Paramedic reveals: “We see patterns – but whoever speaks out loses their job!”

A post by a paramedic on X is causing a stir and going viral. In the explosive text, he describes what he and his colleagues see every day in action: an alarming increase in unexpected emergencies – including sudden cardiac arrest, strokes and mysterious blood clots, often shortly after an mRNA vaccination.

But there is a lot of silence in the industry. Anyone who speaks openly risks their job. Many people recognize the patterns, but fear of professional consequences means that most conversations remain private. The paramedic calls on his colleagues to stop remaining silent: “The truth will come out. History will remember who stood up – and who remained silent.

“Please share:

As a paramedic, let me tell you what’s REALLY going on right now in EMS regarding the vax.

Just got off the phone with my friend Steve Kirsch. He asked ‘how many EMS workers would speak openly about what we’re seeing with vaccine injuries.’ Had to tell him maybe 1 in 100, and most would still want anonymity. Here’s why…….

We’re the first ones on scene. We see the ‘unexpected’ cardiac arrests in young people. The strokes in healthy adults. The blood clots that make no sense. The sudden collapses. Seizure after seizure post mRNA. Organ failure and event rotting genitalia post mRNA. But speak up? That’s career suicide.

Lost my last job for speaking the truth. Many of my colleagues watched it. Now they whisper in private about what they’re seeing, but won’t go public. Mortgages to pay. Kids to feed. Can’t blame them. I guess.

The evil irony? Nearly every medic I know privately admits something is seriously wrong. We see the patterns. The ‘coincidences’ that keep occurring post jab. The calls that never made sense before 2021. Most disturbing part? The silence in our ambulances after certain calls. That knowing look between partners. The ‘yes, another one’ conversations that never make it into most reports because they know what occurs to those like me who document the connection. We’re trained to spot patterns, to trust our instincts, to look for root causes. But now we’re expected to ignore obvious correlations. To keep quiet. To play dumb.

To my fellow EMS workers: I know you’re seeing it too. The truth will come out eventually. History will remember who stood up and who stayed silent. Your conscience knows what’s right.

@stkirsch – this is why getting whistleblowers is so hard. It’s not that they don’t know. We know all too well. But the system has made sure speaking the truth comes at a devastating personal cost.

God bless!

Paramedic Harry Fisher”


February 10, 2025


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