Call from a doctor from Switzerland: WHO needs to be dismantled immediately and mRNA injections need to be stopped

The mRNA genocide needs to finally come to an end and the only sensible, 100% effective and safe prevention of another criminal plandemic is the immediate smashing of the WHO into a thousand pieces. This is what Swiss doctor Thomas Binder states, in an open letter posted on virtual communication networks. You can read it below.

“Dear fellow humans!

My name is Thomas Binder. I studied medicine in Zurich, obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialised in internal medicine and cardiology, and have 35 years of experience in diagnosis and therapy of acute respiratory infections, in hospitals, in intensive care units and in my private practice.

Others and myself have been explaining the still prevailing corona narrative since February 2020. It is unscientific, unlawful, inhumane nonsense from A for no epidemiologically relevant Asymptomatic transmission, over D for wrong Definition of covid infection and covid death, I for wrong Indication to test, N for Non-pharmaceutical interventions for asymptomatic, formerly called healthy people, are ineffective and do only harm, P for no Pandemic but pLandemic, T for wrong Test and V for wrong Vaccine to Z for Zero covid is an intellectual absurdity. For doing this, we were censored, libelled or, like me at Easter 2020, even brutally arrested by an anti-terrorist unit in my doctor’s office and shipped off to the loony bin because of alleged ‘self-endangerment in covid insanity’. Today, we are totally vindicated. The alleged covid pandemic was primarily a RT-PCR testing pandemic!

Others and myself, who have a minimum of basic medical and immunological knowledge, had read the pivotal studies and have some common sense and spine, had already explained the futility, ineffectiveness and insecurity of the modified RNA injections before their criminal emergency approval. Today, we know that they are even negatively effective, promote illness and death from covid and have already killed over 10 million people through side effects, prevented millions of fertilisations and induced millions of stillbirths, in the absence of evidence that they saved even one single human life. While there has never been a pandemic of a killer virus, there was a pandemic of cowards and do we doctors see a pandemic of severe illnesses and of sudden unexpected deaths from heart attack, myocarditis, aortic dissection, stroke and pulmonary embolism; thrombosis and inflammation of other organs, especially of brain and spinal cord, disseminated intravascular coagulation, increased infections, including covid, due to immunosuppression, cancer, autoimmune diseases, infertility, miscarriage and many more. This modified RNA genocide is the greatest medical crime in human history, a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions!

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is working on transferring all vaccinations to the modified RNA ‘vaccine’ platform. It is doing so, though just being able to count and to distinguish foreign from self, even having a trace of intelligence, is enough to realise that the modified RNA vaccine platform is totally nonsensical and life-threatening. Its two fundamental flaws are the injection of the construction plan for a protein foreign to the body without having any control over which body cells will produce it, in what dose and for how long, and the fact that the cells who are coerced to produce this foreign protein and then present it on their surface will be mistakenly recognised by our immune system as foreign, thus destroyed, much like the rejection of a foreign organ transplanted into you. The alleged modified RNA ‘vaccination’ coerces your body to produce a toxin in unknown dose and for an unknown period of time and literally transforms parts of you into an alien. Therefore, the entire modified RNA vaccine platform must be banned immediately!

Your government is currently negotiating a pLandemic treaty with the WHO. If it signs it, the WHO will be placed above the constitution of your country, and not only you, but also your government and your parliament, will lose all freedom of choice: Who controls the WHO controls the world! The only reasonable, 100% effective and safe prevention of another criminal pLandemic is the immediate smashing of the WHO into a thousand pieces!

Dear fellow humans!

If you have been injected once or even several times and perhaps even suffer from severe side effects of the modified RNA injections, do not despair: more and more responsible doctors are willing to help you and more and more responsible scientists are researching for, one day, being able to treat even their most complex side effects. I think, with the modified RNA injections it is like with smoking: It is almost never too late to give it up and to live healthier.

Whether you were injected or not, wake up, give your spine a booster, stand up and tell the manufacturers, your alleged ‘experts’, your government, your parliamentarians, your generals and your authorities, who have, from the point of view of the populace, totally failed in the covid scandal: ‘Enough is enough! Step back, at last, and then stand in courts!’ Do this, if not for yourself, then for a future worth living for your children and grandchildren!”

Pharma insider Latypova accuses medical personnel of knowingly participating in ‘bioweapons’ operations

Sasha Latypova, a retired pharmaceutical research and development executive, describes to James Delingpole the organizational structure of the crimes against humanity committed against the people of the United States and other countries in the name of covid. Latypova notes that she believes there is “a shortage of people looking at the immediate crime scene,” which includes the “de facto murderers” who injected people to death with the covid injection bioweapons.

You have to judge the immediate crime scene,” says the pharmaceutical insider. “At the immediate crime scene, there is a doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse who sticks the needle with the poison into the person – that’s the henchman. Some of them do it willingly and knowingly. Many do it now. After three years, there is no excuse: ‘Oh, I didn’t know.’ They know.”

When asked how she knows that pharmacists, nurses, etc. know about the harm so-called vaccines are causing, Latypova replies: “Because so many people have dropped dead in front of her eyes. And some of the patients have died a few weeks after the booster shot. So as a trained professional, you have a standard by which you judge – namely that you are trained to recognize these aspects. You can’t call yourself a doctor, and then not be interested in why young people are dying.”

