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Unmasking Freemasonry

Nanochips And Smart Dust – Dangerous New Face Of Human Microchipping Agenda

  Nanochips and smart dust are the new technological means for the advancement of the human microchipping agenda. Due to their incredibly tiny size, both nanochips and smart dust have the capacity to infiltrate the human body, become lodged within, and begin to set up a synthetic network on the inside which can be…

A couple of The Guardian articles about Facebook and a thing called Cambridge Analytica (from 3-17-18 & 3-20-18)

  By Kauilapele   I’m posting only the linked titles and a few highlights from two articles from The Guardian. This is apparently quite a big apocalyptic deal which most who are awake and aware were likely very suspicious was going on, all the time (#Snowden, 2013, remember?). And this is likely part of…

Ex-US Foreign Service Officer: US Acting as ‘ISIS Air Force’ in Syria Based on a ‘False Flag’

  A former US official, critical of the strikes on Syria, is pointing out that the US is acting as the air force for ISIS. Adding credence to the claim is the report that terrorist groups inside Syria coordinated attacks with the US-led strikes. The United States, France and the UK engaged in limited missile strikes…

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