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Extraterrestrial civilisations

Spanish researchers make a remarkable announcement: The world is not controlled by humans

Now we're really going deep down the rabbit hole. Spanish researchers from La Quinta Columna made a rather bizarre announcement at a meeting in Madrid on May 18. They referred to the work of American surgeon Roger Leir, who studied people who claimed to have been abducted by malefic extraterrestrials. In a number of cases, Dr. Leir…

FOI Request Reveals UK Gov’t ‘Preparing To Announce’ Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life

The British government is officially preparing to announce the discovery of extraterrestrial life, a move described as “long overdue” by the UK’s leading UFO expert. A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is currently making plans for how it will react…

Declassified documents reveal current and former senators believe the government has secretly recovered UFOs of non-human origin

Several members of the United States Senate believe the government has secretly recovered extraterrestrial craft of non-human origin. Recently declassified documents show how two members of the Senate's Democratic leadership – Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and the late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) – believe the federal…

Former head of US gov’t UFO program confirms gov’t possesses advanced craft of unknown origin

In a recent interview, Dr. James Lacatski, who headed a prior U.S. government investigation into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), affirmed that the U.S. government possesses a craft of unknown origin and has access to its interior. A newly released book co-authored by Lacatski, who led the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System…

Majority of Indians believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life: survey

In an online survey, 47% people said they believed intelligent extraterrestrial life existed in the universe. In India, the percentage was 55%. Moreover, three in five people who believed in existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life voted to establish contact with them. A majority of people on the Earth believe that there…

Police officer encounters reptilian beings: ‘the government knows all about them’

In January of 2005, twenty-seven-year-old Matt worked as a customer service representative for United Airlines. Recently he had grown weary of the hospitality industry’s predictable monotony. As a Chicago native, the young man was accustomed to bleak midwestern winters yet this season was particularly brutal. Each dreary day he longed for…

Ex-CIA officer’s UFO encounter: ‘There’s a whole other reality that surrounds us’

The CIA and the UFO mystery have been linked since 1947. Since then, a number of CIA officials and former US military personnel have directly promoted UFOlogy by making surprising remarks. R. James Woolsey, Derrel Sims, Lue Elizondo, David Fravor, and other former CIA and US military officers have described how the existence of reality…

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