Amazon bans Dr. Paul Marik’s book on traditional, natural remedies for cancer

The Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance has written an open letter to Jeff Bezos and the entire executive leadership structure of Amazon asking them for an explanation as to why they banned a book by Dr. Paul Marik that contains important, life-saving information about how to overcome cancer with easily-accessible remedies.

Dr. Marik’s work, entitled Cancer Cure: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer, cites 840 peer-reviewed studies on both old pharmaceuticals and natural substances like curcumin alike that are powerfully effective at fighting cancer.

Why burn this book?” asked journalist and author Mary Beth Pfeiffer. “It threatens cancer profits.”

Another Amazon book burning

In their letter, the FLCCC Alliance team questioned how Bezos and Amazon came to the conclusion that withdrawing a valuable resource that has helped thousands of cancer patients find integrative relief was a good idea.

Cancer is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time,” it reads. “The American Cancer Society projects an unprecedented rise in cancer diagnoses this year, especially in younger people.”

Traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have advanced, but they are not enough. In the wake of the covid pandemic, emerging threats like turbo cancers have pushed oncologists and medical researchers to explore every possible avenue of treatment – including the use of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions as highlighted in Dr. Marik’s book.”

Speaking of repurposed drugs, those also saved many lives during covid as patients explored the use of drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine rather than the “vaccines” that were pushed under Operation Warp Speed.

Before getting pulled from the Amazon database, Dr. Marik’s book ranked #118 out of over 50,000 books on cancer. It also ranked #35 in the medical research category of books on Amazon.

More than 20,000 people found Dr. Marik’s book through the FLCCC Alliance website alone, proving how popular it is among the general public. Amazon, conversely, wants to keep the publication out of the hands of the people who need it most.

The book has provided a clearinghouse of essential information, allowing doctors to think creatively about accessible, affordable therapies that could significantly improve patient outcomes. However, despite the overwhelming support, Amazon unjustly banned this book on September 16, 2024, citing claims of ‘misleading information’ and ‘defrauding customers’.”

At no point since the platform decided to ban the book has Amazon offered Dr. Marik any tangible examples of “misleading information” in the book. It is also unclear how offering the publication could be considered as “defrauding customers” since anyone who is dissatisfied with their purchase can simply return it to Amazon for a refund.

It is essential to understand that ‘Cancer Care’ does not replace conventional treatments but complements them,” the letter continues.

Dr. Marik’s extensive research is designed to support patients and physicians in using scientifically backed, repurposed medications alongside traditional therapies to enhance results and improve quality of life. The decision to censor this book silences a critical conversation on innovative cancer care options and undermines the principles of free speech and medical information access.”


October 21, 2024


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