Essential Occult Aspects about Critical, Accusatory, Superficial and Malevolent Judgment (1)

by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Jesus said: „Never judge (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), for not being yourself judged afterwards in the same way. Note that always exactly how you will judge others (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), exactly the same way you will be judged yourself afterwards. Note that with the same measure you measure others, exactly with that measure you will be measured in everything you are doing. Stay now for a moment and think why on earth are you so keen and stubborn to see the speck that is in your brother‘s eye? Have you ever noticed until now the beam that is in your eye? Why do you see the speck that is in your brother‘s eye, but don‘t consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how will you tell your brother, „Let me remove the speck from your eye“ and behold; the beam is in your own eye. You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother‘s eye.“ (Matthew VII, 1-5)

For many people judging others is a habit which is part of their own nature and their way of acting. We are facing this attitude almost everywhere around us, so that nowadays, this can seem very natural and normal to many people. In reality this kind of judgment is triggering a series of ill-fated phenomena – firstly for the ones who are acting in this way – and also, it is extremely unfair for the one or those to whom this is addressed. If we think carefully about this subject, we will discover that there is no need to have special qualities, to be gifted, or to make a real effort, in order to criticize somebody. On the other hand, in order for you to correctly judge someone you must develop certain qualities and spiritual skills (intelligence, common sense, compassion, sympathy, humbleness, etc).

In the case of those human beings in whom, the demoniac state described by KRISHNA in the famous treaty BHAGAVAD GITA is awakened, the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments are slowly becoming a habit which, through other effects, makes them drown in a state of spiritual blindness.

„The one who is sowing wind will reap whirlwind.”

Generally speaking the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment is and remains especially that judgment which is mainly unfavorable and is oriented towards somebody or something. Such a criticism is, above all, ill fated and harmful, firstly for the one making it (this being in the posture of malevolent channel), due to the occult resonance processes which occur shortly after in the universe of the respective human being when he or she is making such critical, accusatory, malevolent and poisonous judgments. In such a case it is obvious for the initiated ones that the Law of Occult Giving starts working immediately but this time backwards. With regard to this, it worth remembering JESUS’ words, full of wisdom, who said: “He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.” In the light of these revelations we can see the hidden meaning of those wise words.


As we all know, according to the Law of Occult Giving, precisely what we give to the others we simultaneously give to ourselves. Consequently, it is obvious that in the case of human beings who manifest some critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments these will also trigger in their inner universe some ill fated, occult resonance processes, which will equally affect them. Thus all the evil that they will channel towards the other or the others, consciously or unconsciously, through these critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, will firstly go through them and, inevitably, a considerable part of these subtle toxic, malevolent energies will remain and will accumulate in their aura. Immediately afterwards, those subtle fatal energies will start affecting the respective beings in a proportional way, becoming for them a SUI GENERIS mandatory food, which they willy-nilly have to consume until it’s finished.

The critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment is opening “the gate” towards hell 

If, during the time when the human beings are forced to be fed with that SUI GENERIS subtle poison, they will manifest again and again, because of their bad habit, some other critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, the respective beings will continue to become (every time) a channel of reception and emission of the same kind of ill fated, poisonous, harmful subtle energies, which will become over and over again a mandatory food for them, which they, will be forced to swallow and to be fed with, until the exhaustion of those ill fated subtle energies. In the same time, in this way, some infernal occult resonance processes will be triggered in their inner universe, which will lower the global vibration frequency of their aura. In this way, without them even noticing it, some awful malevolent resonances will appear slowly and will trigger in the MICROCOSM of their beings some ill fated focus points of malevolent resonance, which will connect them with the terrible infernal realms. In this way, when the respective human beings will look in this SUI GENERIS abyss through the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments emitted by them, this abyss which is awaken in them will become a SUI GENERIS open door towards hell, through which the satanic entities will start watching and also acting in different malevolent ways, inside of their inner universe.

In the light of these revelations we can properly understand fully the words of wisdom of JESUS: “He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.” As soon as such human beings will make this mistake (of emitting some critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments) they will be forced to stand the tormenting, ill fated consequences of their actions. In the case where such a toxic habit will be developed, we can realize how this will affect those beings, reaching even to a point where, in a regressive period, they will start emitting this kind of critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments EVEN TOWARDS THEMSELVES.

