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Risks for your health

How to avoid hormone disrupting chemicals

  Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are similar in structure to natural hormones such as the female sex hormone estrogen, the male sex hormone androgen, and thyroid hormones. EDCs interfere with development, reproduction, neurological functioning, metabolism, satiety and your immune system function, and much…

Wi-fi global infertility crisis

  by Edge Canopy We have no choice but to cover 5G because our friends and family in the Sacramento area are suffering from symptoms according to their firsthand accounts of nausea, headaches, and chest pains, from Natomas to downtown Sacramento. If we’re going to understand Verizon’s 4-city rollout of…

Battling 5G electrosmog and winning

  by Tapestry Around the end of February 2019 I realised that despite trying to keep going on as normal, I was not feeling right. Each day I woke up not feeling refreshed from sleep and my energy was reducing. Shane, my wife, pushed me into making an appointment at the hospital I attend just north of London, which specialises…

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