Biden Quits Presidential Race. WEF adviser: Trump’s re-election will be “final death blow” for the “world order”

After major pressure from his fellow Democrats, on Sunday July 21, President Joe Biden has quit the 2024 presidential race.

Biden announced he is standing down as the Democrat’s nominee for the upcoming November election.

In a statement shared on X, the president said:

It is in the best interest of my party” to stand down and “focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Biden has faced increasing calls in recent weeks to stand down over concerns about his age, psychic health, and ability to run the country.

Looking at the Republican candidate, who is already seen as having great chances to win the elections, a senior adviser to the World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned that President Donald Trump’s re-election in November will destroy the so-called “global order.”

Yuval Noah Harari, one of the WEF agenda’s authors, has warned of the “very likely” possibility of Trump winning re-election this year.

If Trump succeeds in recapturing the White House, this would be the “death blow” for the “world order,” according to Harari.

Harari, who is also listed as an “agenda contributor” to the WEF, made this warning in a recent interview. It was recorded before the recent assassination attempt on Trump.

Donald Trump was shot in the ear at a rally in Pennsylvania when a gunman climbed onto a nearby roof and opened fire on the 45th president as he addressed his supporters.

Analysis of the shooting shows that Trump barely survived, by a miracle, because he tilted his head back exactly in the moment when the gunman fired, causing the bullet to narrowly miss his skull.

The assassination attempt on Trump came after increasingly aggressive rhetoric from his critics.

During the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) earlier this year in Davos, Switzerland, several globalists expressed concern about the possible re-election of Donald Trump.

WEF members even called on world leaders to “Trump-proof” their economies before the election.

During the interview mentioned above, Harari was asked if he was “worried that Trump might be re-elected.”

I think that’s very likely,” Harari replied. “It will probably be something like the death knell for what’s left of the world order.”

Harari, who describes himself as a “historian, philosopher and author,” is primarily known for his misanthropic views.

Harari often gloats that global power elites will no longer have any use for humans as they are increasingly replaced by machines controlled by artificial intelligence.

In an interview last year, Harari was asked about the role of humans in society as new technologies such as artificial intelligence emerge.

Harari responded that a new class system would soon emerge that would separate the global elites from the “useless” masses.

Why do we need so many people?” asked Harari.

Harari predicts that the rapid progress in computer technology “will make humans obsolete.”

Those who would be replaced by AI in the workplace would create a “huge class of useless people,” he said repeatedly, provoking laughter from the globalists in the audience.

These “useless people” are a burden on society and have to be kept happy with “drugs and computer games,” Harari continued.

We are creating a new, massive class of useless people,” Harari said.

He had previously stated that “we simply don’t need the vast majority of the population” in today’s world.

Harari explained the widespread disillusionment of “ordinary people” with the fear of being “left behind” in a future led by “intelligent people”.

He complained that the world’s power elite had been dependent on the labor of the general public since the Industrial Revolution.

However, Harari is pleased that the tide is turning as companies can now use low-cost technologies to replace people.

Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, we simply no longer need the vast majority of the population,” he concludes.

The future lies in the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies such as artificial intelligence [and] biotechnology.

Most people contribute nothing, except perhaps their data, and everything that humans still do that is useful is increasingly being made redundant by these technologies and replaced by humans.”


July 22, 2024


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