Ally yourself with the divine fire of transformation (II)


by Adina Stoian, yoga instructor

You can read here  the first part of this article.

Women become magnetic, men become electrifying

The yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru said during a conference about the sublime inner fire: “From the perspective of the sublime inner fire, human beings are always categorized in only two groups:

1. Those beings who have awakened their sublime inner fire and who have that fire present in them. They are radiating a particular charisma: women are irresistibly magnetic, which shows us that the state of SHAKTI awakens in them, and men are mysteriously electrifying, which proves that the state of VIRA awakens in them. These esoteric aspects which have never been presented before allow us to understand why is it so important for both men and women to have the abdominal area beautifully shaped, without excess fat on their bellies!

Men with excess fat who say that they want to awaken and activate their state of VIRA are actually ridiculous, for when they carry a “respectable” belly around with them, they’re just like a pair of pants that always has knee-marks.

2. That category of beings whose sublime inner fire is weakly activated, it barely shimmers. In their case, the abdominal area is excessively loaded with obviously unaesthetic layers of fat. The language of the body shows us that there’s a stringent need for the activation of this mysterious sublime inner fire.

Bear in mind that it’s not possible for a human being to have a belly which is excessively fat, obviously unpleasant to look at, and at the same time to dispose of this sublime inner fire.

This is exactly why those men who are unfortunately only theoretically aspiring to awaken their state of VIRA and those women who are only theoretically aspiring to awaken they’re state of SHAKTI, those men and women who are still carrying those adipose accumulations around with them, who have been tolerating them for years, who indulge themselves in laziness and do not do the right thing in order to activate this sublime inner fire, they should realize that they will never be able to benefit from the extraordinary advantages that this sublime inner fire offers when abundantly present in the micro-cosmos of one’s being.

There’s no need to be clairvoyant in order to see the degree of activation of a man’s or a woman’s inner fire; just look at their abdomen. If it’s harmoniously shaped and even looks aesthetic then we’ll know that their inner fire is activated. But if their fat belly are abundantly and disgracefully overflowing above their waist – then we know that we’re dealing with a person whose inner fire is not truly awakened.“

Yoga lights up the divine fire within us

So let us see a few of the ways we can use in order to awaken, activate and harmonize our sublime inner fire.

1. The HATHA YOGA techniques that help us activate our sublime inner fire

Those postures and techniques that are acting at the level of MANIPURA CHAKRA are highly recommended. The most important of them are UDDIYANA BANDHA and NAULI KRIYA. A genuine SADHANA whose purpose is to harmonize the sublime inner fire should include a considerable amount of iterations (with adequate focusing) of these two yogi techniques, which are tremendously cherished in the yogi tradition.

In Gheranda Samhita, among others, they say that the yogi who assiduously practices UDDIYANA BANDHA conquers death (this is a symbolical affirmation which we should reflect upon). The famous yogi Swami Shivananda says, regarding this technique, that together with NAULI KRIYA, it represents a priceless benefit, with no equivalent in any of the eastern or western physical education systems. He also says that UDDIYANA BANDHA gives health, inner strength, paranormal powers (SIDDHI-s or “perfections”) and longevity.

Regarding NAULI KRIYA, Hatha Yoga Pradipika says that “it is the most important and most valuable of all the physical techniques of Hatha Yoga. It amplifies the digestion, it facilitates assimilation processes, it transmutes the creative potential and it refines the energy resulted into higher forms of energy, it awakens the KUNDALINI SHAKTI, it increases willpower and destroys all forms of sufferings and illness.”


Some other postures which have remarkable effects at the level of the sublime inner fire are: JANUSHIRSHASANA [especially because it facilitates the transformation of the potential creative energy into OJAS (a luminous, dynamic, purified and sacred form of creative energy which transforms the being)]; CHAKRASANA (by working on the physical structure and its dynamic effects), SHIRSHASANA (the queen of asana-s).

Regarding the purification techniques for harmonizing the sublime inner fire, one of them is VAMANA DHAUTI (for eliminating excess KAPHA in one’s being and purifying the MANIPURA CHAKRA) as well as SHANK PRAKSHALANA, done periodically (at least four times a year, when seasons change).

2. Abdominal breathing

In order to activate the sublime inner fire, while performing this simple form of PRANAYAMA, we will focus our subtle energy at the level of MANIPURA CHAKRA. The adequate consecration of this exercise, the daily routine in doing this exercise (a minimum of 20 minutes, for at least a few months) and the focusing of our attention are all very important in practicing this method and achieving the desired results.

3. Practicing LAYA YOGA with the BIJA MANTRA for the harmonious activation of MANIPURA CHAKRA

The same information is available here, as well as for all techniques: you will obtain significant results only after practicing this method, adequately consecrating it and focusing for at least 30 minutes daily, for several months.

