Children sacrificed on the altar of the vaccine program

By Thinking Moms’ Revolution

For those who believe in the system that says it’s fine to kill some babies for the sake of the Greater Good (vaccines) – because that’s really the bottom line – think about those families for a moment.

Those families sacrificed their child (albeit, that was unknown to them when they chose to vaccinate). Their child paid the ultimate price. Their family, through the loss they didn’t volunteer for, allows you to believe you can roam this land without worry of being ill. Their sacrifice provides you with this type of freedom, while they will spend their lives in mourning.

How do we recognize these families? We bash them for speaking out and telling their story. We harass them, we ignore them, we drag them through years of court, and we openly mock them. Nobody pays for their funeral, there is no thank you for your sacrifice, there is no statue or memorial recognizing them. We don’t place any value on their life, we don’t love on their family, we don’t honor them with medals or even a sympathy card. There is no recourse, no guilty party. Even when it is a faulty product, there is no accountability. Because that’s just part of it. Some will die and we don’t care.

Lorrin Kain died at 15 of injuries sustained due to a “hot lot” vaccine in infancy

Now imagine a world where at minimum we said: “I am sorry. I am so sorry for what happened to your child, and I know it’s not much, but let’s do everything we can to make sure this doesn’t happen and let us please do what we can to help your family through this and honor their sacrifice.”

The U.S. Supreme Court declared vaccines “unavoidably unsafe”, meaning that the risk of harm and death is unavoidable. Instead of cracking down and making sure we did everything possible to make vaccine manufacturers work towards the safest vaccines, making sure we had the best information on adverse events, providing for actual informed consent, studying the schedule, and making sure we did right by the people… we gave vaccine manufacturers zero liability. We taxed all vaccines so there was a pot to pay for the injuries we couldn’t deny. We allowed them to create a watered-down version of the insert to give parents so they wouldn’t see the risks. We gave doctors, nurses, and hospitals free reign and even a script on how to convince you that it’s perfectly safe, and we allowed legislators to work their pharma paychecks and remove your right to opt out.

Christina Tarsell died at 21 of injuries due to Gardasil

We told the media not to cover any negative stories and dismissed thousands of court cases without ever hearing them, simply because the word autism was mentioned, and we manipulated studies that showed the dangers in vaccines. Because once again, we don’t care about the ones we sacrifice.

So, you tell me – those who avoid these kind of articles, who mock the “anti-vaxxers”, who have never had to raise a child with damage from this “unavoidably unsafe” product and who will never know what it feels like to not hold their sweet baby again – you tell what it is that makes any of this acceptable?

If you want this to continue as is, because you really believe this is a fair price for someone else to pay to not have measles in your life, what are you doing as a human to honor those who aren’t lucky enough to say “Well, my child turned out fine”?


December 6, 2018


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