Disability by design: Covid-19, titanium dioxide and electromagnetic radiation

What has been described as a viral epidemic is, in Robin D. P. Watson’s opinion, the author of the Nano Blenders Thesis, a complex interplay of electromagnetic forces on food additive E171 or titanium dioxide.

There has been an absolute abuse of science and language in describing titanium dioxide as a food additive, which has allowed food and pharmaceutical manufacturers to include this synergistic poison in their products. There is ample evidence of this corruption, in scientific and medical papers, where disease after disease has its origins in exposure to titanium dioxide.

But, despite many attempts for years to alert the media, politicians and doctors to this fact, the response to this information has been dismal. It appears many groups have lost the ability to think critically for themselves and more importantly care less about its effects on people.

Titanium dioxide is not a nutrient. It is insoluble and excoriates vascular systems within the body. It bioaccumulates in organs, reducing their ability to function properly and it reacts to various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Titanium dioxide is in fact a weapon, for it has many applications in weapon systems including Nanothermite and depleted munitions.

Recent forensic research has revealed that the genuine victims of covid-19 have died from a process called disseminated-intravascular coagulation (DIC). It is a process from which the body is overcome by a cascade of micro thrombi or blood clots. There is research showing that this process can be used in a positive sense to reduce hemorrhages. Where titanium dioxide and ultrasound can be used to effect limited coagulation thus prevent bleeding in accident victims. But not understood, by a great many researchers, is the fact that the cause of covid-19 and its many variants such as ‘long covid’ is this complex interplay of elements.

Many victims of covid-19 have been predisposed to having their immunity status critically lowered by prolonged exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) from photo voltaics (cheap solar panels) which produce adverse electrical fields. This has been the case of many victims in nursing homes in Australia and many of those who sailed away on ‘floating microwave ovens,’ the cruise ships where passengers were subjected to high levels of 5G.

The resulting confusion created by the media and politicians, where victims suffering with pre-existing comorbidities, is easily understood when all the elements of the puzzle are put together in the right sequence. We should consider that the comorbidities in question are the result of prolonged exposure to titanium dioxide, either from food or pharmaceutical products.

From Robin D. P. Watson’s thesis The Nano Blenders: “Fibres or particles of fibre glass, asbestos, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide or similar insoluble crystalline structures vibrate in situ, when subjected to various frequencies of EM radiation, causing them to behave as ‘Nano-Blenders’. When these particles are within the body, the injury to the surrounding cell structures by the homogenizing of their adjacent material provides a medium for overgrowth of various precursor elements of cancers and other diseases.”

As suggested by this article, there is a huge subject to be investigated by scientists. This topic refers to the relation between

  1. all food-chemicals, airborne chemicals, water chemicals,
  2. the electromagnetic soup existing all-around and
  3. the susceptibility to SARS-Cov-2 infection and also the implications of all the environmental factors listed before to the severity of this infection.

So far there is little work done on this, but what has been already revealed is scary, and warns the people to protect themselves from any kind of environmental ‘poisoning’ and electromagnetic pollution, not only from a lab made virus.



April 15, 2021



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