So, when ignorant and unconscious human beings are slipping on this evil path and they are regressing more and more, they are awakening and amplifying in their inner universe different malevolent, infernal resonances, which will trigger a whole process of intensifying of the malevolent, infernal resonances in their inner universe. Such a dangerous game will turn against them, bringing states of turmoil and lack of balance in the MICROCOSM of their being, which, at a certain moment, will trigger diseases or illnesses, where the seed of them was sown by them through these stupid, destructive and unconscious actions.


Most often, such a criticism (accusatory, superficial and unfair) is highlighting the lack of spiritual discernment, of intelligence, of common sense, of intuition, of profound understanding and the inability to identify with the other in an objective and genuine way. Due to the fact that everything that we give to the others we also give to ourselves, with no exception, especially this kind of critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment which is directed towards certain human beings, is immediately triggering in the human beings who are manifesting it and are transmitting it occult processes of ill fated, malevolent resonances.

It is easy to criticize but it is difficult to understand it right

So, judging in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way and understanding in a profound and appropriate way are always two totally opposite manifestations. Almost always the human beings who are succeeding in having a correct understanding and a profound knowledge do not judge other beings in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. Almost without any exception it can be said that the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments do not succeed to understand in a profound way the mysterious reality of a human being and can never know the knowledge, which is possible through identification. This happens because of the ill fated, disturbing occult resonance processes that are triggered every time.

Always, with no exception, the identification and the genuine knowledge which make the profound understanding possible, also of the others and of the own reality which exists in the MICROCOSM of the human being, implies a regardful, lucid, tenacious and methodical engagement and, concomitantly, supposes that the human beings have already awakened certain inner qualities and certain specific human values such as: compassion, intelligence, love, sympathy, lucidity, common sense, discernment, ability of identifying with others and empathy.

In exchange, at the opposite pole, the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment maintains itself in a larval state, egoism, self centered, laziness, pride, stubbornness, lack of love, implying in the same time chaotic tendencies, lack of sense, superficiality, and moving away from GOD. The tendency of manifesting critical, accusatory, superficial, hastily and malevolent judgments does not imply any effort and almost all the time is manifested exactly like an irrational impulse, almost irresistible, and does not suppose any disposition or special ability from the human being who, at a certain moment, is getting used to manifesting only in this way. There are extremely few the ones who realize that every critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment, with no exception, is instantly triggering in the inner universe ill fated occult resonance processes which, afterwards, by repetition, become bad habits. In time, these habits will make different poisoned weeds, thistles, thorns and chaff, germinate and grow in the garden of their being, which, due to the chaotic tendencies and due to their ignorance that they are maintaining themselves in, make them see in others different vices, faults and mistakes. 

The ones who judge are accusing others of their own faults and vices

Most of the times, these kind of human beings, who are spiritually blind, do nothing else but project, with a strong malevolent power, towards certain human beings their own faults or vices which already exist in their inner universe and which they don’t know they even have and, to a certain extent, these faults don‘t even bother them. Due to their blindness and larval state in which they indulge, such poor human beings are paradoxically projecting all these faults, miseries and vices towards the others, rushing to judge them (for the vices, faults and miseries which are in themselves), emitting, with an idiot aplomb, critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. These poor creatures come to unfairly regard the other as they would be this and that, exactly as they project it, using their unleashed and negative imagination, then falsely seeing in the others their own inner vices or inner miseries.

That is why a famous saying of wisdom says: „Often the perfidious, demonized, evil, stubborn, selfish and proud ones are judging others in a critical way with great malice and they are powerfully projecting on them their own evilness, their own vices and their own perversity, accusing the others with aplomb as if the others would be exactly how they are in reality. That is why exactly they feel the need to judge the others in a critical and malevolent way, considering others some big perfidious, whether in reality they are the big perverts, they who paradoxically project their miseries and their perversity upon those who do not have in them at all this kind of perversity”. There is a proverb in the folklore that says: “The great thief often strongly believes that all others around him are, without exception, thieves”.

No need to be smart to criticize someone!

Because the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments are quite often some instinctive reactions, which come to combine familiarity with the absence of certain gifts or qualities, for most ignorant, larval, unconscious, daemonic, haughty and superficial human beings is much easier to judge the others in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way, rather than to understand them in a profound way, as they should. Precisely for this reason, very many ignorant and larval people are tempted to judge others in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way.

