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Unmasking Freemasonry

Dr. Peter Gøtzsche Exposes Big Pharma As Organized Crime

“The drug industry buys the professors first, then chiefs of department, then the other chief physicians and so on. They don't buy junior doctors.” – Dr. Peter Gøtzsche  Big Pharma drugs kill around 200,000 Americans every year – half of them die while doing what their doctors told them.…

Declassified documents reveal that the CIA used ‘weird’ and ‘unusual’ methods to experimentally induce amnesia in human guinea pigs

For longer than many of the people reading this have even been alive, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been engaged in a massive psychological operation (psy-op) of covert mind-control warfare – this being a key component of its deep state schemes all around the world. And one of the agency’s more…

Smart Phones, Smart Appliances…Smart People? Brain Chip Will Create Super-Intelligent Humans

What if you could have a chip installed in your brain that would increase your intelligence? Would you be interested? While this kind of brain-computer interface technology might sound like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, scientists are working hard to develop it, and it will likely be available in the…

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