Murdered FBI Chief’s Last Interview Uncovered: ‘D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles’

FBI directors in recent times have been establishment figures, bending over to protect the elite and suppress the truth. Think of James Comey, who tied himself in knots to shield Hillary Clinton from prosecution, or Robert Mueller and the “Russian collusion” hoax.

But what if there was an FBI chief who exposed Satanism in the CIA, the Illuminati, elite pedophile rings, chemtrails, and so much more?

A man who spent his life uncovering the darkest secrets of the global elite and sharing that truth with the people — until he was tragically, and mysteriously, silenced.

Ted Gunderson

Hundreds of thousands of children in the United States are going missing every year and the majority of the population simply chooses to look the other way and pretend nothing is wrong.

Not only has the D.C. political class enabled this situation – they are also working with cartels who traffic child sex victims, many of whom are barely old enough to understand what is occurring to them.

Meet Ted Gunderson, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and former head of the Los Angeles FBI.

Gunderson joined the FBI in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover, quickly earning a reputation as a sharp and respected agent. He served in several key offices, including Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque.

In 1979, he was even shortlisted for the role of FBI director, a position that ultimately went to William H. Webster.

After retiring from his distinguished FBI career, Gunderson’s life took a dramatic turn. He began giving presentations across the country, speaking directly to the public.

That’s when events became really interesting. And the elite became desperate to silence him.

Gunderson shared the information the elite were desperate to keep under wraps. He exposed the government’s false flag terrorism, satanic ritual abuse, MK Ultra consciousness control, and even chemtrails.

His talks opened thousands of consciousnesses to the dark realities hidden behind the corridors of power.

But it didn’t last long. Gunderson died suddenly and unexpectedly, sparking suspicions among those closest to him. Many believe he was silenced — killed by the elite to prevent him from revealing even more disturbing truths.

Gunderson wasn’t just known for exposing the darkest corners of the elite; he was a man who put his life on the line to protect the vulnerable. He worked tirelessly to shed light on the global elite’s sexual and satanic ritual abuse of children.

Nowadays, world leaders are still shamelessly advertising their allegiance to Satan. And they are still being selected by the global elite, not elected by the people.

Gunderson warned us many years ago about the perils of electronic voting machines. Unfortunately, not enough people listened to him while he was alive and now we have to deal with the consequences of blatantly rigged elections.

The entertainment industry is still controlled by pedophiles in positions of power. Nicole Kidman said that Stanley Kubrick told her the world is run by pedophiles. Kubrick was killed as his movie Eyes Wide Shut was released in cinemas around the world.

Blowing the whistle on the globalist elite is a dangerous business, and Gunderson understood the risks he was taking. Isaac Kappy, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicii and Anthony Bourdain are just some of the high-profile figures who vowed to expose powerful entertainment industry pedophile rings. They all suffered the same fate as Gunderson, cut down before their time.

Sadly, the list keeps growing, and the circumstances surrounding each death only become more bizarre with every case. Anne Heche, who was working on a movie exposing Hollywood pedophilia and child trafficking, was killed in an extremely weird car accident.

At least that was what we were told.

Revealing the truth is a dangerous endeavour, but the real risk lies in staying silent.

Ask yourself: what kind of world do you want us and the next generations to live in?

Educating the masses was Gunderson’s plan for defeating global fascist tyranny and protecting the children. He asked his audience members to copy his research and distribute it to everybody they knew.

It is in this spirit that we should spread the word of his work to as many people as possible.

As Jefferson said, all tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.


October 2, 2024


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