Most of them are also very lazy and self indulging, often doing this because they find that course of action to be the easiest. Such human beings are acting like this almost all the time because understanding others in a profound way, based on intuition, discernment, empathy, common sense, profound identification, love and intelligence is something that seems to be very difficult – for many of them, this fair and thorough understanding of others appear to be something almost impossible. That is why we should not be surprised that, if we look very carefully and lucidly around us, we see that many human beings tend to judge others in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. Many of these human beings are ending up by being monopolized by this harmful habit.


To better understand these initiated aspects we will offer you below a quotation, full of wisdom from the New Testament, which shows the divinely inspired words of JESUS: „Never judge (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), for not being yourself judged afterwards in the same way. Note that always exactly how you will judge others (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), exactly the same way you will be judged yourself afterwards. Note that with the same measure you measure others, exactly with that measure you will be measured in everything you are doing. Stay now for a moment and think why on earth are you so keen and stubborn to see the speck that is in your brother‘s eye? Have you ever noticed until now the beam that is in your eye? Why do you see the speck that is in your brother‘s eye, but don‘t consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how will you tell your brother, „Let me remove the speck from your eye“ and behold; the beam is in your own eye. You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother‘s eye.“ (Matthew VII, 1-5)

When we look carefully around us, we can see that often, what disturbs many human beings are not the situations, events or other human beings, but exactly the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments that they manifest upon such situations or certain human beings.

Aim to always see the good side of the human beings!

Related to critical judgments the famous yogic of India MA ANANDA MOYI said: „Never judge others in a critical and malevolent way, because this considerably narrows your spiritual vision, it lowers your vibratory frequency, it perverts your soul and every time adds a heavy sin that is left in this world. Always aim to see the good side of the human beings you meet, their qualities, their inner beauty, their gifts, which are worthy of admiration and see the good side of all situations and events of your life.”

„In turn, the great Tibetan yogi MILAREPA said: „Never judge any human being in a perverse or malevolent way and, especially, step aside from slandering or defaming anyone. First of all look and then enjoy everything which is good, beautiful and admirable in every human being, aim to always discover, when you get in contact with no matter what man or woman, the hidden god that is in each of them and do what it takes to reveal it. Remember that in every human being there is always a diamond fragment of God that you can discover if you know how to look for it and how to contemplate it. Take note that such a vision, full of kindness, goodness and admiration towards the human beings that you get in contact with helps you to immediately awaken in yourself the spiritual qualities and merits that you have, thus accelerating the development of everything that is sublime and potential in your being”

The great yogi of India SWAMI SHIVANANDA said: „It’s always very easy to judge another human being in a critically and malevolent way, thus giving him the impression that you yourself are even more than him. But think that everyone could do this, and the impertinence and malevolent even do that without hesitation. Realize instead that in order to do good things and help others to transform, you suppose to put in effort, patience, love, kindness, compassion, sympathy and ability. Take note as it is just so easy to do much damage and how difficult it is to help a single human being recover, to regain confidence in it or to awaken in his being beneficial energies to reach the way to feel good.”

The great sage of India, SRI RAMAKRISHNA said: „Many people are prompt to give empty and hypocritical praise in order to get some advantages in this way and also this kind of people are very prompt in condemning, defaming and criticizing with great evil those that they do not know. Do not worry about all the evil, lies and slanders that some people will say about you, without thinking too much about it.”

SWAMI VIVEKANANDA said: „Try to always live a quiet and virtuous life, give as much love as possible to people, often make good to them and always be fully detached, both from the full hypocrisy and praise that will often come to overwhelm you, and from the malevolent and unfair judgments that they will often throw towards you. Each time forgive those who hurt you, for if you will look at them with great compassion, you will always find that they act like this only because of the ignorance in which they indulge and of the evil which drives them.“ 

SRI RAMAKRISHNA said: „When other people are unfairly judging you with great malice and defamation, always retreat yourself in God‘s peace and immediately expel from your heart the shame, anger and fear. Never be scared and never ask yourself what they would say if you took all your clothes off and remained naked just like little children, beginning to dance full of love and purity to celebrate the name of the Lord (God).”

