Area 51 Insider: Fake ET Invasion Will Usher in One World Government in 2025
What if the stories we’ve been told by the media about UFOs, ETs and extraterrestrial contact are nothing more than a carefully orchestrated smokescreen? A smokescreen designed by the global elite to manipulate, control, and ultimately subjugate humanity.
Mainstream media, as we know, takes orders from the powers that be. So when there’s a dramatic shift in the narrative surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrials, it’s not just a coincidence — it’s a strategy. But why has the media suddenly ramped up the ET agenda? What are they really preparing us for?
According to insiders with direct access to the inner workings of the global power structure, it seems the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along. The elites aren’t just preparing for “disclosure” — they’re planning a global deception even bigger than what we saw with covid.
This isn’t just a simple cover-up; it’s a false flag operation on a scale that could shift the balance of power and push humanity into total global enslavement.
And it’s all playing out as we speak before our eyes.
As strange drones and glowing orbs continue to appear in US skies, defying the laws of physics and hypnotizing the masses, it’s crucial to remember this: we cannot trust anything we’re being told by the mainstream media or the federal government.
The global elites engineered a crisis with the covid pandemic to undermine national sovereignty and frighten the masses into submission. And, tragically, they came close to succeeding. But for anyone paying attention to the unsettling rhetoric from Davos, it’s clear — the global elite aren’t finished with us yet.
It seems covid was just the warm-up, a dress rehearsal. Now, they have even bigger plans in the works, and one of the most shocking involves disclosure.
After decades of dismissing anyone who dared to talk about UFOs as a conspiracy nut, the mainstream media are now doing a complete 180—falling over themselves to push the narrative favored by the global elite.
The mainstream media when discussing Aliens and UFOs ⬇️
— Rev Laskaris (@REVMAXXING) July 27, 2023
Despite the legacy media’s sudden 180, rational people have always known that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings exist. The prophet Ezekiel wrote about it when he discussed “wheels in the sky.”
And it’s not just the Bible. Every culture on Earth has catalogued sightings and built mythology around the unidentified crafts they saw.
And in more recent times, former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch confirmed under oath that ETs exist, the US government is fully aware of this because they are in possession of crashed UFOs and non-human bodies.
Mainstream networks are hard at work engaging in social conditioning, subtly preparing the public for the global elite’s next grand deception, as former CIA officer John Ramirez explained.
Former intelligence official Lue Elizondo concurs with Ramirez, and says that disclosure is being rushed because a major event is about to occur, which he cannot mention to anybody.
The extraterrestrial hysteria and media frenzy couldn’t be better timed, aligning with warnings from multiple whistleblowers from the CIA and Area 51.
For decades, they’ve been counting down the years and alerting humanity that 2024 was the beginning of the pivotal years when the elite play their ultimate ace card: ET disclosure.
Whistleblowers are sounding the alarm—what we were witnessing in 2024, from the Miami mall UFO incident to the glowing orbs lighting up our night skies, is no coincidence.
This is part of a global event that could alter the course of humanity forever.
The world is currently being conditioned to witness what appears to be a massive ET invasion—thousands of holographic extraterrestrial warships projected into the skies, hiding real US military craft capable of causing actual destruction.
The elite are constantly devising new ways to unleash chaos on humanity, clinging to their control while advancing their agenda of total domination.
For years, they’ve plotted to use UFOs as the ultimate tool to achieve their most ambitious and sinister goals.
Insiders reveal this is their ace card—the ultimate move designed to throw the world into chaos and hysteria, forcing humanity to unite under their control in the face of manufactured turmoil.
The chaos will pave the way for the immediate formation of a One World Government, seamlessly accepted by a terrified and desperate population. This government will mark the rise of the New World Order, ushering in a grim future of enslavement and accelerated depopulation.
U.S. military veteran Tom Keating delves into former CIA operative Joseph Spence’s explosive memoir, uncovering chilling details about the elite’s ultimate psychological operation.
The global elite like to tell us about their plans in advance – it’s called Revelation of the Method – and the notorious globalist Henry Kissinger let the cat out of the bag about Project Bluebeam as far back as the 1970s.
Kissinger, who was Klaus Schwab’s mentor, explained in clear terms how the globalists will convince Americans to accept the New World Order.
Wernher von Braun, the German & US aerospace engineer who worked on Operation Paperclip, confessed on his deathbed in 1977 that the global elite were planning to use “terrorists and pandemics” as false flags to manipulate and control the masses.
This insider information from the Deep State takes on even more significance when you consider what von Braun said would be the last piece of the elite’s puzzle: a “fake extraterrestrial invasion”.
There’s no doubt that the global elite have the technology to pull off this deception.
In fact, we know the U.S. government once considered using holograms during the Iraq War. Air Force planners, searching for a bloodless way to overthrow Saddam Hussein, proposed creating a massive hologram that would appear to be Allah urging Iraqis to rise up against the dictator. Although the plan was never carried out, the fact that it was even considered at such high levels shows that this technology has been available for years.
Microchips, holograms, electromagnetic waves for telepathic communication… it’s eerie how everything Serge Monast warned about in 1994 is now unfolding right before our eyes.
Let’s take a step back—what have we learned over the past few years?
We’ve seen that governments lie, media deceives, and corporations manipulate. The CIA controls the narrative, and behind them? The shadowy figures of the Committee of 300—an elite group whose agenda has always been about power, control, and reducing the global population.
Now ask yourself: Why are the same entities—the media, the government, and even companies like Disney and Netflix—that downplayed films like The Sound of Freedom, now pushing the extraterrestrial narrative so hard?
This isn’t about disclosure; it’s about distraction. The ultimate goal? The 2030 Agenda—a coordinated effort to control humanity and shrink the population.
The truth is our greatest weapon against evil. Stay vigilant, question everything, and remember—this isn’t just about extraterrestrials. It’s about control.
January 7, 2025