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Unmasking Freemasonry

Illuminati insider in 1969: ‘travel will become very restricted’. The real and the ‘stated’ goals (1)

  Introduction by Henry Makow Ph.D. Like sheep, humanity had better adjust to constant harassment as long as it tolerates Illuminati control of all important government and social institutions. On March 20, 1969, Rockefeller insider Dr. Richard Day (1905-1989) gave a speech to the Pittsburgh division of the…

Brighteon Films posts a 5G mini-documentary that warns humanity about the imminent danger of 5G cell towers

  Part of the benefit of building and owning an independent video platform is that there can be posted important videos for humanity that would be immediately banned on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Google. That’s because the tech giants are corrupt, anti-human, criminal organizations that censor videos which oppose their…

CNN 1985: ‘EMF weapons being used for consciousness control’. EMFs include 5G, bluetooth, cell phone radiation, WiFi

  It has been reported that some American Embassy workers in China and Cuba were attacked with microwave weapons and suffered brain injuries from their experiences. Research has determined that exposure to ALL sources of microwave radiation – including 5G, Bluetooth, cell phone radiation and WiFi – can disrupt the…

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