Attention! “Each of these beneficial moments, which are also enigmatic gifts that are offered to us by God, help us to understand and savour, spiritually speaking, the mysteries of the occult astral resonances. By focusing our attention firmly and continuously upon them, these ineffable moments also give us the opportunity to live plenarily and profoundly the mystery of the present moment.”
Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Motto: “Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the fools get up immediately and go on indifferently.”

All spiritual communions and exemplifications (except the astrological moments) will be broadcast live on MISA Senzational TV

All times are Central European Time (CET)


Tuesday, July 2, between 13:30-14:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in trine with the subtle sphere of force of Neptune. Effects: awakens telepathic, intuitive and creative visualization abilities, energizes premonitory abilities, facilitates the awakening of healing abilities through biomagnetic passes.

Tuesday, July 2, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Clarity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, July 3, between 03:25-04:10 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Venus in trine with the subtle sphere of force of Saturn. Effects: It favors the spontaneous, free expression of beneficial feelings and emotions, awakens and amplifies the continuity in the expression of beneficial feelings. It facilitates the attainment of a state of depth and respect in interpersonal relationships. It makes possible better cooperation and understanding between people in both the social and spiritual spheres. It awakens and amplifies discernment, moderation and responsibility in relationships, and awakens and amplifies tact and diplomacy.

Wednesday, July 3, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of the Enigmatic Godly Smile, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, July 4, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Happiness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, July 4 / Friday, July 5 – Shivaratri. From 22:40 to 00:10: intense, plenary, deep communion with Shiva on the occasion of the sacred moment of Shivaratri.

Friday, July 5, between 20:45-21:30 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mars in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Saturn. Effects: This aspect favors the spontaneous emergence of a state of deep emotional balance, facilitates the creative transformation of the rigid aspects of being into qualities such as tenacity, perseverance, increased self-confidence, humility, discernment. At the same time the latent sensory availabilities and the latent availabilities of the consciousness are vividly activated, and at the same time long-term memory can be amplified at this time. It awakens the capacity to remember sequences from our previous existences. This aspect favors the spontaneous perception of the overwhelming mystery of God the Father.

Friday, July 5, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of the Godly Word (Logos), which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 6, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Balance, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 6, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Courage, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 6 / Sunday, July 7, between 23:30-00:00 – Deep spiritual communion with the archetype of the zodiacal sign of the Cancer constellation.

Sunday, July 7, between 04:00-23:00Special yoga technique for the revelation of past lives, performed in unison and spiritually supported through a collective telepathic field by the Spiritual Guide.

Sunday, July 7, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Art, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, July 8, between 12:45-13:30 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Venus in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: This aspect energizes and amplifies the perception of the state of mysterious beauty of the human beings we come into contact with, facilitates the emergence of an ineffable state of fascination, refines sensuality, awakens romanticism and originality. It confers brilliant inspiration that can materialize in immortal works of art. Especially at this juncture, love, fully manifested in all its forms, is imbued with an overwhelming sense of mystery. This moment facilitates the entry into a state of resonance with the macrocosmic affective sphere, awakens and at the same time amplifies the power of transfiguration. This aspect confers great creativity, brings about freedom of expression, awakens and amplifies the refined erotic imagination, facilitates the full manifestation of love, energizes enthusiasm, ingenuity, awakens the capacity to realize the collective ideals of humanity and allows us to intuit the innovative directions of the age in which we live. It makes it possible to discover new, ingenious solutions and facilitates the resolution of couple problems, favors the emergence of spontaneous states of empathy, awakens higher sensitivity.

Monday, July 8, between 16:10-16:50 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Jupiter. Effects: Facilitates the clear expression of beneficial experiences and affective emotions, increases patience, perseverance and continuity in the expression of pure and elevated feelings. It awakens the capacity for deep knowledge, awakens and amplifies respect for others, practicality in interpersonal relations. It favors fruitful and harmonious collaboration with other beings, both in the material and spiritual spheres. It awakens the aspiration towards spiritual knowledge, energizes discernment and the higher capacities of consciousness. It is a favorable mystical moment to discover the spiritual truth, to rid ourselves through a state of lucid detachment from theatricality as well as from our false personalities. It facilitates the emergence of the state of expansion of consciousness, allows communication on a paranormal path with highly spiritually evolved beings, facilitates intuition and deep understanding of spiritual laws.

