Exposing the dark game of virtual communication networks – escaping the “invisible trap”: are you feeding your soul, or the enemy?

The story at a glance

  • The modern world actively works against the ability to feed one’s intuition and nourish the soul. Instead, as investigative journalist Corey Lynn puts it, it feeds the enemy.
  • This “enemy” thrives on chaos, division and disharmony spread through virtual communication netwroks and other platforms.
  • It symbolizes the harmful consequences of collective engagement in fear, misinformation and distraction that keep you from personal growth and inner peace.
  • It is possible to free yourself from consciousness control and corruption by making small, targeted transformations, such as daily meditation.

Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings helps you better understand your own behaviors, desires, and conflicts. This self-awareness can improve personal relationships and increase emotional intelligence, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and satisfying life, which impacts society as a whole.

Yet the modern world actively works against the ability to nurture one’s intuition and nourish one’s soul, and instead, as investigative journalist Corey Lynn puts it, feeds the enemy. The enemy in this case is not a person or a group, but rather destructive forces or influences that you may be unknowingly supporting or contributing to, whether on virtual communication networks or elsewhere.

This “enemy” thrives on the chaos, division, and disharmony perpetuated by virtual communication networks and other platforms. He symbolizes the damaging consequences of collective engagement in fear, misinformation, and distraction that keep you from personal growth and inner peace.

By engaging in these destructive cycles, you are inadvertently feeding the enemy instead of nourishing your own soul.

Is your consciousness being programmed?

Consciousness conditioning and programming have always been the game,” Lynn says. Even everyday symbols and campaigns can manipulate public perception and thought patterns and serve the interests of manipulative organizations. Lynn cites the example of the letter X, which is used by Twitter, for example, as a form of symbolic conditioning. Lynn writes:

Remember when the red X went viral on Twitter [in 2018]? Everyone was saying, ‘Put a red X next to your username when you’ve been banned and censored to show everyone that we stand together against it.’ I saw thousands of people quickly add a red X next to their name, and I warned that this was a ploy.

At this point, I wasn’t sure what it was about because it might have been an attempt to create a list of people who are against the narrative and it probably had a multi-pronged approach.

I just knew it wouldn’t be smart to join in. I now believe one of the goals was to get everyone to put the X up, to condition their consciousness that ‘X’ is a good, powerful, unified symbol. Five years later, Twitter became X.

This may seem silly and insignificant, but when multiple campaigns are running simultaneously to program people, each little seed in the brain branches out and forms beliefs. Then, when evidence emerges that reveals the trap, the brain refuses to accept it and instead remains stuck in the ‘unified’ belief system, and hero worship ensues.”

Lynn suggests that the repeated use of the letter X in different contexts represents a form of consciousness conditioning. By associating the X with concepts of unity, power, and future change, the public can be subtly programmed to align their beliefs and behaviors with these symbols without critically evaluating the implications.

Preoccupation with identity is a method of distraction

By participating in these campaigns, you are spreading the desired narrative or belief system set by the campaign organizers, thereby contributing to a larger agenda. It also focuses your attention on the publicity campaign rather than the manipulative tactics underlying it. Ultimately, it is a diversionary tactic that keeps the consciousness occupied with superficial or misleading activities rather than promoting one’s own critical thinking and spiritual growth.

One example Lynn gives is preoccupation with different aspects of identity – such as sexual preferences, appearance, and personality types. This can lead to divisions and distractions that prevent one from engaging more deeply with one’s inner self. Focusing on identity is an external focus, where one becomes preoccupied with defining oneself and others based on superficial characteristics and labels.

This external focus diverts attention from introspective, spiritual activities that might foster genuine self-understanding and connection to a higher purpose or spiritual unity. By bringing identity to the forefront, the enemy can intentionally create situations that lead to discord and prevent people from uniting or focusing on common goals. Lynn explains:

I used to believe that the corrupt wanted to erase everyone’s identity, make everyone genderless and force them to use digital IDs, but I’m starting to realize that ‘identity’ is exactly what they want everyone to focus on.

When you get people to focus too much on their own identity and the identity of others, whether it be sexual preferences, looks, fashion style, personality types, and all the other fun labels that come with it, people end up trying to define themselves by external nonsense that gives them an ‘identity’ instead of focusing on their inner spirit, soul, and direct line to God. That is one of the biggest and most long-standing distractions.”

A life of fear creates confusion and paranoia

Fear feeds the enemy by destabilizing the person and creating a population that is easier to control and less inclined to resist manipulation or challenge the status quo. “Bad guys have been stoking fear and paranoia for eons because it serves their goals. Keeping people in a high beta state all the time leads to incoherence and confusion. Ultimately, that leads to paranoia,” Lynn said.

