Freemasonry and Zionism – Towards the Diabolical Apocalypse

Unlike other investigations, this one will be shorter. Too many American and European people have not yet understood the immense danger to which the Biden-NATO wars in Ukraine and the Middle East expose us. If you can wake them up, you will be making a great gift to humanity, before it’s too late!

But above all, they did not even remotely understand that some of the world leaders, more servants of the New World Order than responsible for the fate of their nations, are leading us to an abyss well foreshadowed by the Book of Revelation of St. John.

Even the British newspaper The Guardian, out of respect for the truth that has been completely hidden by the mainstream for many years, had to publish an article analyzing the geopolitical situation in the Middle East, where it highlights enormous problems that were supported by the Zionist-Masonic policy of the US and the EU.

The bottom line remains that Iran has proven it can hit Israel hard if it chooses to,” writes Decker Eveleth, an expert with the CNA Research and Analysis Group, who analyzed the satellite imagery for a blog post.

Air bases are hard targets, and the kind of target that probably won’t produce many casualties. Iran could choose a different target – say, a dense IDF ground force base or a target in a civilian area – and a missile strike there would produce a large number of [casualties].”

In the long term, Israel can target Iranian ballistic missile production lines and infrastructure to prevent attacks. Benjamin Netanyahu has long argued that Iran’s ballistic missile program is as dangerous to Israel as its nuclear program,” adds Andrew Roth in his Guardian analysis that foreshadows an apocalyptic scenario.

A diabolical project that goes beyond the military

The explanation for these potentially suicidal maneuvers is geopolitically and militarily complex, but spiritually extremely simple.

Since this whole project of genocide and devastation is animated by diabolical Zionism, Netanyahu does not care how many victims (including Israelis) he can cause because they are all worthless, in his satanic vision.

I told the Americans, I told my colleagues in the White House and the US State Department that you are pushing [the world] towards a nuclear catastrophe,” said Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov.

Despite this, Democratic US President Joseph Biden, the master of the plot that sparked the war in Ukraine, insists he wants to face a war against Iran that could go nuclear because of the atomic warheads developed by Tehran.

This could easily develop into a genocidal world war.

Even in the most unlikely scenario, where the nuclear war would remain only in the Middle East, we need to be aware that a terrible danger to Italy, Europe and the entire West comes from the fact that any nuclear explosion in Iran, Israel, Lebanon or Palestine will produce extremely harmful – and potentially lethal in the short to medium term – waste winds, like a toxic cloud.

This cloud of radioactivity could cause not only hundreds, but thousands upon thousands of deaths in a few months.

Author: Charles Domenico Cristofori


October 17, 2024


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