31 Powerful Medicinal Plants and Supplements for Treating and Preventing Cancer Naturally (2)

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Supplements to Improve Digestion

Many patients have trouble digesting their food, so naturopaths sometimes recommend that they take hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes (which can be different than pancreatic proteolytic enzymes) probiotics and foods containing probiotics, to assist with this process. Whether you are looking to heal from cancer or simply prevent it, you may want to add the following to your supplements for cancer regimen…

5. Hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCL)

Hydrochloric acid (usually called betaine HCL) helps your stomach to break down food, while digestive enzymes in your small intestines further break it down, digest and assimilate it into your body. Probiotics populate your large and small intestines with beneficial bacteria that get stripped away as a result of antibiotics in the food supply, pathogenic infections, toxins from the environment, and other factors. A large part of your immune system is found in your gut, so it’s essential that you do what you can to keep your gut healthy by giving it support with cancer fighting medicinal plants and supplements. In fact, your intestines contain more immune cells than any other part of your body! This is little appreciated by people who think the gut’s only role is digestion. The intestines and the beneficial organisms that live in them don’t just help us to digest food; they have many other functions. For instance, they prevent microbes and pathogenic bacteria from invading our bodies, and help them to create essential nutrients and vitamins.

Unfortunately, the health of our guts is often compromised due to environmental toxins, antibiotics, a poor diet, stress, and other factors. This causes a disruption in the “crosstalk” between the microbes in the gut and the other cells involved in immune system and metabolic processes.

6. Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics and Fermented Foods

You can help maintain the health of your gut by taking a hydrochloric acid supplement, along with digestive enzymes and probiotics, all of which you can purchase at your local health food store where you can also find other vitamins and medicinal plants for cancer. You’ll also want to include more fermented foods in your diet, because these contain live cultures that repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria and help to restore a healthy microbial environment there. Use food-based sources of nutrients whenever possible, since nutrients from nature are always better than those that are found in a pill. You know that a product is made from food and not chemicals because the ingredient label will read: “food based” or “whole food cultured” or something similar. Excellent fermented foods include kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and kimchi.

Other Anti-Cancer Supplements

Now that you know which supplements are essential for you to take – whether you want to prevent cancer or heal from it – following there are some of the most important patient-specific cancer fighting supplements that are recommended and used at naturopathic clinics on patients that have cancer. These are powerful and effective immune enhancing and cancer killing supplements which are prescribed according to patients’ bio-energetic test results, RGCC and/or other lab results. You and your doctor should include medicinal plants and vitamins for cancer in your treatment regimen only if your lab and other test results indicate that you need them. Some of these supplements are also useful for cancer prevention and for health maintenance, but again, it’s best to have your doctor first test you, to determine whether they would benefit you.

While all of the following supplements for cancer are generally very safe to take and contraindicated only in a few situations, all supplements and medications can interact with other supplements and medications, and either potentiate or decrease their effects. In rare cases, they can also cause harm to the body, so it’s best to consult with your doctor before taking them. It is beyond the scope of this article to list every type of potential interaction, so you may also want to do a supplement search on WebMD, which lists all supplements and their potential side effects and drug interactions, to make sure that the cancer fighting medicinal plants and supplements that you are taking are safe and appropriate for you.

7. CoQ10

Cancer results from oxidative damage to cells, which is caused by “free radical species” or unstable molecules that damage cells. Many of us have huge amounts of free radicals in our bodies, due to environmental toxins, a poor diet and inflammation. CoQ10 is a potent intracellular antioxidant that quenches free radicals, making it a great supplement for cancer. It also enhances the activity of macrophages, one of your body’s key immune cells that “gobbles up” and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells in a process called phagocytosis. CoQ10 increases the proliferation of granulocytes, another type of immune cell involved in healing.