In each judgment human beings should imitate GOD 

Human beings are called and even urged to always imitate the Good LORD in all their judgments. Having known that always, without exception, GOD is a good, right and wise Judge, the human beings are called and even urged to always judge others, without exception, with kindness, compassion, wisdom and justice. They must always do this, permanently recognizing that, without exception, the final judgment belongs entirely to GOD alone. This is why the human beings are required to always prove a lot of common sense, wisdom, kindness and discernment when they judge other people, no matter the circumstances. Awakening the ability to do so, with great kindness, compassion and wisdom, exactly how this should be, is and remains an important sign of true inner maturity and common sense. 

An aphorism that is recommended to reflect upon: „What is the human being, permanently contained in the super gigantic MACROCOSM in which we all live and exist? They are a tiny nothing compared to the mysterious Infinite, which permanently knows everything and can ceaselessly embrace all and everything that exists. Every human being is and always remains a tiny whole in miniature (MICROCOSM) within the super gigantic WHOLE, which has been created by the Infinite, Eternal and largely mysterious GOD. Even when they don’t (yet) have the insight that, every human being is a SUI GENERIS communication medium (channel) or, in other words, a bridge between seemingly nothing and the GREAT WHOLE (MACROCOSM). The overwhelming reality of this revelation may be intuitive, penetrated and assimilated only by the few, through inner, direct and ineffable experience.“

JESUS warned people in a clear and firm way about the inherent dangers that arise as soon as the human beings judge the other or the others in a critical, accusing, hasty and superficial way, a manner in which not only that they are wrong, but also they are anticipating in a cartoon like way the final divine judgment. Given this, human beings must always show common sense, compassion, prudence and they should not forget that, in fact, any critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment emitted by humans is almost always temporary and may also be more or less wrong. This is why, when we cannot refrain from emitting judgments towards others in certain situations, we must do this by proving a lot of common sense, humility, lucidity, detachment, wisdom, compassion and kindness, aiming as much as possible to manifest ourselves each time in a fair and divine inspired perspective.

After the deed and retribution

Currently, within the Christian religion, people reject in a direct and sometimes violent way the idea that one day, when they will finally leave this world (by the so-called death), they will nevertheless have to account for their life, for their malevolent actions, for their wrong choices, for their negative intentions and decisions that made them sin. From the exceptional testimonies which exist currently, it is known that many human beings have met angels of light when they have experienced a state of clinical death and, once faced by an angel of light, it has asked them a crucial question: „WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR LIFE?”

The complete loss of faith and of the belief that previously existed of life after the so called death, combined with the erosion of the idea of moral responsibility, which appeared based on the popular interpretations (predominantly materialistic) of the psychological and psychoanalytic theories, have contributed to the emergence and amplification of a state of moral indifference and of the increasingly stressed pragmatism that exists today. Unfortunately, currently, the moral issues, to the extent that they matter, are related only to the present moment and often are regarded as linked to personal happiness. The idea that they could still be related in a transcendent way to the divine size, or that one day (when finally leaving this world) people will be called and determined to accept the responsibility for these moral decisions, in the presence of the angel of Light, which is a messenger of the Omniscient, Omnipotent and All-seeing GOD the FATHER, is regarded by many as being an anathema (condemnation, punishment by the Church).

Beyond the appearances, which are known and accessible to modern human beings, this aspect is true. The indirect judgment of the angel of light and also GOD’s judgment are and always remain inevitable after we finally leave this world. Such a fair inevitably judgment is awaiting for each of us. In front of the modern tendency to deny or mock the future judgment that we will be faced with, there is a bigger and more imperative responsibility to preserve and properly appreciate these revelations related to us.

Wise judgment emphasizes the divine will fulfillment

In the Bible, in the New Testament text, the emphasis is put on a wise judgment, as part of the mysterious nature of GOD the FATHER and of His essential work. The same as in the revelations of the Old Testament, the good, wise and loving judgments of GOD are not limited to the future, but they are already operating in human beings lives, even in present time. Such a divine judgment is associated even today with JESUS CHRIST, who already manifests the Heavenly FATHER’s (GOD) judgments. The mysterious light of the Word of GOD is already shining in this world, through the wise revelations of JESUS, which are a SUI GENERIS lighthouse in the moral experience of man, revealed in a supreme way by GOD the FATHER (through the Words of JESUS CHRIST). Therefore the critical, accusatory, hasty, superficial and malevolent judgment of the people that is already in action (being projected on their fellows), is an error, and, by such evil acts, they show in an indirect way that they „love the darkness and not the divine light”. 