Be a torch of love

4. Frantic lovemaking, sublime, passionate, based on mutual love, perfect continence, adoration, transfiguration and the consecration of the fruit towards God, the Father or towards another divine aspect.

In the case of initiated lovers who are practicing lovemaking with perfect sexual continence, with love, transfiguration and consecration, during such manifestations of mutual love, this mysterious inner fire spontaneously occurs and causes astonishing transformations in their beings. But for this to happen, the lovers must manifest states of pure, intense and elevated passion (which is something resonating with the sublime fire) along with a burning love, just like they used to do in the beginning of their love relationship. Thus, genuine miracles will occur within their couple.

The excellent sublimation of the tremendous energy resulting from their love fusion (done with transfiguration, consecration, love, adoration) causes the immense expansion of their aura as well as the occurrence of genuine quality leaps in the lovers’ beings. The sublime energy of the inner fire is accumulated and directed into the higher levels of the being, where it awakens and activates the higher layers, such as the supra-mental layer VIJNANA-MAYA KOSHA, or the causal, blissful layer, ANANDA-MAYA KOSHA: thus, the lovers can live states of super-consciousness (SAMADHI).

Nourish yourself with light

5. Using medicinal herbs which burn surplus fat and activate MANIPURA CHAKRA

It is very important for those who wish to use phyto-therapy to ask the advice of a specialist in using medicinal herbs. The information presented here has an approximate accuracy and it does not represent, under any circumstance, recipes or medical treatments. Each person has a unique structure and in order to obtain the best results, you should adequately select the medicinal herbs according to your own structure type.

A) medicinal herbs for activating MANIPURA CHAKRA:

ginger, cumin, pepper, parsley, cardamom, coriander, anise, thyme, pipali, cinnamon, basil, gentian, (hydrastis canadensis), angelica (angelica archangelica), oak, ash, fir, hawthorn, galange, olive (leaves), schisandre, chamomile, juniper, rattle, rosemary, milfoil, sunflower petals, calamus, black bryony, elecampane, fennel, lovage, sweet marjoram, balm, white mustard, white cedar, celandine, saffron, ginseng, absinth, hyssop, southern wood, lavender, mint, salvia, hot pepper, clove, black poplar, radish.

B) medicinal herbs for burning fat:

gooseberry (fruit), aloe (leaves), algae, artichoke (leaves), arabic tea tree (leaves), Chinese tea (leaves), cherry tree (peduncles), black weed (airy parts), madwort (airy parts), birch (leaves), stubble berries (leaves), dandelion (root), chickweed (airy parts), blueberry (leaves), amalaki (seeds), arjuna (bark), bhringaraj (airy parts), cynara cardunculus (leaves), Lady’s mantle (airy parts), alder buckthorn (bark), fennel (fruit), wax doll (airy parts), wheat (seeds), elder (flowers).

6. A diet adequate to your age, hormonal and constitution type (that will facilitate the activation of your inner fire)

It’s impossible to harmonize your sublime inner fire and especially to burn the excess fat on your belly without having an adequate diet that consists of the nutrients necessary for a proper functioning of the hormonal glands (especially the thyroid and the supra-renal glands), the digestive tract and the metabolism.

Strictly informatively, we will mention a few of the foods which can help burn the surplus fat (but bear in mind that taking on this method required a specialty consult from a good nutritionist): lemons (fruit and juice), pineapple (fruit), asparagus (buds), parsnip (root), strawberries, apples, almonds, cantaloupes, melons, orange, plums, tomatoes, Aloe Vera juice.
Lemon juice with honey, ginger and fresh spring water (mixed proportionally so that it tastes good) is highly recommended for all body types. Drinking it on a daily basis will lead to the purification of the inner fire and the amplification of the SATTVA aspect in one’s being (consisting of the spiritualization of the being).

7. Fasting (just with water and possibly natural remedies, if the person is undergoing such a treatment) for two or three days a week.

You should consecrate fasting for at least one year or until you obtain the desired results. You could fast not only to awaken your inner fire and harmonize your body weight, but also for assimilating some benefic astral resonances because, according to the esoteric astrology, each day is dominated by a certain type of energy – and fasting favors the perceptiveness of the being on a more subtle level (if the being is alert), thus assimilating that type of energy.

Fasting on Tuesdays causes the harmonization of the energies related to action and a possible violence KARMA (in resonance with the subtle sphere of force of the planet Mars), fasting on Wednesdays causes the harmonization of the mental (dynamics and intelligence) as well the solving of any kind of financial problems (in resonance with the sphere of force of the planet Mercury), fasting on Fridays causes the harmonization of the emotional level in our being (in resonance with the sphere of force of the planet Venus), fasting on Sundays causes the energizing of one’s organism with the energy of the Sun, the activation of the conscious aspect, the amplification of spiritual aspiration, belief in God and many others (in resonance with the sphere of force of the Sun).

This article was taken from the Yogamagazin website.

january 2015

Also available in: Română Français

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