Access to nature important for psychic health during covid lockdowns & The psychological benefits of living in a rural setting

People in European countries with the strictest COVID-19 lockdown policies were more likely to show symptoms of depression and anxiety, according to an international study investigating the impact of disconnecting from nature.

Led by the Basque technology center AZTI, and involving the University of Exeter, the study built on pre COVID-19 evidence that access to outdoor spaces benefitted psychic health and wellbeing. Researchers sought to answer the question of whether being forced to disconnect from nature affected psychic health. The study, published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, was carried out during the first wave of COVID-19 in Europe (March-May 2020).

The team of international researchers from Spain, United Kingdom and Norway invited citizens to voluntarily respond a simple questionnaire to check their behaviour and psychic health status in the face of severe measures that restricted mobility. In less than 20 days, 6,769 people from 77 different countries answered the survey, although for analysis purposes the attention was focused on 5,218 responses from 9 countries.

Dr Sarai Pouso, from AZTI, who led the research, said: “The main conclusion is that people who were under the strictest lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 (those who were only allowed to go out for work or essentials purchases, as was the case of Italy and Spain) were more likely to show symptoms compatible with depression and anxiety, compared to countries with more relaxed lockdowns where people could still visit natural places such as parks.

The researchers analyzed in greater detail the case of Spain, where, due to the epidemiological situation in March, the possibility for practicing outdoor activities, such as walking or playing sports, was totally forbidden. “The results indicate that having access from the home to outdoor spaces (e.g., garden, balcony) and having window views to open spaces or natural element (e.g., coast, park, forest) decreased the probability of showing symptoms of depression. Furthermore, people with access to outdoor spaces and with nature views, managed to maintain a more positive mood during lockdown”, adds María C. Uyarra, who together with Dr Ángel Borja and Dr Sarai Pouso, made up the AZTI team involved in the study.

The effects of having access to gardens and views of nature from the home were far less important in countries in where people were allowed, or even encouraged, to visit parks and other natural locations as long as safe social distancing recommendations were adhered to (e.g. Norway, United Kingdom).

Results suggest that, under stressful circumstances such as lockdown, allowing people to spend some time outdoors in nature may help reduce the likelihood of developing symptoms of depression and or anxiety. This may be particularly important for people without gardens or views of nature, who are more likely to have lower incomes and live in more built up urban areas, concluded the research team.

Looking at different population subgroups, women and young people were more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, the researchers remain cautious. “The study was unable to obtain a fully representative sample and did not include data from certain groups that may have been particularly affected by the lockdown situation, such as children or many older adults” says Dr Mat White, from the University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

Results suggest that if governments have to implement new lockdown measures in the near future, they should consider allowing the population to spend some time outdoors. “Spending time outdoors has a protective effect on psychic health. Restoring and expanding green and blue spaces in urban areas increases the resilience of cities in the face of pandemics”, adds Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

The study proposes that future urban developments should pay special attention to the inclusion of elements that would enable to contact with nature (e.g., more green areas in public spaces, etc.), as well as special attention to the most vulnerable sectors of the population. “This research is important for so that future planners take into account that is crucial for people to have equal access to high-quality blue and green environments. We have now contributed to a robust and compelling body of evidence that tells us this access can both prevent and treat psychic health issues, especially in urban areas. This is particularly key in the context of a pandemic, but actually it should be a planning priority that could improve our health, regardless of COVID-19” adds Lora E. Fleming, director of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, from the University of Exeter.

In summary, this study shows that the strict lockdown isolation to which certain populations (e.g., in Spain) were exposed had a negative effect on their psychic health. However, we still do not know if these symptoms have been persistent or if they disappeared once the lockdown measures ended”, concludes Dr Pouso.

The psychological benefits of living in a rural setting

Do you know what the benefits of living in the countryside are? How is living in a rural setting different from living in a big city? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at those who live in rural areas.

Living in a rural setting is becoming more and more popular due to its benefits. Weekend escapes to nature are on the rise, even though the cultural scene in the big city can be a lot more varied.

