The Man Who Lived With Extraterrestrials For 10 Days (4)


In 1989, Alec Newald’s life-path took an unexpected turn when he was abducted by a group of benevolent aliens for ten days and transported to their home-world. His amazing experiences have great significance for the future of humanity.

Read the third part of the article

Coevolution: The True Story of a Man Taken for Ten Days to an Extraterrestrial Civilization

By Alec Newald

Zeena continued: “Some on your planet have aligned themselves with this ‘force’. Note I have said ‘aligned’ and not ‘allied’, for there is a difference. Do you understand this? [I nodded.] They have gained much power from the force, and some are even foolish enough to think they have it under control. This is naïve, of course, as the force or alien entity is feeding off these people or, rather, feeding off the conflicts these people create in their bid for wealth and power. As long as this suits the dark force, it shall continue; for the ‘fear’ emotion is what it lives off.

The easiest way to defeat this force is to remove fear from your societies. This will, in effect, starve it out. It will then go elsewhere, looking for easier prey. You see, your human race is one of the very few that lives with this most unusual thing called ‘emotion’, which is why the force came here in the first place. We, too, had emotions once, so I am told, and some are saying we can now experience them again, thanks to the new breeding program we are experimenting with. Forgive me, I digress again.

You will find some of your kind are trying very hard to harness this most dangerous force. Unfortunately, they do not fully understand that it is an entity in its own right and that this is a very dangerous mistake to be making. They think they are playing a game and that they are winning this game. We have tried to warn your people more than once in the past, but no heed has been taken. As your people say, ‘it is your life’.

The worry we have is that your planet breathes with you, in harmony even with your thoughts. To attack the people by using the force in this way is to attack the planet. Be it on your own heads if you invoke the wrath of your planet. There would be little or nothing we could do for your people should that occur. Perhaps you can help us with this message. We have an idea to put to you, but that shall keep until another time, for there is still much to be related on other subjects.

Your societies, right from the very beginning, have engineered fear into your lives. Most of it is an artificial fear of society itself; in other words, you fear your very own laws. Your high priests from long ago shouted down to the common masses, describing what wraths would be set upon them if they did so much as dare to cross the all-mighty gods of their time. Forgive me if I make what you call a ‘joke’ of this, for these all-mighty gods they describe were people like me or the Guardian, whom you have met. Do you fear me, Alec, from where you stand?”

“I feel no fear,” was my answer.

“So you see how your masses were manipulated in our absence by those who would gain from it?” she asked again.

“I can see how a lie could fool the uneducated,” was my reply.

“And you think your people are better educated on this subject today?” she asked once more.

“If you ask what we know of God, then perhaps not,” I replied.

“Exactly my point,” Zeena stated.

“And so the intimidation goes on, only you have a hundredfold the number of laws today. These are not the laws of Nature, however; just of your manipulators who in turn have been manipulated by the force.

The laws of Nature you break every day as you drive to work in your disgusting machines. It is even more curious to us that you all know these things but you continue to allow them just the same. Why is there not a law against it in your society? Does pollution not kill? Are your people so blind they could not see what would occur with the proliferation of these strange machines? You need not answer, for we know the reasons. This is just, as you might say, an example.

You will perhaps tolerate our confusion, though, when we fail to understand what we have observed in your so-called Western societies in which thousands of your money are spent to save but one life, while millions of your kind die in other far areas for the sake of small amounts of this money. Are you not all one people of the same flesh and blood? For this question, we ourselves do not have such an answer. Could you perhaps help us in the reasoning of this?” Zeena asked, looking at me in a most perplexed way.

“My own people sometimes embarrass and confuse me. No, I have no answer to that question,” I replied.

“Very well. Why do your people take such time and interest in a single tree, should it be cut down in your cities, while they allow large areas of many-years-old trees to be removed from the forests which are out of their sight? Please take this question home with you to put to others, for we also find this most confusing.”

I have since duly completed that request.

Zeena did have some encouraging news. She suggested that the force would soon feel the weight of an invasion from above, and there would be battles fought at sea and underwater, and also in the skies high above. Most would know little about these events, except those caught within the by-product of the battles. By this she meant that the Earth would experience storms of gathering intensity, and where these storms would once have been confined to the vortex points of our globe (the western Atlantic-Bermuda area and the western Pacific, south-east of Japan) they would now appear randomly all over our planet. She did not say who or what might be behind these battles or be the cause of them. However, when the way is clear and some portion of the fear has been removed, we may indeed see other races of the Cosmos openly visiting and interacting with us here on Earth!

