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Unmasking Freemasonry

Elite Hollywood Pedophiles are ‘Too Powerful’ Warns Expert Warning That Predatory Pedophilia Is ‘More Rampant Than Ever’

  Shirley Temple retired from acting at the age of 22 after being the sexual target of Hollywood executives throughout her career As the global pedophilia problem reaches epidemic proportions, an expert has warned that the elites at the top of the child-abusing chain are “too powerful to be…

Ready For FEMA Camps? Project DIVA Enables The Elite To Take Out The Red List – Are You On FEMA’s ‘Kill’ List?

  Putting together all of the pieces of this tyrannical puzzle, suddenly the endgame becomes painstakingly clear. The various moving parts are: the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), FEMA Camps, the Homeland Security’s bias that right-wing extremists are just as big a threat as ISIS, and…

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