Archbishop Viganò Warns Trump: ‘WEF Behind Assassination Attempt – They Will Try Again’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò claims that the World Economic Forum is behind the recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump, whom he says they will try to kill again before the November election.

Viganò posted his support of Trump on X, suggesting that “anti-WEF” policies link state leaders who have been targeted for assassination.

The archbishop pointed out that Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán have suffered “similar criminal attacks,” and share with Trump a “staunch opposition to the New World Order” and “defense of national sovereignty.”

Fico was shot five times in an assassination attempt in May, only a few days after his government announced that it would not support the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement. Slovakia’s health minister declared the country would not sign any agreements weakening the nation’s sovereignty. Slovakia has also halted arms deliveries to Ukraine, refusing to align with NATO objectives in the region.

As president, Trump sought to preserve U.S. sovereignty through actions such as barricading the southern border against illegal immigrants and withdrawing the nation from the Paris climate accord in 2017, an agreement that focused on international governance and enforcement of high-cost global warming theory fixes.

The subversive diabolical power of the international deep state is evident, is there for all to see. Its crimes against God and humanity can no longer be hidden,” Viganò continued. “I urge all Catholics, American patriots and people of good will to pray (to) Our Lord in this time of great threat looming over the world.”

Viganò has frequently warned against the efforts of the “deep state” and “deep Church” to establish a New World Order that will negate national sovereignty under a totalitarian international government with a single global currency and a one-world religion. The “control of citizens under the pretext of a pandemic, and the reduction of the population through the use of vaccines with new technologies” are key parts of these efforts, according to Viganò.


July 27, 2024


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