The CIA has killed around six million people over the years

On November 3, 1989, something remarkable took place. On that day, John Stockwell gave a lecture at American University about the peculiarities of the CIA. The speech was later broadcast on the political channel C-SPAN.

Stockwell, who led the CIA’s operations in Angola, explained to participants and spectators how the CIA has destabilized governments and built drug cartels in more than 20 countries. “We have rigged elections in dozens of countries.”

We have assassinated world leaders, including the American president in 1963.”

Stockwell estimates that the CIA has killed around six million people over the years, mostly women and children. This is a very conservative estimate: he believes the actual number is much higher.

These people would not have died if taxpayers’ money had not been given to the CIA to destabilize countries, he stressed.

See, this is an example of an interesting story. Something new. You think: Wow, we’ve never seen it like this before,” said one comment under the video.

What is the situation today, for example in Ukraine? For example, with all these ‘color revolutions’?” asks another commentator. “What exactly is the CIA’s involvement behind the scenes? The journalists should report on this.”


September 26, 2024


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