When they cannot refrain, however, and they issue several judgments on their fellow man, people must never lose sight of the fact that always, without exception, the reason of such judgments will have to be the human being’s response towards fulfilling the revealed will of GOD. Therefore, when people cannot refrain, and feel entitled to judge their fellow man, such judgment will necessarily have to include almost the entire range of human experiences, almost all thoughts that a being is assumed to have had, and also all the intentions, words, actions that a being will have had and said until then. Such a fair judgment of people will be of such a nature that it will have to take into account the different degree of the knowledge of GOD‘s will and should, therefore, involve a different measure of that human being’s capacity to fulfill it. Only such judgment, that takes into account all the aspects that we have talked about here, starts to be, to a certain extent, similar to the completely straight, total, impartial and full of wisdom judgment of GOD THE FATHER. Knowing all this, it is worth asking: How many human beings on this planet are currently able to show such a judgment which is asymptotically close to the perfect judgment of GOD THE FATHER?

Given the complexity of this subject that relates to the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments that many of us are issuing upon our fellow man, as soon as we consider all the ill fated lightening effects of such faulty judgments that we hazardously issue upon our fellow man, we can immediately recognize that it is a thousand times better, more prudent and more wise for us to refrain from such judgments (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent) which, immediately afterwards, will influence ourselves for evil (by exposing us according to the mysterious Law of Action and Reaction (the Law of Karma)) to be exactly the same way judged afterwards (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way) by our fellow man.

Do not judge, so you won’t be judged!

In light of these revelations, we can finally understand the depth and the wisdom of JESUS’ advice, who said: “Never judge (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way) for not being judged yourself afterwards in the same way. Note that always exactly how you will judge others (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), exactly the same way you will be judged yourself afterwards. Note that with the same measure you measure others, exactly with this measure you will be measured in everything you are doing. Stay now for a moment and think why on earth are you so keen and stubborn to see also the speck that is in your brother‘s eye? Have you ever noticed until now the beam that is in your eye? Why do you see the speck that is in your brother‘s eye, but don‘t consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how will you tell your brother, „Let me remove the speck from your eye“ and behold the beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother‘s eye…“ (Matthew VII, 1-5)

In this way we can easily realize that whenever we judge a certain person, in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way we also exposes ourselves, to be judged as well in exactly the same way (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent). Also, when issuing such a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment, we trigger in our inner universe some occult resonance processes, which are attracting in our being subtle harmful negative energies, in unison with the (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent) judgment that we have issued. In this way it might be said that we become a SUI GENERIS enemy of ourselves, harming ourselves in a proportionate way to the evil contained in our (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent) judgment, which we are issuing towards a particular human being. We must not lose sight of the fact that the same evil phenomenon is triggered when, because of ignorance or bad habits, we tend to issue towards ourselves such critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. In Greek philosophy, this attitude is called HEAUTONTIMORUMENOS (a human being that is self harming and indirectly punishing themselves).

Seeing this from a fundamental point of view we can say that in reality there is no justification for the human being without „deeds“ (without listening carefully, humbly and fruitful to GOD). Such a deeply creative and beneficial listening, which implies that we should every time fulfill the Heavenly FATHER‘s will, is the reason for the human presence in the state of „the right one“ when he is standing before GOD. It is important to realize that in fact, a very strong faith in GOD without good deeds (or, in other words, which is almost never accompanied by good works) is false, for it is not possible to have a strong faith in GOD which does not also „incorporate“ us in a mysterious state of communion with Him, with all the radical implications that this aspect presents for the moral character of one who believes in GOD.