To highlight an anecdotal example, Latypova says: “I went to a grocery store where there was a pharmacy that gave injections, and there was a young man lying on the floor after the injection – nobody cared, everyone just walked around him!”.

These people who are picking up the vaccine needles are murderers – they are de facto murderers,” Latypova says. “Now the question is whether someone forced them, paid them or blackmailed them, that is part of the investigation. But they knowingly committed many, many murders and injuries. And the next level is who paid them, who forced them, who blackmailed them? That’s their hospital system.”

Beyond the hospital system, Latypova said, “we quickly come to the money that went into the system, and that’s all federal money in the US – and it went specifically through the Department of Defense. So it’s a military operation. The Department of Defense was responsible for it and still is – they claim they’re responsible for the entire government.”

Latypova goes on to explain the Defense Ministry’s so-called “whole-of-government” approach to covid as follows:

There’s this expression, it’s called ‘whole-of-government approach.’ Well, in a press conference that lasts about 45 minutes, this General Talley, who is the main spokesman for Operation Warp Speed, repeats ‘whole-of-government’ about 12 times; it’s like a tic, like Tourette’s. And it’s a very strange Tourette’s, because they’re carrying out a military coup, we don’t have a constitutional government; he, a military, is claiming control of the entire government. So in the United States, we no longer have the three branches checking and balancing each other. We have a military operation that has taken control of the entire government, all federal agencies. That’s my main concern. It’s the medical system that they’re using to commit this mass murder, the federal dollars and the military structure that they’re using to do this.”

Harvard study: Covid injections cause sudden deaths and strokes

A new damning study conducted by some of America’s most respected researchers has shown that covid mRNA injections lead to an increase in strokes and sudden deaths.

The case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and reports an increase in cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years. Cerebral ischemia is a form of fatal brain damage caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain.

Harvard researchers found that Moderna’s covid mRNA injections were the cause of the recent surge in the deadly disease. Leading experts have reacted to the explosive study and warned against mRNA vaccines.

The study is the latest in a long line of investigations linking the vaccine to sudden death and potentially fatal side effects. However, it is the first major study to specifically link Moderna’s injection to cerebral ischemia and sudden death.

One person who has responded to the study is Dr. John Campbell, a leading British oncologist, immunologist and immunotherapy expert. Campbell has released a video explaining the results of the study.

This is a report that couldn’t be more serious,” warns Campbell. The doctor discusses the brain scan images from the study, which show dark spots in the brain. These spots, explains Campbell, indicate a lack of blood flow to these regions. This is because blood accumulates in other regions, causing overpressure and underpressure in different parts of the brain.

He points out that the problem can occur just a few hours after the injection.

Twenty-four hours after receiving the first dose of the Moderna covid vaccine, a 30-year-old woman developed severe headache,” the Harvard study summary said. “Three weeks later, she was admitted to the hospital with subacute headache and confusion. Imaging initially showed disseminated cortical thrombosis with increased opening pressure at lumbar puncture. An external ventricular drain was placed, but intracranial pressure remained elevated. Finally, a hemicraniectomy was performed, but persistent cerebral edema led to death. Pathology suggested thrombosis and an associated inflammatory reaction.”

Dr. Campbell explained how the medical team treating the vaccine victim tried many techniques and treatments. “It looks like they tried to relieve the pressure by removing something from the side of the skull bone.”

Campbell pointed out that the victim had already been vaccinated against covid, meaning she should have had natural immunity, and given that and her young age, she should not have been vaccinated.

Dr. Campbell explained that researchers did not know why the pressure in the vaccine victim’s head was so high. However, it is possible that this is due to the brain’s self-regulatory function – the brain’s regulation of its own blood supply.

Dr. Peter McCullough also discussed this case study on his Substack. “We are becoming accustomed to unexpected deaths following covid vaccination among young people who have received one or more injections of the covid vaccine,” McCullough writes. “It is important to know that not all deaths following vaccination are of cardiac origin.”

Campbell also talked about how the pharmaceutical industry is building mRNA factories around the world. Pharmaceutical companies are pushing to produce this new gene therapy technology at a scale that will allow rapid production of mRNA injections to vaccinate the entire world population.

The news comes after Slay News recently reported on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) groundbreaking admission that covid mRNA shots have killed hundreds of thousands of American children and teenagers.

The explosive admission was revealed in a secret CDC report showing that half a million American children and young adults have been killed by covid shots. The CDC report shows that nearly 500,000 Americans ages 0 to 44 have died from the dangerous side effects of covid mRNA injections. The deaths recorded occurred between the start of the public rollout of the vaccine in early 2021 and October 9, 2022.

Due to the chronology of the data, the already shocking figures do not include deaths from the last year and a half.

Meanwhile, experts have raised the alarm after a leading scientist warned against the mRNA injections. Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill, a world-renowned expert in immunology, issued a stark warning to the public that many of those vaccinated with covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they only received one injection.

Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of experience in the development of high-throughput protein arrays, antibody arrays and proteomics technologies and automation.

Since covid mRNA shots came onto the market in early 2021, Cahill has been sounding the alarm about their devastating public health impact. Cahill not only believes the vaccines are dangerous, but also warns that they will ultimately kill many of those who have received one or more doses.


May 28, 2024


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