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Unmasking Freemasonry

CDC director’s resignation confirms a long pattern of CDC corruption and corporate science cover-ups that enrich the politically powerful

  If you’ve been searching for proof that the CDC is in bed with the corrupt vaccine industry that routinely lies to and misleads the American people, then look no further.  Brenda Fitzgerald At the end of January the head of the Centers for Disease Control, Brenda Fitzgerald, abruptly resigned after it was…

Harvard Professor: Geoengineering Could Kill ‘Many Tens of Thousands of People A Year’

  What is geoengineering? It’s the large scale intervention and manipulation of the global climate system through various means, the most popular seems to be spraying reflective substances into the air via aircraft or balloons in order to reflect the sunlight back into space. Within the past few years,…

The anger trap

  We’re all annoyed in some form or another. No question. No one can sit idly by with any level of consciousness and not be ticked off by the insanity, inequities and atrocities going on around us. That’s righteous anger and there’s nothing wrong with it. But we must keep anger in its place. The…

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