“In the due course of time you will awaken from this ‘sleep’ that the force has had you in, with a little help from your friends,” she added. “Being a sailor,” she said, suggesting I watched the weather, “you will know what to look for. Trust your instincts.”

This is all she was prepared to say on the subject.

“Your race is nearly strong enough to fight back and win its rightful place in this galaxy of ours. We will help you and your planet to do great things again, for we love all life. Even the dark force is a form of life and we must and do respect it. Do you understand, Alec? This is very important.”

Zeena at last let me have a say.

“Yes, I do. But how do we fight this force if we cannot see it or know where it is?” I asked.

“It is within your very soul. You fight it with knowledge and understanding. But only each and every one of your kind can help yourselves. Nevertheless, to know that it exists is half the battle, and you can pass on this knowledge to all who should care to listen. Your race is about to change, become more aware – well, most of you are. It is an unfortunate fact that the ones upon your planet who truly understand what a great hold this force known to you as fear has over your people, are the very ones who are using it against you–and always have. They only understand its power, not its reason for being. That is why we have chosen this time to explain to you, and others of your kind, what we are here for. We have come to help enlighten you and, in so doing, perhaps free you from this force. We also understand that there will be some among you who will resent this knowledge being made available and will do their best to belittle and downplay its importance to your race.

We may also need things from you and your planet. Call it a trade if you like, but I would prefer to use the word ‘coevolution’. We both can grow. We both need to transform. You will become more like us, while we need to become more like you. We can truly become great friends once you learn to break free. We have been waiting a long time for this to occur, and you, Alec, are part of this very special event that will take place, as are many others. You will find them and they will find you. Just let it be known that you are a child of the light, whenever you feel the time is right. You will be amazed at what will occur from then on.”

As Zeena finished this part of the lesson, I really did not know what to say. How could I reply to what she’d just said? Her narration had brought up more questions than answers, and quite frankly I did not know where to begin. Even though most of what she’d just said was totally amazing, it was as if I had always known it was so! For that reason you may think my next question out of place.

“What worries me the most,” I replied, “was your earlier comment before this lesson began about the Earth ‘mutating’ into something. Where will that leave us, the people?”

“You have no fears there. It will be you, the people, who help the Earth to transform. You will already have passed over to the next level of density, or be in the act of doing so, which in actual fact is evolution – true evolution, as it just so occurs; not the form of change that you may have associated with that word in the past. I am sorry, here, because there has not yet been time to ground you in that knowledge. The Earth, too, will evolve along these same lines, and that is what I meant by ‘mutate’. I am sorry for the use of that word if it has caused you concern,” Zeena quickly replied.

“I have more questions,” I said, looking at Zeena and hoping I could continue to ask them. Her indication was that I could.

“What happened to those early ancestors — the ones who stayed on Earth, the ones who helped us in the past?”

“Some of them eventually interbred with your kind, although there was resistance to this initially. The offspring of these unions became our common ancestors. All who were pure of our blood eventually died of an unknown illness or left the planet. Their life-span should have been many hundreds, perhaps even thousands of your years. Some say they simply died of premature ageing. There are many possible reasons why this may have occurred, but it is not necessary for us to discuss that now. The few who escaped this fate and left Earth are now lost to us; where they may have gone, my people do not know, for that was indeed a long time ago. But while we are on the subject of interbreeding, there are a few questions I would ask of you, if I may,” Zeena requested.

I nodded my approval, knowing I would get more chances to ask the hundred-and-one questions I was waiting to ask.

Her first question took me a little by surprise.

“Have you bred on your home planet?”

“That’s an interesting question,” was my startled reply. “By ‘breed’, I suppose you mean have I any children of my own?”

I couldn’t believe she didn’t already know the answer to this question. Perhaps she was just being polite.

“Yes,” she said.

“Well, I have a son who is fourteen years old and is fit and healthy. He doesn’t appear to have too many problems, except that he could be without a proper father from now on.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asked.

“I was in the process of leaving my family unit permanently when you guys zapped me up here!” I replied. “Don’t ask why. It’s very complicated, and I’m not sure I know the answer anyway.”

Read the fifth part of the article


February 14, 2020


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