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The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

How can you tell if it’s a bot or AI leaving comments on virtual communication platforms or in the comments section under articles?

Automated computer programs posting comments on virtual communication platforms or under articles that appear to be human raises the issue of paid-for comments, astroturfing and the potential for fake opinions to be spread online. This could lead to a realisation of the Dead Internet Theory as one of the consequences of artificial…

Kissinger’s Final Threat Exposes Globalists’ Dystopian End Game: ‘Bioengineer to Co-exist with AI—or Die’

In his final message to humanity, Henry Kissinger co-authored a disturbing book titled Genesis, published recently. Kissinger’s final message for humanity warns that artificial intelligence (AI) will create “superhumans,” meaning ordinary humans become “useless.” Kissinger passed away last year, but his co-authors, Eric Schmidt and…

PimEyes says Meta glasses integration could have ‘irreversible consequences’

Two Harvard students made headlines after converting Meta’s smart glasses into a device that automatically captures people’s faces with facial recognition and runs them through face search engines. One of the companies providing the face search function, PimEyes, is not too happy about it. AnhPhu Nguyen and Caine Ardayfio released…

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