Agenda 21: Awareness and Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint for the Global Enslavement of Humanity under Corporate Masters (2)

Sustainable Development: The Transformation of the Western World

Read the first part of the article

This government / big corporation back-scratching has always been a dangerous practice because economic power should be a positive check on government power, and vice versa. If the two should ever become combined, control of such massive power can lead only to tyranny. 
One of the best examples of this was the Italian model in the first half of the Twentieth Century under Mussolini’s Fascism.

Together, select business leaders who have agreed to help government impose Sustainablist (ideas of Sustainable Development agenda) green positions in their business policies, and officials at all levels of government are indeed merging the power of the economy with the force of government in Public / Private Partnerships on the local, state and federal levels.
As a result, Sustainable Development policy is redefining free trade to mean centralized global trade “freely” crossing (or eliminating) national borders. 
It definitely does not mean people and companies trading freely with each other. Its real effect is to redistribute manufacturing, wealth, and jobs out of our borders and to lock away natural resources. 
After the regulations have been put in place, literally destroying whole industries, new “green” industries created with federal grants bring newfound wealth to the “partners”. This is what Sustainablists refer to as “economic prosperity”.

The Sustainable Development “partnerships” include some corporations both domestic and multination. They in turn are partnered with the politicians who use their legislative and administrative powers to raid the treasury to fund and enforce the scheme.
Of course, as the chosen corporations, which become a new elite, stamp out the need for competition through government power, the real loser is the consumers who no longer count in market decisions. Government grants are now being used by industry to create mandated green products like wind and solar power.

Products are put on the market at little risk to the industry, leaving consumers a more limited selection from which to choose. True free markets are eliminated in favor of controlled economies which dictate the availability and quality of products.

Ecological Integrity

“Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living creatures are considered equal. Therefore the natural way is the right way and human activities should be molded along nature’s rhythms.” – excerpt from the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty presented at the 1992 UN Earth Summit.

This quote lays down the ground rules for the entire Sustainable Development agenda. 
It says humans are nothing special – just one strand in the nature of things or, put another way, humans are simply biological resources. 
Interesting that the Cabal see us as “human resources” also. What a coincidence…

Sustainablist policy is to oversee any issue in which man interacts with nature – which, of course, is literally everything. And because the environment always comes first, there must be great restrictions over private property ownership and control.
This is necessary, Sustainablists say, because humans only defile nature. Under Sustainable Development there can be no concern over individual rights. 
Individual human wants, needs, and desires are conformed to the views and dictates of social planners. 

The UN’s Commission on Global Governance said in its 1995 report: “Human activity… combined with unprecedented increases in human numbers… are impinging on the planet’s basic life support system. Action must be taken now to control the human activities that produce these risks”. 
Under Sustainable Development, limited government, as advocated by the Founding Fathers of the U.S., is impossible because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great. Only government can be trusted to respond. 

Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said: “A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns. The shift will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”
The politically based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform systems of government, justice, and economics.
It is a masterful mixture of socialism (with its top down control of the tools of the economy) and fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no individual owner control). 

Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is not liberal, nor is it conservative. It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead us to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind.

The UN Report presented to the Habitat I Conference said: “Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice”.

The Reinvention of Government

Six months after his inauguration, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12852 which created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) on June 29 1993.

The Council’s Membership included:
– Twelve Cabinet-level Federal Officials;
– Jonathan Lash, Pres. World Resources Institute;
– John Adams, Ex. Dir. National Resources Defense Council;
– Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Pres. Zero Population;
– Michelle Perrault, International V.P., Sierra Club;
– John C. Sawhill, Pres. The Nature Conservancy;
– Jay D. Hair, Pres. World Conservation Union (IUCN);
– Kenneth L. Lay, CEO, Enon Corporation;
– William D. Ruckelshaus, Chm., Browning-Ferris Industries and former EPA Administrator.

Some of these members were representatives of the same groups which helped write Agenda 21 at the UN level, now openly serving on the President’s Council to create policy for the implementation of Sustainable Development at the federal level.
With great fanfare the Council issued a comprehensive report containing all the guidelines on how the government was to be reinvented under sustainable development.
Those guidelines were created to direct policy for every single federal agency, state government and local community government. Their purpose was to translate the recommendations set forth in Agenda 21 into public policy administered by the federal government. 
They created the American version of Agenda 21 called Sustainable America – A New Consensus.

The Four Part Process Leading to Sustainable Development

So how is this “wrenching transformation” being put into place? There are four very specific routes being used. In the rural areas it’s called the Wildlands Project.
In the cities it’s called Smart Growth. In business it’s called Public / Private Partnerships. And in government it’s called Stakeholder Councils.

The Wildlands Project

“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects… We must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land.” – Dave Foremen, Earth First.

The Wildlands Project was the brainchild of Earth First’s Dave Foreman and it literally calls for the “re-wilding” of 50% of all the land in every state – back to the way it was before Christopher Columbus set foot on that land.
It is a diabolical plan to herd humans off the rural lands and into human settlements. Crazy you say! Yes. Impossible? Not so fast. From Foreman, the plan became the blueprint for the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty and quickly became international in scope.

But how do you remove people from the land? One step at a time. Let’s begin with a biosphere reserve. A national park will do. A huge place where there is no human activity. 
For example, Yellowstone National Park, devoid of human habitation can serve as its center. Then a buffer zone is established around the reserve.
Inside the buffer only limited human activity is allowed. Slowly, through strict regulations, that area is squeezed until human activity becomes impossible.
Once that is accomplished, the biosphere is extended to the former buffer zone borders – and then a new buffer zone is created around the now-larger biosphere and the process starts again. In that way, the Biosphere Reserve acts like a cancer cell, ever expanding, until all human activity is stopped.

