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Covid 19 crisis

The ‘Smoking Gun’ is the PCR cycle threshold (Ct): your coronavirus test is positive – you still might not have COVID-19

Exposing unwelcome truths about the deep flaws of PCR testing New York’s state lab has access to the Cycle Threshold (Ct) values from the PCR tests they process. Last July, the lab identified 872 positive tests based on a threshold of 40 cycles. If the lab has used a cutoff of 35 cycles, 43% of those tests would have been considered…

COVID mask: the psychology of surrender?

Wearing ‘the mask’ is for those who suffer feelings of fear and/or guilt. Think about it. One might reject such a notion “No, no, I’m just worried about being fined, that’s why I wear it”. Or “I don’t want to take any risks, the health authorities wouldn’t tell us to wear masks unless there was some protection benefit.” Are these…

5G rollout worldwide and in Wuhan: is this what is causing death, disease, and oxygen-depletion, being covered up by a covid-19 cover story?

  The rollout of 5G, the known bio-effects of 5G, and the symptoms associated with covid-19 continue to raise questions. The former Vodaphone manager turned whistleblower, describing how 5G causes cellular poisoning similar to symptoms of coronavirus. Many analysts are beginning to link the reckless rollout of 5G…

Covid-19 A Biological Attack

  At a state Capital briefing in Washington D.C. on January 5th, a full disclosure was given to the public by the U.S. Government regarding Covid-19. A member of President Trump’s Team, former Air Force Commander and three times Star, Lt. General Thomas McInerney disclosed that “Covid-19 is a Bioweapons…

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