FBI Seize Diddy Tape Showing Hillary Clinton Killing Child at ‘Freak Off’ Party

Seized footage from Sean “Diddy” Combs’ notorious parties allegedly feature Hillary Clinton in scenes that will upend the political establishment in Washington D.C. and send shock waves around the world.

Diddy now sits in prison, fearful that he will not survive long enough to face his day in court, while rumors circulate that Hillary is anxious she will be the next powerful figure to be exposed.

Whistleblowers, including those closest to Diddy and the Clintons, are coming forward with damning evidence of sex crimes and crimes against children, involving Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and D.C. elites.

Hillary has survived countless scandals, but this time, there’s no covering it up — the tide has turned, the truth is being laid bare, and it’s about to rock the entire system to its core.

A lawsuit by Lil Rod revealed that Diddy has a stash of party tapes, secretly recorded with hidden cameras throughout his mansions, featuring numerous high-level politicians, athletes, and entertainment industry figures in homosexual acts and other compromising positions including underage sex and even murder.

Now, Diddy is facing life behind bars and plans to use these tapes to strike a deal, potentially exposing numerous celebrities who were associated with him.

While this might help Diddy get away with less years in jail, it could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton, who is known to be among those implicated.

Dan Bongino worked on Hillary Clinton’s security in New York in the 90s and he says the case is much bigger than people realize.

Texas attorney Tony Buzbee, representing 120 people, held a press conference revealing that the accusers (who were victims of Diddy’s network) are nearly evenly split by gender, span over 30 years, and include 25 minors. Shockingly, one of those minors was just nine years old at the time of the alleged abuse.

Just like Jeffrey Epstein, Diddy was not acting alone. He was perpetrating these crimes against young people and children along with a host of household names and prominent politicians.

The jig is up and many of them are set to spend the rest of their life behind bars.

Household names are about to be exposed as part of the elite pedophile cabal. According to one of the victims who has joined the civil action against Sean Combs, Hillary and Bill Clinton are set to face the wrath of justice.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been hiding in plain sight for decades. Will they finally get their comeuppance?

There is plenty of evidence to suggest they are about to be exposed for their numerous hideous crimes.

Monarch consciousness control is rampant in the entertainment industry, where trauma and humiliation are an integral part of the process of breaking down and keeping control of slaves.

While this concept might seem far-fetched, it makes complete sense when one understands the Satanist ways of the elite, which are influenced by dark occultism and ritual murders.

One example is Justin Bieber, who was passed around like a piece of meat in Hollywood while he was still very much underage.

The entertainment industry elite were flaunting their sick perversions right in front of the world, and nobody stepped in to protect Bieber and many others who shared the same fate.

Make no mistake, the Hollywood elite have been engaging in pedophilia and ritual abuse and murders for decades. The only difference is that they became better at covering it up. How? By infiltrating the mainstream media.

So instead of investigating and exposing the real criminals who hide in plain sight, mainstream media spend their time and resources writing ridiculous fact checks and astroturfing on Community Notes to shoot down anybody who dares to report the truth.

Pizzagate is real and the elite are desperate to cover up evidence of the conspiracy. Hillary Clinton can’t stop talking about it and she is clearly living in fear of the Diddy revelations coming out.

Meanwhile, the brave journalists who reported on Pizzagate were punished for reporting stone cold truth. See the case of Ben Swann, whose career was cut short when he dared to report about the elite pedophilia ring. For the record, everything he reported is 100 percent verifiable, and it’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

This information is being buried by a mainstream media determined to gaslight the public, and by virtual communication platforms infiltrated by the elite to hide real news about the critical issues facing humanity today.

Instead of being covered up, this truth should be broadcast and shared far and wide by everyone who cares about the safety of the children.


October 5, 2024


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