And there are many tools in place to stop human activity and grow the reserve. Push back livestock’s access to river banks on ranches, many times as much as 300. When the cattle can’t reach the stream, the rancher can’t water them – he goes out of business. 
Lock away natural resources by creating national parks. It shuts down the mines – and they go out of business. Invent a Spotted Owl shortage and pretend it can’t live in a forest where timber is cut. Shut off the forest.
Then, when no trees are cut, there’s nothing to feed the mills and then there are no jobs, and they go out of business.

Locking away land cuts the tax base. Eventually the town dies. Keep it up and there is nothing to keep the people on the land – so they head to the cities. The wilderness grows – just like Dave Foreman planned.
It comes in many names and many programs. Heritage areas, land management, wolf and bear reintroduction, rails to trails, conservation easements, open space, and many more. 
Each of these programs is designed to make it just a little harder to live on the land – a little more expensive – a little more hopeless, literally herding people off their land and into designated human habitat areas – cities.
In the West, where vast areas of open space make it easy to impose such polices there are several programs underway to remove humans from the land. Today, there are at least 31 Wildlands Projects underway, locking away more than 40 percent of the US nation’s land. 

The Alaska Wildlands Project seeks to lock away and control almost the entire state. In Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana parts of North and South Dakota, parts of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, and more, there are at least 22 Wildlands Projects underway. 
For example, one project called Yukon to Yellowstone (Y2Y) – creates a 2000 mile no-man’s land corridor from the Arctic to Yellowstone.
East of the Mississippi, there are at least nine Wildlands Projects, covering Maine, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Watch for names of Wildlands Projects like Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Appalachian Restoration Project and Piedmont Wildlands Project.

How Did We Get Here? 

J. Gary Lawrence – Bill Clinton’s Advisor for Sustainable Development: “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many… right wing conspiracy groups… who would actively work to defeat any elected official… undertaking local Agenda 21. So we call our process something else, such as Comprehensive Planning, Growth Management, or Smart Growth.” 

Smart Growth

The second path is called Smart Growth. The process essentially puts a line around a city, locking off any growth outside that line. 
Such growth is disdainfully labeled Urban Sprawl. The plan then curtails the building of more roads to cut off access to the newly created rural area. Inside the circle, concerted efforts are made to discourage the use of cars in preference to public transportation, restricting mobility.

Because there is a restriction on space inside the controlled city limits, there is a created shortage of land and houses, so prices go up. That means populations will have to be controlled, because now there is no room to contain more people.
Cities are now passing “green” regulations, forcing homeowners to meet strict guidelines for making their homes environmentally compliant, using specific building materials, forcing roof replacements, demanding replacement of appliances, and more. 

Those not in compliance will be fined and will not be able to sell their homes. There are now efforts underway to impose so-called “smart meters” which replace thermostats in homes. 
Homeowners will not have control of such meters. Instead, the electric company will determine the necessary temperature inside each home. 
Government agencies or local policy boards will be tasked with the responsibility to conduct an energy audit in each home to determine the steps necessary to bring the home into energy compliance. In Oakland, California, such restrictions will cost each homeowner an estimated $36,000.

The Cap N. Trade Bill contains a whole section on such restrictions for the US nation, and most local communities are now busy creating development plans that encompass many of the same restrictions.
There is now a new push to control food production under the label of Sustainable Farming. Food sheds are now being advocated. These are essentially government run farms located just outside the smart growth area circling the city. Food is to be grown using strict guidelines which dictate what kinds of food is to be produced and the farming practices to be used.

These are essentially based on the blue print of Chinese Agrarian villages that cannot possibly grow enough food to feed the community unless populations are tightly controlled. True Sustainable farming programs discourage importing goods from outside the community.

Stake Holder Councils

Inside the cities, government is increasingly controlled by an elite ruling class called stake holder councils. These are mostly non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, which, like thieves in the night, converge on the community to stake their claim to enforce their own private agendas. 
The function of legitimately – elected government within the system votes to create a system of boards, councils and even regional governments to handle every aspect of day-to-day operation of the community. 

Once in place, the councils and boards basically replace the power of elected officials with non-elected, appointed rulers answerable to no one.
The councils are controlled by a small minority in the community, but they are all – powerful. They force citizens to seek permission (usually denied) for any changes to private property. 
They use such excuses as historic preservation, water use restrictions, energy use, and open space restrictions. They will dictate that homeowners must use special “green” light bulbs and force stores to only use paper bags, for example.
They over-burden or even destroy business, creating stiff regulations on manufacturing and small business in the community. They may dictate the number of outlets a business may have in a community, not matter what the population demands.

They can dictate the kind of building materials owners can use in their private home – or whether one can build on their property at all. Then, if they do grant a permit for building, they might not decide to let the property owner acquire water and electricity for the new home – and they may or may not give you a reason for being turned down.
As part of Sustainable health care, they may even dictate that you get the proper exercise – as determined by the government. Again, San Francisco has built a new federal building – the greenest ever built. The elevators will only stop on every third floor so riders are forced to use stairs – for their own health, of course.

These councils fit almost perfectly the definition of a State Soviet: a system of councils that report to an apex council and then implement a predetermined outcome. Soviets are the operating mechanism of a government-controlled economy.

Read the third part of this article




July 14, 2018 

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