CoQ10 is generally safe for most people to take as an anti-cancer supplement. Some researchers are concerned that it might lower the effectiveness of some chemotherapy drugs, so you’ll want to consult with your doctor if you are on a chemotherapy regimen. It may also be contraindicated in a few other situations or conditions.

8. Quercetin

Quercetin is a potent antioxidant and immune system modulator famous for its ability to modulate a gene signal called NF-kappaB, which is crucial for helping your body to manage stress and inflammation. As a cancer fighting supplement, it has also been shown in many studies to encourage cancer cell self-destruction, inhibit tumor growth, and reduce cancer’s resistance to chemotherapy. Some types of cancer that have been proven in studies to be affected by quercetin include: breast, esophageal, colorectal, hepatocellular (liver) carcinoma, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancers.

Quercetin also chelates or removes “transition” heavy metals from the body. These are heavy metals that may have just entered the body and which have not yet found a home deep within the tissues.
One source of quercetin can be buckwheat.

Quercetin is great combined with other medicinal plants and substances, such as green tea extract, bioflavonoids, all of which boost the immune system. Typical dosages of oral quercetin have been found to be safe, but there have been a few reports of kidney damage when it is given via IV, although such reports are rare.

9. Melatonin

Melatonin is yet another powerful antioxidant which is naturally secreted by the pineal gland in your brain at night while you sleep. Many of us don’t produce enough melatonin, due to the prevalence of electromagnetic fields in our environment (EMFs) and excessive artificial light exposure at night, among other reasons. Taking supplemental melatonin can help you to sleep better, but it is also a powerful anti-cancer supplement.

Melatonin has been shown in many studies on supplements and medicinal plants for cancer to have cytotoxic effects upon different types of cancer, including some liver, breast, prostate, lung, and brain cancers. The result of a combined analysis of ten research studies on melatonin published in the Journal of Pineal Research demonstrated that melatonin is able to lower the risk of many types of cancer by up to 34%. The lead researcher concluded: “The substantial reduction in risk of death, low adverse events reported and low costs related to this intervention suggest great potential for melatonin in treating cancer.”

Dosages of 3-20 mg of melatonin are often recommended to patients, depending on their needs and the other cancer fighting vitamins and medicinal plants they are taking. Lower amounts, such as 1-3 mg, are usually sufficient for improved sleep, while higher doses – anywhere from 10-20 mg – are needed to treat cancer. If you just want to prevent cancer or get better rest at night, taking 1-3 mg is usually sufficient. To find whether it’s an appropriate cancer treatment for your particular type of cancer, your doctor should order an RGCC test for you. If so, he or she can then determine how much you need for that purpose.

Melatonin has been proven to be very safe when it is taken according to established guidelines, and is a very beneficial supplement for most people, whether they are taking it as an anti-cancer supplement or not. However, it may be occasionally contraindicated in a few situations.

10. Artemisinin (Wormwood)

Artemisinin is a medicinal plant that comes from Artemisia, or wormwood. This medicinal plant has been widely studied, especially in recent years, for its anti-cancer effects. It disables cancer cells by reacting with the iron inside of them that helps them to grow, and by triggering free radical production. The free radicals destroy the cancer cell membrane, and with that, the cancer cell. Artemisinin also oxygenates the body.

Lab studies have shown artemisinin to have anti-cancer effects upon 55 different types of cancer cells, ranging from leukemia, to colon, lung and breast cancer cells, and fibrosarcomas (cancers derived from fibrous connective tissue). As one of the best cancer fighting medicinal plants, it has also been proven to kill cancers that have traditionally been resistant to chemotherapy.

Artemisinin is a very safe medicinal plant for cancer but, as with all of the supplements in this section, it should be taken only if your doctor and test results indicate that you need it. The side effects and contraindications of artemisinin are generally few. If you have a history of liver disease, you should consult with your doctor before using it, as there have been a few reports of liver problems among those who have used artemisinin, especially at higher dosages.

Read the third part of the article

February 16, 2018

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