The Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman Summer Camp – Putna, July 13-20, 2024

“Know yourself as profoundly and fully as possible in order to discover God, Who is waiting for you, being hidden in the essence of your being. Proceeding in this way, you will become the godly being, which in your ultimate essence you already are, and then you will be able to fulfill the Will of God, manifesting and living as God wants you to live.” – Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

We are happy to announce the organization of the 3rd camp for the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman, which will take place in Putna. During the period: Saturday July 13, 2024-Saturday July 20, 2024, it will be organized in the town of Gura Putnei, Bucovina, in a wonderful atmosphere of peace and tranquility, conducive to the most profound immersion in silence in the depths of the heart and soul, our Summer Camp (spiritual retreat) for the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman.

The Camp will be coordinated by yoga instructor Uriell Monete and those who aspire to a spiritual retreat can participate in this camp which can greatly help them in their spiritual transformation, thus making important steps in understanding and deepening the revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman, whether they are students of our Yoga School or they are students of Tantra courses.

We invite you to view the testimonies of the experiences of those who participated in the Self-revelation Camp from Costinești and Putna, that took place previously:

Also for the first time in our spiritual School, we will perform and experience together in this summer camp the induction of the beneficial state of trance in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father, God.

From the programme

  • We will practice daily introspection through the 14-stage method of the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman, a method given to us by our spiritual Guide, Grieg, for increasingly longer periods of time, so that in the last days of the retreat we reach extraordinary profound levels, which will facilitate total melting and abandonment in the Undifferentiated, Supreme Consciousness of God the Father;
  • In order to succeed in realizing the most conscious and profound introspection through the 14-step method of the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman, optionally, in the morning there will be a spiritual program of Hatha Yoga realized together in unison, with profound awareness related to the practice of VIJNANASANA.
  • MAHAMUDRA technique;
  • The LIGHTNING ROD technique, so that in and through our being, the Will of God the Father is fully manifested and done within the entire spiritual integration, in which we engaged with our whole being.
  • On the last day of the Camp, a yang Spiral Meditation will be performed, with the induction of the state of spiritual liberation through Godly Miracle, with specific spiritual support. This spiral will be like a crowning of the experiences and understandings had during the Camp and we will aim to open our being to everything that was revealed to us from the Good God in this Camp, through the Grace of our spiritual Guide and the Good God.

Those who participate in this camp will receive a spiritual gift: a crystal charged with the state of deification;

For details regarding accommodation and meals or other organisational information access this link:

The whole programme benefits of the spiritual support specific to this event.

We are waiting for you with us with much love!


June 13, 2024


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