BBC praises open letter signed by 408 climate fanatics pushing extreme green tyranny: “the most distinguished of the country’s climate scientists”

The “most distinguished” of England’s so-called climate scientists wrote an open letter to all political leaders in UK pushing the most “ambitious” and extreme forms of “green” tyranny. And perhaps nobody is more excited about the letter and its agenda than the BBC, which praised the letter’s hodgepodge of non-scientist authors.

What the BBC is not telling its followers about the 480 signatories of the letter is that they are psychologists, accountants, landscape designers and other non-scientists who know nothing about the logistics or impact of the green extremism they want to see imposed upon the public.

Bob Ward, the organizer of the petition, made this all occur with the support of the billionaire-funded Grantham operation. He received help from James “the climate clock is ticking” Murray from Business Green who signed up to be one of the “top scientists” behind the letter, even though he is not actually a scientist.

The first ‘scientist’ in the alphabetical list is an Associate Professor of Accounting, the second is a geographer specialising in ‘disaster risk reduction,’ while the third is an archaeologist,” writes Chris Morrison for the Daily Sceptic about this hoax of a letter.

Climate deception on full display

This is not the first time Grantham has pulled a stunt like this that aims to deceive the world into believing that most “scientists” believe in and agree with global warming and the globalist response to it – and it will probably not be the last.

Like with its other failed attempts towards this end, Grantham warned in the recent proclamation that extreme weather events allegedly caused by climate change are inflicting “growing damage to lives and livelihoods” in the United Kingdom. Not even the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agrees with Grantham’s assertions about the planet, having found that human activity is in no way responsible for natural disasters like floods, droughts, wildfires and hurricanes.

Nor is human involvement detected in forecasts stretching to 2100,” Morrison says.

While a handful of the letter’s signatories could maybe be described as scientists based on their academic backgrounds, the vast majority of them lay no claim to such a title.

The list is littered with lawyers, psychologists, philosophers, landscape designers, engineers and computer modellers,” Morrison adds.

Damian Carrington from The Guardian pulled a similar stunt recently when he polled 400 so-called scientists to draw a conclusion that the entire world is headed towards a “semi-dystopian” future.

Prof. Lorraine Whitmarsh, one of the “scientist” signatories of the open letter, is described by her academic institution as being the Director for U.K. Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation. She is also an “environmental psychologist” whose first degree was in theology and religious studies with French – Whitmarsh is hardly qualified to speak definitively about the climate, in other words.

Another signatory, Marco Silva, is currently on a six-month reeducation sabbatical at the billionaire-funded Oxford Climate Journalism Network (OCJN). The OCJN is a who’s who network of climate propagandists funded by some of the deepest pockets in the world.

One or two signing names might be familiar to him, including Saffron O’Neill, described as a Professor of ‘Climate and Society’,” Morrison writes.

She is a past speaker at the OCJN and is noted for speculating on the need for ‘fines and imprisonment’ for expressing scepticism about ‘well supported’ science.


July 7, 2024


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