Vaccines increasing infertility and disease

There is now yet another reason to steer clear of the HPV vaccine: A study shows it causes women who are in their late 20s to have trouble becoming pregnant.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, analyzed information of eight million women aged 25 to 29 taken from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2007 and 2014. The data showed that 60 percent of the women who didn’t get the vaccine had gotten pregnant at least once, while just 35 percent of those who did get the shot had conceived. Three quarters of married women who didn’t get the shot were able to conceive, versus just half of those who did get the jab.

Birth rates among American women aged 25 to 29 have dropped from 118 per 1,000 women to just 105 per 1,000 women in recent years, and it’s believed that the HPV vaccine has played a role in this decline. Lots of reports of women suffering primary ovarian failure as a result of the vaccine started to emerge as soon as it went into circulation.

In light of these findings, the researchers calculated that if 100 percent of the women in the study had been given the HPV vaccine, the number of women who have ever conceived would have dropped by a remarkable 2 million. This prompted them to call for additional studies into the effects of the shot on fertility.

Negative effects of HPV vaccine extend far beyond fertility

Those who aren’t concerned about their chances of conceiving should still steer clear of the vaccine as its dangers don’t end at its threat to fertility. So far, more than 57,000 adverse events related to the vaccine have been reported to the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and 419 deaths have been blamed on the shot. This makes it the most dangerous vaccine in terms of adverse events, handily outnumbering those of other harmful vaccines.


February 19, 2019


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