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