Monday, July 8, starting at 19:00 – Initiation into Svara Yoga, at Pipera 1.

Tuesday, July 9, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Gentleness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, July 10, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Contemplation, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, July 11, between 04:50-05:35 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the Sun’s subtle sphere of force in trine with Saturn’s subtle sphere of force. Effects: It awakens and amplifies in our inner universe responsibility, patience, self-confidence, energizes the practical sense, brings forth a strong objective attitude that favors depth. It facilitates the spontaneous overcoming of pride, awakens self-respect, energizes the power to fight with increased strength against evil and to carry out our aspirations. It is a favorable time for the successful assumption of very special responsibilities in the spiritual sphere, which, among other things, help to materialize and fulfill our sublime ideals. At the same time, this aspect awakens and amplifies tenacity, temperance, brings about a state of practical wisdom; it also awakens and invigorates organizational capacities.

Thursday, July 11, between 16:15-17:00 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Venus in trine with the subtle sphere of force of Neptune. Effects: Refines emotional experiences. It gives rise to an intense state of romanticism, awakens artistic inspiration, a state of devotion, awakens and energizes artistic and aesthetic talent. It increases sensitivity, intuition and sensuality, facilitates the emergence of a deeply emotional, mystical state of understanding. It is also a favorable time to cultivate a state of unconditional dedication to sublime, Godly ideals.

Thursday, July 11, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Genius, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, July 12, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Presence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 13Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self, Atman Camp (third edition) begins, which will take place from Saturday, July 13 to Saturday, July 20, in Gura Putnei, Bucovina.

Saturday, July 13, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Immortality, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 13, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Truth, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 13, from 22:30Ceremony of Adoration of Ganesha and his beloved beloveds Siddhi Shakti and Riddhi Shakti, performed in unison in Bucharest (at Pipera 1) and in several cities in Romania.

Sunday, July 14, from 17:00Meeting of the Group for Deepening the Spiritual Guide-Aspirant Relationship, held in unison.

Sunday, July 14, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Compassion, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Tuesday, July 16, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Meaning, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, July 17, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Immortality, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, July 18, between 15:45-16:30 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the Sun’s subtle sphere of force in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: Awakens creative imagination and originality. It favors artistic inspiration and awakens spontaneity. It amplifies the state of detachment in the being, facilitating the detachment from closed-minded prejudices and silly conditioning. It awakens and amplifies refined sensuality, the state of virility, originality, vitality, facilitates the emergence of a state of expansion through love, awakens the power of unconditional devotion to God. It facilitates the attainment of the state of heavenly bliss.

Thursday, July 18, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Transcendence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, July 19 – Tripura Sundari. The favourable period for engaging in couple with love, continence and transfiguration is between 05:00-19:00. Communion with the Great Macrocosmic Macrocosmic Power Tripura Sundari is on Friday, July 19 between 12:28-13:28. The time of maximum beneficial influence is Friday, July 19 at 12:58.

Friday, July 19, between 17:00-17:45 – Intense, plenary, profound communion with St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Friday, July 19, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Hope, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 20, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Greatness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 20, between 12:00-12:45 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the Holy Prophet Elijah.

Saturday, July 20, between 17:00-18:01 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the soul of the Romanian and Hungarian people.

Saturday, July 20, between 17:00-17:45 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mars in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Neptune. Effects: This aspect awakens and amplifies the state of enthusiasm and courage, awakens and amplifies the interest in all that is new and beneficial, invigorates ingenuity and creative inspiration, awakens and invigorates the capacity to delve into the higher astral subtle astral worlds, which can be realized at will; it also brings out elevated passion and refined sensuality in love games, is strongly favorable for the emergence and manifestation of new directions or aesthetic orientations in art. At the same time, this moment can be brought to its proper fruition by a high spiritual practice which seeks to harmonize the spheres of consciousness and affectivity.

Saturday, July 20, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Essence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, July 21 – Full Moon. The period of the Full Moon’s inauspicious influence begins on Saturday, July 20, at 18:17 and ends Monday, July 22, at 06:17. The time of the Full Moon’s maximum inauspicious influence is Sunday, July 21 at 12:17.