In other words, the justification, which does not lead to sanctification, is in no way a justification. In other words, each of us must continually prove our origin not only by frantic aspiration, but also by our courage to become and to be holy. When, at one time, JESUS was asked: „What should I do to fulfill the facts which are pleasant to GOD?” JESUS replied: „The most important fact that GOD requires from you is this: to believe with an unshakable strength in Him and to love Him.“

“He who was been given more, more will be required“

Therefore, the achievement of GOD‘s will for each of us involves recognizing, accepting and respecting His commandments, His laws and His good. To believe with an unshakable strength in GOD means, first of all, to manifest beneficial intentions and then to do the good deeds that GOD requires every time. The good deeds, which are always based on clear, firm and beneficial intentions, of the pure and right ones, are never random acts of kindness. They are and remain very good works through which the mysterious mission of GOD in the sphere of this planet (Earth) will be helped, and thus we become mysterious „channels“ in and through which GOD is manifesting. All the good deeds of human beings will make possible the manifestation, both in their inner universe and through them, of GOD’s grace, who is thus acting in the human sphere, each time annihilating the evil and ceaselessly promoting the heavenly good. There is a germ of truth in the full of wisdom statement: „The increasingly broad and deep knowledge of GOD that we are offered is afterwards combined with all the chances and divine gifts that we deserve and implies for us to manifest a much bigger responsibility.“

In a careful study, we discover that the texts that are included in the Bible highlight that it is sure that the human beings are not all equal in terms of opportunities that GOD offers to know Him. It is understood that this aspect is taken into account when GOD is giving His fair justice, as soon as human beings are finally leaving this world and, in the end of the divine judgment they pass, to remain for a certain period of time, exactly in the realm that they deserve (according to their intentions, deeds, thoughts and actions) in the other world, for continuing their existence and evolution, thus being rewarded accordingly to their intentions, actions, thoughts, desires and aspirations. The secret divine principle that at a certain time is revealed to us by Apostle Luke is deeply significant in this direction: „He, who was given more, more will be required.“

Some texts that exist in the Bible testify about a separation that occurs right after the final judgment of the pure and right ones from the evil ones, of the selected ones from those who will not be elected; i.e. all those whose names are found to be „written“ in the great Book of Godly Life from those whose names are not found to be „written“ in the great Book of Godly Life. Future existence of all human beings who are acquitted at the final judgment of GOD is called Heaven in the Bible and the future existence of the ones who are not acquitted is called Hell in the Bible. Regarding the final divine judgment, certain fundamental revelation of JESUS (such as for example the Parable of Talents, and his revelations of the 9th Paths) help us to understand that, in reality, all human beings will be then judged by GOD, through the angel of light, when they will finally leave this world (by the so-called death), deeply connected to how they have used, as they should, with wisdom, almost all the talents, virtues, skills, gifts, divine grace, opportunities and chances, as have been offered to them during their earthly existence.

Do not hurry to judge!

For all the judgments that they issue, every human being is called to imitate GOD the FATHER as much as possible and permanently. In other words, as GOD the FATHER is always a perfect judge, always straight, absolutely impartial, full of wisdom, full of compassion, full of kindness, full of love and common sense, so people who tend to judge others, when they cannot refrain to make judgments about others, should be very careful and should realize that every judgment also involves a great responsibility and this is why they are always required, without exception, to judge their fellow man sympathetically, with common sense, impartially, responsibly, with compassion, with tolerance, being animated by the spirit of a state of justice. They must realize that, beyond appearances, their judgments can never be perfect, full of wisdom, comprehensive and fully objective.

That is why they must refrain from making critical, accusatory, superficial hasty and malevolent judgments that also cannot be definitive. When they are tempted to make critical judgments to their fellow man they must know that every time (without exception) such a judgment (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent) exposes them to bear the default consequences that they deserve. This is why, each of those who are tempted to issue such judgments (critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent) must immediately remember that he who „sows the wind“, that implicitly directs it to his fellow man, will immediately pick up afterwards the storm in his being, and will then have to bear (at the right time) „the storm“ that he will deserve from his fellows, who will be tempted to act exactly as he once acted and judged (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way) his fellow man”


Human beings are required to give evidence of more discernment, wisdom, depth and to never justly judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way, especially when they feel tempted to condemn the different moral situations. Such success is a true sign of inner maturity, wisdom and common sense. Several times in the Bible the human beings are warned in a clear and definite way about the consequences they run when they judge others in a critical, accusatory, superficial, hasty and malevolent, being tempted to predict the final divine judgment. This is why you should never lose sight of that fact that, in reality, any human judgment is temporary and often it may be partial, in light of future, really full of wisdom, judgment of GOD.

