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Unmasking Freemasonry

Hollywood’s Casting Couch, Hurricane Harvey Weinstein, and Illuminati Mind Control (1)

  What exactly is wrong with Hollywood? Their sexual deviancy and abuse seem to be rampant, and given the long history of conspiracy theories about this subject one has to realize there is some truth behind all this. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Well, we are going to explore it and demonstrate the “Illuminati”…

50 Facts The World Needs To Know About Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government (1)

  James F. Tracy is a PhD from the University of Iowa. A former professor of communications at Boca Raton, Florida Atlantic University. He is one of many critical thinkers within the world of academia, and as result of presenting the following information that might spark some cognitive dissonance, he has been singled out…

WHO declares anti-vax movement to be a top ‘global health threat’ just like the climate change hoax… The vaccine deep state grows desperate

  The deep state is utterly petrified that the general public is finally waking up to the Great Vaccine Hoax – so much so that, in a desperate attempt to scare people into still getting vaccinated, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently put out a fear-mongering claim that vaccine refusal represents one of…

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