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Covid 19 crisis

The inanity of RNA vaccines for Covid-19 (II)

Read the first part of the article To recap, we are experiencing a rather peculiar “pandemic” that exhibits: - a case fatality ratio lower than the seasonal flu, - kills less than the usual infectious diseases, - didn’t trigger marked excess mortality and - didn’t really lower life expectancy. Existing treatment Not only…

COVID crisis schemed to decoy Cyborg Plot capable of linking brains to the cloud: National Security fraud/crime charged against Moderna / Pfizer / DOD…

The COVID crisis was schemed militarily to foist untested vaccines on the public as a “decoy” concealing worse threats from “devices” called a “hydrogels”. The new ‘mysterious’ nano-biotechnology in vaccines and nasal swab tests are capable of electronically-linking human brains to the cloud wirelessly, according to federal court…

The truth about COVID-19

This article review how the technocratic elite have used this pandemic as a justification for eroding liberty, freedom and democracy from Day 1. As noted by Robert F. Kennedy in his foreword: “Government technocrats, billionaire oligarchs, Big Pharma, Big Data, Big Media, the high-finance robber barons and the military industrial…

Exclusive interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon

Dr. Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory department at Pfizer, who has also provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. The 60-year-old, convinced…

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