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Astrology for Beginners

The Natal Chart

The study of astrology always begins with the study of the natal chart. The following is a brief description of the way it can be configurated (taking into account the date, hour and place of birth) and the key elements with which to decipher and interpret it. It is necessary to plot the map of the sky when a person is born by…

Short History

Astrology has always preoccupied society, but in the past it represented a field of knowledge reserved to great initiated sages. Key figures in the field of astrology are the ancient scholars Ptolemy (with his reference work Tetrabiblos), Hermes Trismegistos, and Avicenna; and in the Middle Ages Paracelsus and…

The Usefulness of Astrology

The aim of astrology is to facilitate the evolution of humanity. Astrology is a means to gain self-knowledge in order to hasten spiritual development. More accurately, it helps us to become aware, to comprehend and finally to better control our emotional, mental and intellectual natures. This is with the aim of…

Practical Elements for Astrogram Design

We have learned that the planets, including the Sun and the Moon move approximately in the same plane and only within a specific area of the sky; called the zodiac. This movement is divided in turn into 12 sectors bearing a constellation''s name, from Aries to Pisces. For an astrogram to be charted, the exact position of…

The Moon Nodes

These nodes are two significant points in an astrogram. The nodes of the moon (or of a planet) represent the intersection between the ecliptic cycle (the apparent trajectory of the Sun through the zodiac) and the Moon''s (or of the respective planet''s) orbit.When the Moon comes upon a node, passing from the…

Planetary Aspects

The angles formed by the planets and the Earth are measured at the birthplace in degrees. These angles are found on the astrogram by positioning the planet in the particular zodiac sign (for instance the Sun at 12° in Aries, the Moon at 17° in Gemini).Definition of Planetary Aspects: When the heavenly bodies are in a specific angular…

Astrological Houses

The human being has numerous fields of activity; astrology has characterised them into twelve categories. This grouping is behind the concept of the twelve astrological houses. Previously we saw that astral influences are imprinted on man through the signs and planets, in the form of characteristics and tendencies. As we…

The Ecliptic Cycle

Owing to the Earth''s annual revolution around the Sun, we see the Sun tracing an ECLIPTIC curvein the sky. The Ecliptic cycle passes through all the zodiac constellations and no planet moves further away than 18 degrees fom this curve. All the solar system''s celestial bodies are present always within a specific 36…

The Retrograde Planets

A retrograde planet is a planet that seems to move in the opposite direction in the zodiac (from Aries to Aquarius through to Pisces). The apparent reversed movement is the result of the combination between the movement of the Earth and that with the particular planet around the Sun, as they can seem to be slower…

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