When people suspect threats are everywhere, they can become isolated and less willing to engage with others, weakening social bonds and making you more vulnerable to manipulation. Fear also disrupts one’s intuition, which is a powerful tool for understanding and decision-making.

When intuition is overridden, you may bypass thoughtful analysis in favor of quick, fear-based reactions. This can lead to poor decisions and outcomes. “They want everyone to be in a constant state of survival so they become paralyzed,” Lynn says, continuing:

The adage ‘trust no one and question everything’ has become the basis for cognitive dissonance. Trusting no one creates isolation, while questioning everything keeps people in a constant state of analysis instead of trusting their own intuition. Intuition is man’s most powerful tool, and yet people find it difficult to trust even themselves.

Soon, this paranoia turns into the belief that all people are bad and no one can be trusted. Everything seems plausible, and any information that comes along is quickly twisted to fit this belief. Intuition falls by the wayside, investigation is skipped, and analysis comes from a place of paranoia and confusion.

That’s why expanding your intuition is so important during these times. The psyche can only process so much and clues are often hidden, but intuition can literally save your life. Faith, prayer and knowledge go hand in hand with intuition. Fear and ego cloud discernment.”

Those who sow division give the enemy more power

Once the conditions of programming, distractions and fear are set, it is easy to plant the seeds of division. Influencers, often without realising it, play a major role in spreading these divisive narratives.

Because influencers have large followings, their advocacy or mere discussion of a divisive issue can lend credibility to it and help spread it. Lynn points out that these people can inadvertently become tools in the hands of those seeking to sow division.

Meanwhile, if you focus on who is right or wrong, who is an ally or an enemy, your attention will be diverted from more productive tasks. Instead of using your resources and skills to create transformation and improve your community, you may waste energy by getting caught up in the drama and conflict. This further distracts you from personal growth and community engagement. Lynn adds:

The corrupt actors sit back and revel in the chaos, division and confusion created among people and influencers pointing fingers at each other while achieving their end goal. The reality is that the majority of influencers and people on virtual communication networks are not part of a psyop (bots excluded of course), but rather they have differing opinions, are ignorant, have been misled or simply did not have all the information.

Suddenly everyone is a suspect, everyone is involved in an ‘operation’ and accusations are flying. People are more concerned with ‘who is who’ than ‘who am I’.

I have been observing this deliberate energy pull for over eight years, and it has not brought us any closer to combating agendas against humanity, but has only served to entertain those who prefer to get caught up in drama and vent their anger on social media because they have not found a more constructive outlet.

Everyone is jumping into this drama and stirring up division, but more importantly, it causes everyone to focus on external distractions instead of moving within and using their gifts and abilities to actually make a difference for themselves, their families and their communities. And THAT is the main goal of the corrupt.”

You have the choice to feed your soul – not the enemy

It is possible to free yourself from consciousness control and corruption by making small, targeted transformations. In the video at the beginning of this article, BBC journalist Melissa Hogenboom explains how six weeks of meditation led to transformations in her brain that were demonstrated by a brain scan.

By quieting your consciousness and focusing your attention, meditation reduces the ‘noise’ of incessant thoughts. In this calmer state, you find it easier to listen to and trust your intuitive feelings, which are often very subtle and can easily be overshadowed by ‘noisier’ thoughts.

Meditation also enhances the intrinsic abilities of your consciousness, making it more receptive and attuned to intuitive processes. It provides a supportive environment in which intuition can flourish, promoting a calm, clear and connected state of being while helping to focus the mind on more productive activities.

I hope people start to understand,” Lynn says, “that if you don’t have control over it, it’s a distraction and a drain on your time and energy. If you do have control over it, how can you spend your time and energy if you’re not in a balanced state, without reacting emotionally? That’s the state where creation takes hold and radiates a powerful force that inspires and motivates.”

Many people have a desire to improve their health and well-being, but find it difficult to take action, even when they have clear strategies. What usually stops them from making progress is disconnection from their spirit, their authentic self, where true joy resides.

As Lynn notes, the choice of whether to feed the enemy or feed your soul is yours alone:

The constant ebb and flow of events and campaigns to distract and divide will only increase. It’s like a swimming pool. You can choose to jump into the deep end and stay afloat all day long with all your might, only to drown in despair. Or you can choose to jump into the shallow end, stand firm, and save your energy for the areas of life where you can take action while living your life without anxiety and constant stress.

You can go on a wilderness adventure with your family and camp for a week while the world around you goes on as it will. You can choose to find joy in little beautiful elements of life, focus on family and community, and live in a state of faith. You can choose to plant a garden, run for local office, or learn a new skill.

You can choose to spend your time developing your intuition, going within, giving yourself a sense of peace and stability while opening the doors to new possibilities. You can choose to create and manifest the reality you desire. You can choose love and watch the ripple effect spread throughout the universe.”


June 19, 2024


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