Sunday, July 21, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Greatness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, July 21, between 22:30-23:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Venus in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Jupiter. Effects: It makes it possible to experience deeply and fully the spiritual states of the pattern that arise especially when we realize a state of deep peace, it also brings about an intense and euphoric state of expansion of consciousness in the spiritual sphere. It awakens and amplifies beneficial affective emotions and states of devotion. It also awakens and amplifies the spontaneous power of transfiguration and facilitates paranormal, telepathic communication with spiritual, elevated entities. It also awakens pure love, love of truth and justice. It awakens and amplifies in the being generosity, tolerance, gentleness, optimism, brings about the full experience of a state of happiness without object, favors the improvement of health.

Monday, July 22, between 05:10-05:55 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the Sun’s subtle sphere of force in trine with the subtle sphere of force of the planet Neptune. Effects: Awakens and energizes intuition and creative imagination, amplifies refined sensuality and artistic sense. It awakens clairvoyance and inspiration.

Tuesday, July 23, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Health, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, July 24, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Infinity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, July 25, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Enthusiasm, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, July 26, between 04:15-05:00 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the Sun’s subtle sphere of force in sextile with Mars’ subtle sphere of force. Effects: The energy of this astral aspect awakens and energizes in the being the frantic aspiration and dedication to God, it also energizes the exemplary state of resonance and communion with the models of great spiritual heroes, it brings about a state of unshakeable firmness, gives courage and facilitates the fulfillment of difficult ideals that require long-term effort. It awakens a state of romantic passion, harmoniously awakens masculinity and gives it a fascinatingly powerful tinge, and brings about a state of balance between action and contemplation. At the same time, it makes it possible to sublimate the mysterious, ineffable sublimation of beautiful sensory perceptions into pure and elevated intuitive revelations, which can be prophetic in nature, awakens the capacity for miraculous healing through firm faith in God’s help and favors the awakening of a state of surrender to the mysterious will of God the Father.

Friday, July 26, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Love, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 27, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Compassion, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 27, between 17:00-17:45 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the Soul of the Romanian people.

Saturday, July 27, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Mystery, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, July 27 / Sunday, July 28, between 22:30-00:00 – Spiritual exemplification: profound, ample communion with Shiva-Bhairava on the occasion of the sacred moment of Bhairava Ashtami.

In the spiritual tradition of India, Bhairava is both a fundamental and formidable hypostasis of Shiva, a hypostasis that personifies the transcendent Godly reality. Terrifying or even frightening to the exacerbated and hoarding ego (ahamkara in Sanskrit), Bhairava is pure and ecstatic liberating Godly grace for the God-thirsty soul, and is considered one of the most graceful, protective and loving hypostases of God, as he is constantly blessing all humanity.

Sunday, July 28, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: the state of plenary and deep communion with the members of the Supreme Galactic Council.

Sunday, July 28, from 17:00Meeting of the Group for Deepening the Spiritual Guide-Aspirant Relationship, held in unison.

Sunday, July 28, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Healthy Humour, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Tuesday, July 30, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Healthy Wisdom, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, July 31, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Healthy Triumph, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.



Friday, August 2 / Saturday, August 3 – Shivaratri. Between 22:40-00:10: Intense, plenary, deep communion with Shiva on the sacred Shivaratri moment.

Sunday, August 18 – Tripura Sundari. The favourable period for engaging in couple with love, continence and transfiguration is between 15:00 (Saturday, August 17) – 07:00 (Sunday, August 18). The special communion with the Great Macrocosmic Power Tripura Sundari takes place on Saturday, August 17 between 22:47-23:47. The time of maximum beneficial influence is Saturday, August 17 at 23:17.

Monday, August 19 – Full Moon. The period of the Full Moon’s inauspicious influence begins on 02:26 on Monday, August 19 and ends at 14:26 on Tuesday, August 20. The peak of the Full Moon’s maximum harmful influence is Monday, August 19 at 20:26.

The Annual Solar Hiatus is Tuesday, August 27 at 03:35.

Saturday, August 31 / Sunday, September 1 – Shivaratri. Between 22:30-00:00: Intense, plenary, deep communion with Shiva on the sacred moment of Shivaratri.


July 5, 2024


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