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Shiva Matangari

Shiva in the aspect of triumph over hostile, malefic forces  By yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru   Another aspect of Shiva's is Shiva Matangari, or in other words, Shiva in the aspect of triumph over hostile, malefic forces.  Shiva Matangari is aspect associated with the divine, omnipotent action of Shiva…

Shiva Ardhanarishvara

Shiva in his hypostasis of divine, perfect androgyne by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru Shiva-Ardhanarishvara is one of the most well known hypostasis of Shiva. It is the mysterious expression of his divine, androgynous, bipolar nature, in which he, in his manifestation as the Supreme Masculine, is intimately fused…

Shiva Virupaksha

Shiva, in the aspect of the master of the third eye      by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru “In order to make pure and luminous the frontal eye of wisdom darkened now by impurities caused by ignorance, oh, Master, endless love revered to You is the supreme…


SHIVA UNDER THE ASPECT TO BESTOW THE DIVINE GRACE  TO HIS DEVOTED WORSHIPPERS by YOGA teacher Gregorian Bivolaru SHIVA-CHANDESH-ANUGRAHA is one of the most famous kind aspects of SHIVA. Under this aspect SHIVA gives his blessing to CHANDESHA, his ardent worshipper, and offers him his divine grace (ANUGRAHA).…

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