At one point, JESUS is strongly warning us against any „improvised judges, who are critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent, who are assuming the right to make all sorts of such judgments against their fellows, without benefiting of the majority of aspects that GOD has. This is why JESUS warns us not to judge others, because he says: „Exactly the court that you judge with, with the same court you will be judged, and with the same measure you measure, with the same measure you will be measured.”(Matthew 7: 1-2 Luke 6: 37) 

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our trespassers…

We should never lose sight of the fact that every human being always perceives the reality exactly as they are themselves (the human beings). In this way, they (the human beings) are also experiencing themselves as being who they are, and they discover themselves accordingly. At the same time they (the human beings) are relating to the outer world in a way, which is specific to them and, almost always, they tend to manifest a certain point of view, which is characteristic to them. In other words, they are spontaneously projecting a certain vision upon reality, and also upon their own behavior.

In light of the wise teachings of JESUS, human beings can be saved from the divine condemnation by the divine forgiveness of GOD, which, when it is worth, it is given without restriction to the sinner, whatever the gravity of their mistake. But we should not lose sight of the fact that human beings cannot be saved unless they will display and entirely manifest the same aspiration and unconditional willingness to forgive in their turn, the same way GOD is capable to forgive. It is easily understood that everyone who believes with an unshakable strength in GOD will not be judged (as it will not be necessary), and all those who do not believe in GOD as appropriate, is understood by default that they will be judged just as worthwhile. The three possible sentences of GOD are and will be: eternal bliss, necessary purification and sending to the underworld.

Aphorisms and thoughts about judgment

1. Currently it is known what are the causes that trigger and make grow in us the enslaving passions, often these passions arise in our inner universe (where they triggers occult resonance processes with certain subtle energies in MACROCOSM) because of the false ideas that are taking hold of us (often surreptitiously) our mind. Then, they are more and more rooted in our being because the consent that most of us have the tendency to let it take over us.

2. As far as we aspire to be happy all the time by a deep inner peace, you must realize that to end once and for all to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent on our fellow man, even when stubbornly believe that we are entitled to do so. If we persevere in this usually ill fated poison we thus being exactly those events (subtle energy) or just disturbing defects and bugs that it seems that you immediately notice that human beings then hurry judge them in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent.       

3. It is a thousand times better for us and for our inner balance to judge others in an admiring, transfigurative and profoundly beneficial way. By doing this almost all the time, we will wake up and even immediately amplify in our being those qualities and virtues that we observe in our fellow man, because of our optimistic admiring vision.


4. Never rush to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way the life of a human being. Refrain from making this more so, when in reality you do not intuitively know in depth that human being and you do not have clear indicators and targets regarding her dominant orientation. Please note that, without exception, always a fundamentally good-hearted human being cannot harm somebody or you. Never lose sight of the fact that, in many cases, some of the actions of the fundamentally good-hearted human beings, may only apparently seem bizarre or censurable (for the one who looks upon it in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way), even if, before GOD, they are fundamentally good, fair, beautiful and even laudable. Few human beings are spontaneously able to discover the mysterious truth and the good that is hidden beyond appearances. Understanding this in an appropriate way, never forget that a human being who is doing much better it is not possible to do harm. Refrain yourself to judge in a superficial and hasty manner the things which you cannot yet understand in a profound and intuitive way. You will thus be provided with many opportunities to discover the truth about that human being, which you succeeded to refrain from judging in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. If you make again and again the mistake of judging, in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way certain human beings, who, in their mysterious objective reality, are not at all (bad) as you judge them, in a wrong way, you will trigger the awakening and amplifying in your being of all vices, faults and perversity that you thought you saw in them. Note that such a mistake will cost you dearly every time, because in this way you will awaken and amplify in your being the faults, defects and perversity that you thought that human beings possess. Note that if you do not stop to make such projections again and again, in this way you will become in the end (exactly because the evil and bitter psycho mental projection that you perform) exactly as you think it is that human being, which you already got used to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. In this way all the faults, vices, flaws and perversity that you criticize with hatred and rigor to that human being will awaken in you in the end. When those faults and defects will amplify in your own inner universe, the other human beings close to you will notice that you are becoming just as you had the first impression and then the belief that is that human being that you started to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. After wards, you will notice with amazement that almost nothing good can enter into your being, which is now excessively opened only towards what is bad. This will happen because nothing good can enter in the universe of the human beings who, due to the evil that has grown in them, have closed themselves in with the terrible energies of evil. It might be said that this is the terrible punishment which the human beings administrate to themselves, and then they increase it ever more, when they judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way a human being who actually was not and is not as they eventually came to stubbornly believe, because of their perverse and unbridled imagination.

