Paralyzed Man, Unable To Talk, Heard Doctors Discuss Selling His Organs


A brain haemorrhage patient, lying paralysed in a hospital bed, listened in horror as doctors told his family that he had “zero percent chance” of surviving, and then later, among themselves, quietly discussed selling his organs for a quick buck.

Jimi Fritze, 43, heard every word but couldn’t protest because he was unable to move or speak. “Only my ears and eyes were working. They (the doctors) told my girlfriend that there was no hope”.

His heartbroken family and friends had come to say their final goodbyes after doctors claimed that brain scans showed he had “zero percent chance” of pulling through.

As they surrounded his hospital bed, doctors asked the family about the possibility of donating his organs when he died, not realising Mr. Fritze could also hear the conversation.
“I was scared because I thought that I was going to die then, and a hard death,” he said. “I remember I thought, what will happen if they cremate me, will I see the fire and feel the fire?”

Fortunately, Jimi Fritze’s family sought a second opinion from another doctor, who quickly realized that he was fully conscious and could make a full recovery.

Three weeks after being given cortisone to reduce the swelling in his brain, Jimi was able to tell his story about the nightmare of hearing the doctors’ talk about selling his organs.

He has now launched an official complaint against the doctors for breaching rules by discussing organ donation before a patient is brain dead, as reported by The Local.

Doctors are “regularly taking organs from patients while they are alive”

The Wall Street Journal recently published a shocking report about the organ harvesting industry, claiming that doctors are regularly taking organs from patients while they are still alive.

New U.S. regulations allow doctors to “inject a paralyzer” if the body will not stop moving, in order to “safely” remove the organs.

Disturbingly, a hospital can often make more money out of a dead body, because of organ harvesting, than they can by billing a patient whose life they have saved. This is especially true in cases where the patient does not have insurance, and will struggle to pay a hefty medical bill.

The new regulations have proved controversial among medical staff, with many anesthesiologists and nurses removing themselves from the organ donor register after witnessing “corpses” writhing and jerking during organ removal operations.
However Mr. Fritze was unable to even writhe or move to let the doctors know that he could hear them discussing how to sell his organs.

Mr. Fritz, who suffered a brain haemorrhage while out with his girlfriend and close family on the Gothenburg archipelago in 2014, is now taking legal action against the hospital and demanding the doctors in question be investigated for ties to the black market organ trade.

The hospital’s spokeperson said that they are cooperating with the investigators to get to the bottom of what exactly happened and the hospital can’t yet make an official statement.


December 21, 2019


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