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Risks for your health

Tetanus: Even the Doctors Are Lied To

Dr. Carrie Madej briefly discusses the real use of the tetanus vaccine vs. what doctors are told in medical school. We recall, just before the madness of covid got going, being offered a flu vaccine by a new (to us) doctor; upon getting a refusal, he/she then offered a tetanus vaccine. To yet another refusal, he/she replied “Tetanus is a…

The Fake ‘Food as Medicine’ Agenda

The food supply is under attack. Whether it be from technocrats waging a war against real food, regulations that threaten food sovereignty or the use of toxic chemicals, humans’ right to access unadulterated, healthy food is slipping away. The Attack on Food Symposium, hosted by Dr. Meryl Nass and presented by Children’s Health…

Covid-19 vaccine injured doctors are finally starting to speak up, and they are shocked that the medical establishment abandons them

Vaccine injured physicians are starting to speak out. Dr. Michael Huang “I apologize on behalf of my profession for refusing to listen to patients with vax injuries”, said Dr. Michael Huang, physician who treated 4,000 covid patients and seen hundreds of covid-19 vaccine injuries, cancer, pregnancy loss, etc. Dr. Melissa…

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