937% Increase in Heart Failure among Vaccinated US Military Personnel

Unclassified DOD Data on Navy Pilots

In the now very distant September 2021, a few months after the entry into force of the most massive mandatory vaccination campaign in the history of the “democratic” West, a doctor in surgery with experience of bacteriological weapons and lieutenant colonel of the US Air Force raised the alarm about the dangers of adverse reactions to mRNA gene sera with serious heart problems.

Lt. Col. Theresa Long

Theresa Long made the complaint as a whistleblower in a long and detailed affidavit (sworn report) which Gospa News reported a few days after her diffusion in the USA.

Not only. In the same document she communicated that she prohibited from flying all vaccinated pilots of the wing of the 1st Aviation Brigade at the Fort Rucker base (now Fort Novosel in Alabama) of which she was the doctor in charge.

Then she was forced to leave the army and is now among the 200 active or retired soldiers who have taken legal action against their superiors precisely for the imposition of mandatory vaccination.

Declassified Department of Defense data now confirms the validity of her alarm.

The establishment, which can only lie, is trying to manage the no longer deniable evidence that the covid vax is deadly and harmful to health.

One of the narrative management tricks is to admit the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but to sweep them under the rug as “rare.”

If the dangers of the “vaccine” were rare, Big Pharma would not have its shills at work trying to discredit or dismantle the vaccine adverse events reporting system.

That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from the report by a US Navy medic that Department of Defense data show that US Navy pilots have suffered a:

  • 937% increase in heart failure
  • 152% increase in cardiomyopathy
  • 69% increase in ischemic heart disease
  • 63% increase in other forms of heart disease
  • 36% increase in hypertensive disease

The corrupt US Department of Defense, a ramp for the excess profits of the armaments industry, tried to blame the events on the covid virus itself.

However, “according to information published by the US Army, 97% of active-duty U.S. troops are fully vaccinated, 90% of Army National Guard members are fully vaccinated, and 91% of U.S. Army Reserve members are fully vaccinated.”

So, if the “vaccine” did not cause the deaths and health injuries, and the virus was responsible, obviously the “vaccine” was totally ineffective in protecting against the virus.

In actual fact, according to independent medical scientists, the “vaccine” not only did not protect, but caused more deaths and worst health injuries than the virus itself. This is the honest, documented, verified conclusion of medical scientists whose research and results are not financed by Big Pharma and the universities that rely on pharmaceutical industry grants. It is the independent scientists who are motivated by truth instead of profit and career, who tell the truth and suffer for it.

As the US Navy medic now suffers. Lt. Ted Macie met with the female Chief of Naval Operations and her aide, and afterward found that he was blocked from access to his computer. Charges are likely pending against him.

So, we see how powerful Big Pharma is. Not even the US Navy is permitted to release unclassified data that show the devastating impact of the covid “vaccine.”


March 25, 2024


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