14. The fifteen weaknesses
1. A religious devotee showth weakness if he allow his mind to be obsessed with wordly thoughts while dwelling in solitude.
2. A religious devotee who is the head of a monastery showeth weakness if he seek his own interests [rather than those of the btotherhood].
3. A religious devotee showeth weakness if he be careful in the observance of moral discipline and lacking in moral restraint.
4. It showeth weakness in one who hath entered upon the Righteous Path to cling to wordly feelings of attraction and repulsion.
5. It showeth weakness in one who hath renounced worldliness and entered the Holy Order to hanker after acquiring merit.
6. It showeth weakness in one who hath caught a glimpse of Reality to fail to persevere in sadhana [or yogic meditation] till the dawning of Full Enlightenment.
7. It showeth weakness in one who is a religious devotee to enter upon the Path and then be unable to eradicate from himself unworthy actions.
8. It showeth weakness in one who hath no other occupation than religious devotion to be unable to eradicate from himself unworthy actions.
9. It showeth weakness in one who hath chosen the religious career to have hesitancy in entering into close retreat while knowing full well that the food and everything needed would be provided unasked.
10. A religious devotee who exhibiteth occult powers when practising exorcism or in driving away diseases showeth weakness.
11. A religious devotee showeth weakness if he barter sacred truths for food and money.
12. One who is vowed to the religious life showeth weakness if he cunningly praise himself while disparaging others.
13. A man of religion who preacheth loftily to others and doth not live loftily himself showeth weakness.
14. One who professeth religion and is unable to live in solitude in his own company and yet knoweth not how to make himself agreeable in the company of others showeth weakness.
15. The religious devotee showeth weakness if he be not indifferent to comfort and to hardship.
These are The Fifteen Weaknesses.
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