5. It is never full of common sense for the human beings to be judged just upon the words they say when they are in terrible suffering.
6. The human beings should not be judged in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way, for each serious suspicion manifested towards them immediately thereafter is disturbing our serenity, our purity and the deep peace of our heart. Such a bad judgment draws the soul to the outside and then denying it the leisure state, because of occult adverse resonance processes that are triggered in our inner universe.


7. The human beings who are very humble, even if they see everything, they do not look at anything in order to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way, for they always seek to avoid this, in order to escape the punishment to come (in the future), when, at the right time, they themselves would have to be judged in the same critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way.

8. When we look carefully and lucidly around us we discover that many human beings are taken one after the other, they especially imitate each other in bad and often they judge (each other) in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way. They sometimes allow themselves to be influenced by their unleashed imagination and by their senses that are subject to error. However, the wise people are judging everything in close connection with the mysterious and essential truth, which is present in everything and in all that exists. In this way the wise people infer what is true, fully identify with it, notice with detachment, enter into what exists beyond appearances and, in this way, they understand everything, always rising high above all that has been created. They manage to do this every time, even with regard to their own inner universe.

9. The illusory desire which appears in the human beings who are judging somebody else‘s faults in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way and who constantly seek to blame and to defame others, grows endlessly and thus such a human creature comes to be inner subjugated and obsessed exactly by it.


10. Each river has always two sides. Any situation, event or aspect of reality has two faces, even when we do not infer this.

11. To judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way also shows that we were not yet able to really understand what exists, for if we have really understood this in a profound way, it would not be thereafter possible for us to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way.


12. Many human beings complain of hatred, resentments or of the malice of human beings, but very few human beings are complaining of their critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment.

13. To always judge in an appropriate way is one of the characteristics of the human being who reached the awakening of the spiritual discernment and, to act accordingly afterwards, in a divine way, is one of the features of the harmonious, intuitive and full of wisdom human being.

14. The worst disease is the one that makes you believe that you yourself are not at all touched by it and that, in fact, it is not you who is sick but the others. In some benign forms such a disease makes you acknowledge, at some point, that you yourselves suffer a little bit from it, but being firmly convinced that only others are severely affected.


15. The human being who is not yet able to hear but a single bell will not be able to hear but only one sound
16. Most often to judge a certain human being in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way also involves judging yourself in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way.

17. Do not forget that always for judging yourself you are always very close, but in terms  of ability to judge the others in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way you are most often very susceptible.

18. Never hurry to judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way and nor to punish. Better, hurry up to understand it in an intuitive and as deep as possible way.

19. To judge in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way means to most often condemn exactly what you are not yet able to observe that (yet) exists in you. It also implies for you to refuse that issue or event or perverse manifestation that already exists in you and that is why it bothers you. In the case of the wise ones, in their inner universe can only exist in reality penetrating intuition, acceptance, broad and deep understanding, compassion, the altruist drive to help the other to get out of the impasse he is in and not conviction.

20. Remember that always, without exception, exactly the judgment that you are judging with (today) you will then be judged with (in the future) and exactly the measure that you measure with, you will be measured afterwards…


21. We can have a wise judgment about all that it happened or it happens, a fair and wise forecast for that will be in the future only when this is not regarding us (in a selfish way) and is not affecting us all, or, in other words, when all these do not reach at all our interest.


22. Even when we do not realize it, the prevailing judgment of the human beings also contains a bit of their fate.


23. Once everything has come to the feelings, and when this comes to prevail, it can be said that, shortly after this, our judgment is over.
24. It is not good to follow the blockhead judgments of the crowd, even when their dumb looks are heading towards you. Take note not to consider that the most beautiful ones from this world are what are considered to be the blockhead judgment of the crowd. You must always protect yourself of your own critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment.

25. The human being who comes to depend on the blockhead judgment of the crowd should not to be regarded as a sage.

26. Often the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment is deceived by appearances and fantasies.
27. Judge with your wisdom, not with your eye.

Read here the second part of this article

June 2010

Also available in: Română Français

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