Of course, life in the country lacks certain advantages such as cultural variety and work opportunities. There are often other issues, such as limited Internet access as well. However, a rural setting can enrich the lives of those who live there.

For instance, people in the country are generally more in contact with nature. It’s also common to have more personal relationships, as well as more time to enjoy them. Do you know about the benefits of living in a rural setting?

Advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural setting

More and more people are leaving behind hectic city life for a slower-paced lifestyle. They want to pursue to escape the stress that life in the city brings. Making the decision to live in the country means prioritizing the benefits you’ll get over the limitations you’ll have to live with. Following this, we’ll show you the main advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages or benefits of living in a rural setting can be summed up in the following points:

  • Buying or renting a house is generally cheaper in the country. Also, the cost of living in rural areas tends to be lower than in the city.
  • Friendships tend to be closer between the members of a small community than between city dwellers.
  • Hours spent waiting in traffic or on public transport are replaced with walking, which is better for your health and is a much better use of your time.
  • Eating habits tend to be healthier in the country, thanks to fresh produce from the garden or nearby farms and the availability of seasonal fruit and vegetables. Of course, the local corner store will still have some ultra-processed foods. However, they definitely won’t be as plentiful as what you can find in the city.
  • Wide, open spaces give one a sense of peace. They allow you to be in touch with nature and help you stay calm, while in big cities life is extremely stressful due to various factors (such as noise, traffic, bad air quality, pollution, lack of time, etc.).
  • Work in the country is generally more people-based, with daily personal contact with a large number of people, encouraging socialization.
  • When young people move to the country, they help to repopulate certain areas, where the inhabitants are older. On many occasions, these actions have even saved small villages from extinction.


Here are some of the downsides of living in the country:

  • Access to technology and social networks can be limited.
  • For some procedures or paperwork, it may be necessary to go to the city. Of course, thanks to the Internet, this necessity is getting less common.
  • Getting good medical attention can be a little tricky in the country. This is especially applicable to those who suffer from chronic diseases or those who need frequent medical attention.
  • Job opportunities and entertainment options can be quite limited in the country.

Psychological benefits of living in a rural setting

Despite the downsides, many have decided to make drastic modifications in their lives by moving to the country. Living in a rural setting can bring a sense of peace and tranquility that life in the city just can’t match.

In addition, the fact that online social networking connections are limited helps to promote better in-person communication with others in the community. That’s always been an important aspect of village life.

Also, the sense of belonging, a focus on friendships in person, and contact with nature help to avoid feelings of isolation and unwanted loneliness, apart from other emotional issues.

Living in a rural setting is, therefore, a protection against the feeling of loneliness. You don’t just get the benefits of closer communication with other people but also the availability of nature and the outdoors at any given moment.

This environment favors living in the present moment and enjoying the sensations that nature has to offer. These can be aspects such as a variety of different fresh food items to enjoying different outdoor scenes, such as a pleasant sunny walk in the early morning.

Benefits for older people

Older people can also benefit from the entrance of new people in the area. The rural scene is refreshed, apart from the extra influx of resources that the community will enjoy. The presence of children also helps liven up the ‘atmosphere’.

Even more important for older people is the companionship and help they can receive from younger members of the community. As mentioned above, rural areas are where you can find strong and healthy friendships. This is an added benefit for older people.

Personal relationships during childhood

Rural settings also offer children greater freedom to run around and play outdoors. Small towns are generally safer. That means that children can play sports and be with their friends without such an extreme degree of vigilance that’s needed in a city.

Also, ecologically speaking, life in the country can increase children’s sensitivity to and awareness of the environment. When parents take advantage of this and educate their children on caring for the environment, they’re helping to develop a sustainable future for their children.

In short, there are many benefits of living in a rural setting for people of all ages. However, deciding to live in the country implies carefully analyzing both the benefits and disadvantages before making a decision. Don’t forget that you and your family will have to live with that decision 365 days a year.


May 23, 2021



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