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Unmasking Freemasonry

Chemtrails, Ultimate Proof Only ‘Zombies’ Deny!

  By Edward Morgan This is a montage of some of the best work out there on chemtrails by We Are Change and many other activists including airline pilots and those who worked in the military! Anybody who watches this video and doesn’t at least admit chemtrails are a real possibility is under some pretty…

Big Agriculture GAG: 29 states quietly pass ‘preemptive seed laws’ that prevent debate and local government autonomy over genetically engineered crops

  Big Agriculture has found a way to make genetically modified seeds permanent, by quietly writing in “preemptive seed laws” at the state level. In twenty-nine states, men and women at the local level will no longer be able to discuss, debate, or propose laws on the use of genetically modified seeds. The…

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