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Unmasking Freemasonry

Your Body Is No Longer Yours: Australia Has Become the First Country To Microchip Its Citizens & Australia: A Tracking Device In Every Car

You may not have noticed, but there are two kinds of countries in the world these days: dictatorships led by authoritarians and democracies that are slowly being taken over by authoritarians. Put Australia into the latter. The land Down Under has become the first nation to begin microchipping its citizens,…

Hillary Clinton Body Count, Kill List Conspiracy Theories Resurfaced After Three Deaths In One Month

Have you heard of the Bill and Hillary Clinton body count? How about the Clinton kill list? The Clinton body count and kill list were conspiracy theories back in the 90s suggesting the Clinton’s ordered the murders of anyone who was in their way. Whether it was someone who had knowledge of scandals, maybe a…

Biological Weapons: ‘One of the largest human experiments in history’ was conducted on unsuspecting residents of San Francisco

  One fact many may not know about San Francisco’s fog is that in 1950, the US military conducted a test to see whether it could be used to help spread a biological weapon in a “simulated germ-warfare attack.”And this was just the start of many such tests around the country that would go on in…

The Testimony of Sister Charlotte – Murdered for Telling Horrific Story of Satanic Ritual Abuse within the Roman Catholic Church (3)

Read the second part of the articleExecution I wonder how you would feel if this was your child. And remember, I have a mother and daddy, or had one, and they loved me just as much as you love your children. And when they let me go into the convent I’m sure my mother and daddy didn’t expect these things to happen…

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