Coca Cola tests positive for covid-19 in Austrian parliament

An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the government’s covid-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for covid-19.

In footage from the meeting in Vienna, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of Coca Cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect drops to use on an antigen rapid test being used on a mass scale.

After going to the lectern and starting his speech, the politician sprinkled few drops of cola on corona rapid test. Three minutes later the test showed a result: Coca Cola was covid-19 positive.

After demonstrating a positive result, Schnedlitz goes on to slam the tests as a waste of taxpayer resources.

Mr. President, we are likely to have a problem now, we have a positive corona test in parliament, namely this cola triggered a positive corona test. I don’t know how to deal with it now!

With aspects like this you are throwing tens of millions of euros in tax money out of the window instead of providing real protection for old people’s and nursing homes, instead of investing money in our hospitals.

The corona mass tests are worthless! This was also shown by a simple experiment in parliament, in which a cola had a positive result! But this black-green government spends tens of millions in tax money on precisely these tests.

It should be noted that the Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.

Papaya tested positive for covid-19

Earlier, the Tanzanian President John Magufuli growing suspicious of the World Health Organization (WHO), decided to investigate the claims of the tests himself. He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail to the country’s National Referral Laboratory to test for coronavirus, without the lab technicians knowing the true identity of the samples. The samples were given human names and ages. All of them came covid-19 positive. After that, the President is reported to have kicked out the WHO from the country.

The president called for an investigation in what he suspected is a “dirty game” in the laboratory, but did not say where the kits had been imported from. “The equipment or people may be compromised and sometimes it can be sabotage,” Magufuli said in a speech broadcast live through state-run Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC).

Dr John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centres for Disease Control (CDC), said Tanzania was using test kits supplied by the Africa CDC in collaboration with the Chinese Jack Ma Foundation, which met international standards. “Tanzania is using the same test that everyone is using,” Nkengasong said.

Days after Tanzanian move, Burundi kicked out WHO Coronavirus Team from the country for interference in internal matters. Meanwhile, in yet another African nation Nigeria, Bill Gates has been caught bribing forced Coronavirus program. Just couple of days later, an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.

Meanwhile, in a shocking development the President of Madagascar has made a sensational claim that the WHO offered $20m bribe to poison covid-19 cure.

Looks like WHO’s days in Africa are over.

Unavailability and access to testing kits and facilities combined with massive tests following faulty protocols and amplified by the hysterical media is wreaking havoc on the medical infrastructure of nations into lockdown due to Coronavirus resulting into more panic and chaos. As false results soar the WHO has come under global criticism. However, a deeper look at the cases by GreatGameIndia showed a massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol fraud – a fraud because the WHO already did it before and admitted it.

There have been instances where WHO was caught grossly unprepared with its course of action. Other times, the scientists and researchers at WHO have made laughable errors while preparing reports. This begs the question: Why WHO makes so many mistakes? Is it deliberate? Or is there some other reason behind WHO’s never ending list of errors?

An exclusive report by GreatGameIndia revealed how in 2009 WHO prematurely declared ‘swine flu’ a pandemic which resulted in a surge of vaccine orders. The rich and affluent nations were quick to purchase the vaccines for their people. Ironically, most deaths occurred not in Europe but in Africa and Southeast Asia.

In his controversial book renowned author Stuart Blume discloses that many of the most influential advisers, at both World Health Organisation (WHO) and national levels, are paid consultants to the vaccine industry raising a very serious question – that the WHO might be working for the vaccine industry’s interests and not the people – the reason why 10 years ago WHO faked a pandemic.

The consistent pattern of blunders being committed by WHO raises serious questions on its efficiency in dealing with the lives of people. The amount of errors on a regular basis suggest WHO’s gambling-approach to world health-crisis. Past experiences shedding light on WHO being used as tool of the vaccine lobby have led many experts to call for dismantling of the WHO.

Can the World Health Organization (WHO) still be reformed or must it be reborn? Can it address concretely and effectively the challenges it is facing? Should WHO be dismantled? These are important questions, not only for the next director-general but perhaps even more for the member states who are the real “owners” of WHO.



April 3, 2021



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